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What's the point of this EGM? Seeking approval after sold?

Also not sure, sounds like sign the contract and stuff. Like a post sale confirmation thing.

Virtual currencies are worth virtually nothing.
Upcoming EGM is merely to "ratify the deal" to fullfill condition for earlier SGX waiver
(and ratification is a done deal coz 99-Holdings with 81% stake, sure to vote for it, dun think any minorities will object either).

They had managed to get SGX waiver to skip conducting "EGM for Shrhdrs approval" on the Proposed Disposal...
(reasons were pretty solid ones: 1. majority shrhlder "98 Holdings" with 81% stake undertake to vote in favour of disposal,
and 2. that "timely completion of the Disposal would ...minimise any erosion to the Consideration Amount by reducing its exposure to any currency fluctuations in the Thai Baht" )

Money is already collected on 03-Dec2013 and disposal completed on same day.
but NSC will still get "Top-up Compensation" should Purchaser acquire additional interests at a higher valuation within the 12 months period from the 17Nov2013 "Agreement Date"

so Upcoming EGM is merely to "ratify the deal" to fullfill condition for above SGX waiver
Minorities attending EGM should gave them a "good pat on the back" for a job well done and then quickly ask for big spec div payout !!
(NSL now overflowing with cash !! Group level: Sep2013's Cash position at $118m + Upfront Consideration collected of $311m = $429m CASH or $1.15 cash pershr !!!)
this egm is an early ang bao makan treat before cny reunion dinner..a 'preview' way of rewarding minority shareholders, more goodies coming after cny..huat ah..
I urge shareholders to attend this coming EGM and ask for a BIG BIG Ang Bao this CNY.
(27-01-2014, 10:49 AM)dahuai84 Wrote: I urge shareholders to attend this coming EGM and ask for a BIG BIG Ang Bao this CNY.

very far at Tuas leh. Might as well go JB and pump petrol after EGM......
"... but quitting while you're ahead is not the same as quitting." - Quote from the movie American Gangster
don't think need to ask for big ang pow at all, it will be given as that is the only way majority owners can get any benefit out.
Virtual currencies are worth virtually nothing.
(27-01-2014, 01:05 PM)BlueKelah Wrote: don't think need to ask for big ang pow at all, it will be given as that is the only way majority owners can get any benefit out.

恭喜发财,万事如意 Huat ar...!
Anyone made any booking? Lou hei together...hahaha!!!


Charge to the Company account.
(27-01-2014, 05:09 PM)cif5000 Wrote: Anyone made any booking? Lou hei together...hahaha!!!


Charge to the Company account.

No need. Tmr go vote and jiak free buffet!

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