"The Board of Directors of IFS Capital Limited (the “Company”) wishes to announce that following
a preliminary review of the draft unaudited consolidated financial results of the Company and its
subsidiaries (the “Group”) for the fourth quarter (“Q4 2014”) and full year ended 31 December
2014 (“FY 2014”) and the current information available,
the Group is expected to report a lower
net loss for the Q4 2014 and FY 2014 compared to the corresponding periods of the previous year.
The expected net loss is mainly due to additional impairment on loan losses provided by the
Group as previously announced in the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Third Quarter and
Nine Months ended 30 September 2014."
The following is my interpretation of the above profit guidance which may be wrong

Net loss of Q4FY2013 and FY2014 was S$4.2mil and S$3.7mil respectively.
9MFY2014, the group report a net profit of S$1.77 mil so I assume the net loss will be greater than S$1.77 mil and less then S$4.2 mil
As stated in Q3 quarterly report, note h in page 5,
Higher allowances for loan losses for 3Q 2014 were mainly due to additional impairments
required for Malaysia operations. Lower allowances for loan losses for 9M 2014 were mainly
due to lower individual impairments required as compared with 2013 which included the full
provision of $4.1 million set aside against the business failure of a client."
The additional impairments is probably due to Malaysia operations.
Hence, the loss attributable to the owners of the company is probably larger similar to last year.