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thanks ben. i think u know my style. i only buy things after doing a thorough research.
I have been receiving emails and pm about hupsteel.

all i can say is that you still need to do your own research.

its your OWN money.

if you insist on my advice, here it is:

1) any investment carries risk.

2) if u make money because of me, please donate some to charity.

3) if u lose, please don't blame me.

I just wish to state something categorically.

No one here is indebted to anyone else for advice on companies or markets. This is a public forum where sharing is FOC, hence not all information may be correct or accurate.

It is up to the individual to verify information posted here and do their own homework.

No one here shall be held liable or responsible for any losses arising from any FREE advice or analysis provided here.

Thank you.
My Value Investing Blog:
Much appreciated for making this clear Smile

there are always people who just could not bear to see or hear their beloved counters being critizised, even in the face of mounting anedoctal evidence against the counter in question..

(11-05-2013, 12:18 PM)Musicwhiz Wrote: I just wish to state something categorically.

No one here is indebted to anyone else for advice on companies or markets. This is a public forum where sharing is FOC, hence not all information may be correct or accurate.

It is up to the individual to verify information posted here and do their own homework.

No one here shall be held liable or responsible for any losses arising from any FREE advice or analysis provided here.

Thank you.
looks like motley fool is also taking notice of this counter. I guess this world is getting very well connected thru the internet.

i came across this :
many many moons ago, hupsteel outstanding issued shares were less than 500m before the bonus/split issue..

its current daily buyback still cannot get it back it was originally yet
I won't read too much into those share buy backs. All add up not even worth a peanut. Don't forget they hv 52 mil cash. Hup still got 4 yrs at most to get their steel business up else the next recession will come. A revisit to 12 cts is likely in the next recession. Those looking for quick bucks I suggest look elsewhere.

Still vested but likes to talk bad about shares I holding so I won't fall in luv with it.
Definitely true. As value investors, we have to evaluate both sides of the coins. It's critical to see how the CEO Lim Kim Thor relook at their product mix to add value, business model, or even what they plan to do with their new redeveloped building. What I do hope, really, is for their core business to pick up. P/E for this stock is rather high.

HUPsteel's massive stockpiles of steel is not uncommon. Chinese steel companies are also facing problems such as slowing demand growth.... A possible catalyst is increased demand from construction projects, overall, the demand is still quite fragile.
true. its high pe limits price gain. and it looks lousy compared with other steel stockist.
maybe i read too much into the words. but i would like interested forumers to re read the initial sgx announcement n compare with with the most current quarter announcenent.

the management seemed to want to rebuild 6kim chuan in 18-24mth instead of the initial 24months.
i think they sense the steel biz is highly competitive n while working hard to improve it, they need new income streams faster than initially thought.
of course i could be wrong totally.
My parent's factory at Gold Pine building yields $2,900 monthly at 149 sq metres. $19.5 / per sq m

Redeveloped land size: 3,076 sq m
Marked down floor area for rental: 2,400 sq m (after deduction of walking space, corridor, etc.)

Rental of 1 floor: $46,800
Rental of 5 floors: $234,000

I am assuming that the elevated carpark will take one floor and we don't count level 1. Does this sound reasonable, or too conservative? Feel free to discuss. Anyway, don't put our hopes too high. The real catalyst is their core businesses picking up. Emptor caveat.

Paul, I've noticed about the redevelopment timeline as well. However, I remain skeptical. 18 months seemed to be quite fast? Usually, redevelopment requires a longer period?

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