Challenger Technologies

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Ya for simplicity I just appoint chairman of meeting to vote against.
To challengerSH, I know you represent pangolin, is it true that if I appoint pangolin as proxy to vot against, rep from pangolin would have to handle many separate voting electronic devices at the same time? If so, how do u mitigate the ops risk
Hi pianist - thanks for the question. I do not represent Pangolin, but happy to ask them about the logistics and get back to you - it is in all the MI's best interest to ensure that every vote counts!

Can you please reach out to Pangolin with your share count? The earlier we get to 10% (even before the AGM), the more likely it will incentivise Challenger to negotiate or revise the offer and reach a win-win agreement. We are at 9% now, so please don't wait till the AGM!
(16-04-2019, 07:20 PM)pianist Wrote: Ya for simplicity I just appoint chairman of meeting to vote against.
To challengerSH, I know you represent pangolin, is it true that if I appoint pangolin as proxy to vot against, rep from pangolin would have to handle many separate voting electronic devices at the same time? If so, how do u mitigate the ops risk

I don't know what you meant by handling so many separate voting devices. If you have a specified voting instruction (for example, voting against the delisting) and you have appointed Pangolin as a proxy, Pangolin only needs to turn up at the EGM. Pangolin do not need to vote as you have already given them instructions and it will be pre-loaded into the system before voting begins.
In any case, do alert when u guys receive the voting form thks
(17-04-2019, 09:36 AM)ghchua Wrote:
(16-04-2019, 07:20 PM)pianist Wrote: Ya for simplicity I just appoint chairman of meeting to vote against.
To challengerSH, I know you represent pangolin, is it true that if I appoint pangolin as proxy to vot against, rep from pangolin would have to handle many separate voting electronic devices at the same time? If so, how do u mitigate the ops risk

I don't know what you meant by handling so many separate voting devices. If you have a specified voting instruction (for example, voting against the delisting) and you have appointed Pangolin as a proxy, Pangolin only needs to turn up at the EGM. Pangolin do not need to vote as you have already given them instructions and it will be pre-loaded into the system before voting begins.

To the best of my knowledge …..

Even though the proxy cannot change how the principal votes, he will still be given the voting machine at the meeting. The proxy must then input according to the principal's mandated vote, failing which, the vote will not be counted.

I acted as proxy for others in only one meeting using voting machines and that was how it was done. Perhaps it is done differently in others. I defer to others with more experience in this for the correct procedure.
likely cannot go. who should i put in as proxy?
(17-04-2019, 03:16 PM)Kelvin Wrote: likely cannot go. who should  i put in as proxy?

Just appoint chairman, with your votes already ticked off in the proxy forms...  Smile
1) Try NOT to LOSE money!
2) Do NOT SELL in BEAR, BUY-BUY-BUY! invest in managements/companies that does the same!
3) CASH in hand is KING in BEAR! 
Just basically 5 working days to action upon receiving the package, I have not received any mailer. I think just by the short available time for minority to action, it would have killed off some fraction of those wanting to proxy vote against
(18-04-2019, 07:42 AM)pianist Wrote: Just basically 5 working days to action upon receiving the package, I have not received any mailer. I think just by the short available time for minority to action, it would have killed off some fraction of those wanting to proxy vote against

As the offeror has already provisioned for the dividends to be deducted from the offer price if the delisting takes place after the dividend payout, in theory there is no need for them to rush to hold the EGM together with the AGM.  However tactical considerations would merit them moving as fast as possible and don't allow time for opposition to organise themselves.

So for minority this round there is nothing to vote against in the AGM other than to vote against the directors re-appoinment and the shares mandate.  You will feel good but does nothing to stop the delisting offer.

For now, as the exit offer letter has yet to be dispatched to the shareholders with the IFA report and notice of the EGM date and venue, they have already missed the window to hold the delisting EGM with the AGM. A minimum notice period of 14 (or 21?) days is required to call for EGM, so we are looking at a shareholders meeting on the delisting sometime in May.

Loo will use the size of the attendees and proxy votes against during the AGM to guess whether he needs to revise, or organise additional support during the delisting meeting.  So don't tip your hands too early to him.
(18-04-2019, 08:43 AM)thefarside Wrote:
(18-04-2019, 07:42 AM)pianist Wrote: Just basically 5 working days to action upon receiving the package, I have not received any mailer. I think just by the short available time for minority to action, it would have killed off some fraction of those wanting to proxy vote against

As the offeror has already provisioned for the dividends to be deducted from the offer price if the delisting takes place after the dividend payout, in theory there is no need for them to rush to hold the EGM together with the AGM.  However tactical considerations would merit them moving as fast as possible and don't allow time for opposition to organise themselves.

So for minority this round there is nothing to vote against in the AGM other than to vote against the directors re-appoinment and the shares mandate.  You will feel good but does nothing to stop the delisting offer.

For now, as the exit offer letter has yet to be dispatched to the shareholders with the IFA report and notice of the EGM date and venue, they have already missed the window to hold the delisting EGM with the AGM. A minimum notice period of 14 (or 21?) days is required to call for EGM, so we are looking at a shareholders meeting on the delisting sometime in May.

Loo will use the size of the attendees and proxy votes against during the AGM to guess whether he needs to revise, or organise additional support during the delisting meeting.  So don't tip your hands too early to him.

It is a show of force of what can be done. Can be framed as a "referendum" on the Delisting Proposal.

"Loo will use the size of the attendees and proxy votes against during the AGM to guess whether he needs to revise, or organise additional support during the delisting meeting.  So don't tip your hands too early to him." - Totally Disagree. Loo will do whatever he will to get Offer done, regardless of what opposing votes. BUT if the minorities dont come out to vote, Loo will think minorities easy to makan.

Go Vote in person or by proxy. 

From past experience (Vard, LTC etc), some VBs here proposed "sit and do nothing" armchair strategy. You know how those stories ended. 

"[color=rgba(34, 49, 63, 0.7)]Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results." haha[/color]
"... but quitting while you're ahead is not the same as quitting." - Quote from the movie American Gangster

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