I am gonna put out a poll to say Renzi in or out after the vote 
Much like Cameron, young Renzi is putting himself on the chopping block, recent polls seem to suggest him losing.
Some background but I am sure most of you are aware already....
What Does Italy’s Constitutional Referendum Mean for Its Banks?
What will happen to Monte dei Paschi if its recapitalization plan fails?
There could be a run on deposits. In that case, the Bank of Italy could extend emergency loans. The government could guarantee the bank’s debt, inject capital directly into MPS, or guarantee a cash call by the lender. The government could also force the conversion of so-called subordinated debt into equity, as required by new European bank rules, thus inflicting painful losses on the huge numbers of Italian retail investors holding such debt.
Can Monte dei Paschi’s failure hurt other banks in Italy and Europe?
Yes. Analysts fear a contagion effect, with a possible drain on deposits at smaller and weaker banks in Italy. Lenders elsewhere in Europe, such as Spain’s Banco Popular, Portugal’s Caixa Geral de Depósitos and even Deutsche Bank may see their shares battered. Moreover, a loss of confidence in the banks could depress the economy, hurting lending and investments.
From bloomberg :
After Brexit and Trump, It’s Italy’s Turn to Keep Traders Awake

Much like Cameron, young Renzi is putting himself on the chopping block, recent polls seem to suggest him losing.
Some background but I am sure most of you are aware already....
What Does Italy’s Constitutional Referendum Mean for Its Banks?
What will happen to Monte dei Paschi if its recapitalization plan fails?
There could be a run on deposits. In that case, the Bank of Italy could extend emergency loans. The government could guarantee the bank’s debt, inject capital directly into MPS, or guarantee a cash call by the lender. The government could also force the conversion of so-called subordinated debt into equity, as required by new European bank rules, thus inflicting painful losses on the huge numbers of Italian retail investors holding such debt.
Can Monte dei Paschi’s failure hurt other banks in Italy and Europe?
Yes. Analysts fear a contagion effect, with a possible drain on deposits at smaller and weaker banks in Italy. Lenders elsewhere in Europe, such as Spain’s Banco Popular, Portugal’s Caixa Geral de Depósitos and even Deutsche Bank may see their shares battered. Moreover, a loss of confidence in the banks could depress the economy, hurting lending and investments.
From bloomberg :
After Brexit and Trump, It’s Italy’s Turn to Keep Traders Awake
Virtual currencies are worth virtually nothing.