Tools for value investing

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(08-02-2011, 11:51 PM)Musicwhiz Wrote: Old fashioned method - grab a copy of the last Annual Report, sit down with a calculator or spreadsheet and start computing!

Just like Warren Buffett... Tongue
Visit my personal investing blog at now!
Eyes and ears.......It's amazing the amount of opportunities available.......

Take for example, Yum has KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell

8 straight years of at least 13% EPS growth........

Eyes and ears people........eyes and ears..........
Haha.....using the eyes and ears.....opportunities abound.....just that whether one is ready to detect them or not......some good companies are familiar well known brands that we come across in our daily lives.....they exist for a long time usually for a good purpose, that they continue to have valuable products and services to provide for their customers......

Two ways to evaluate companies.......qualitative analysis (keen observations of the company and industry prospects) and quantitative analysis (looking at financial numbers from the company through their financial results)....... Investing is both science and art.......
Is anyone attending a seminar to be given by ?

If so please give us a summary of what was presented . I am in Hong Kong and too far away to attend.
Is that the reason why, on my offdays which fall on a week day, i go to the MRT at 10am and it's packed with a whole bunch of young adults who don't seem to need to work, on a normal workday, like the rest of us? Too much "easy" money around to be made, i guess. Silly me, for having to work 16hr workdays and through the nights, seeing my family for only 1hr each day, only to earn just enough to keep the household going.
Gosh, 16 hours time at work for just 1 hour time with family is really a hard life. Do all singaporeans work themselves to brink ? Better review your time usage and get on some training courses to change your life.
I love the nature of the job. It's something i'm good at... Just the poor planning of the senior management that makes things difficult for us ground staff. Pay is good, esp for a diploma holder like me. Question now is, is it worth it? But then, we're getting off-topic already...

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