Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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Master Jun Hong Lu: *Practising vegetarianism is beneficial to one’s career and fortune*. As you are *not committing the act of killing, there are no leakages in your blessings*.

Consequently, this makes it easier for you to *amass wealth*. By being a vegetarian, you do not sow the seeds of negative affinity with animals. Just like when one does not do so with humans, naturally they are able to enjoy better fortune.

On the other hand, there are some wealthy people who are driven to bankruptcy due to their outrageous medical bills. You may then ask, what has this to do with practising vegetarianism? If *one experiences better fortune than what was written in his stars, clearly, it is because he is accumulating merits and good karma*.

_Source: Wenda20160122 20:33, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program_
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❤Good Morning: Use Wisdom to Control All Desires and *Attain Enlightenment(证悟菩提)* Amidst Troubles
Sometimes, we don't know what will happen tomorrow. *Suffering (苦kǔ) , emptiness (空 kōng), and impermanence(无常 wú cháng) (苦空无常 kǔ kōng wú cháng)* are the true realities of life, as Buddha has taught us long ago. However, many people live each day unsatisfied, constantly craving for wealth, fame, beauty, food, and sleep, thereby losing the Buddha nature that they already possess.

Once a person is controlled by desire, they cannot easily escape. Many Chinese, before moving to Australia or New Zealand, think that owning a house is good enough, and having residency is sufficient. However, after they own a house, a car, and gain residency, they then desire bigger houses and more cars. Therefore, Buddhists must use wisdom to control all desires, remain unshaken by change(随缘不变 suí yuán bú biàn), and attain enlightenment amidst troubles. We must diligently practice morality(戒 jiè), concentration (定 dìng), and wisdom (慧 huì) *(勤修戒定慧 qín xiū jiè dìng huì)* , contribute to society and the nation, and achieve world peace.

New Zealand 20191110
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To be grateful is to cherish; to cherish is to be grateful.
Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 5
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❤Good Morning: Self-restraint(克制自己) is the Key to Success
Self-restraint(克制自己) is the key to success. Many people are unable to restrain themselves because of the fame and material gains (名闻利养) in the world. They want this and that but cannot focus their energy on their endeavors. As Buddhists, we must understand that our great mission is to save sentient beings (救度众生).

What distinguishes those who succeed in achieving enlightenment in one lifetime from those who fail? It lies in the Buddhist practitioner's ability to endure and persevere(忍辱精进). Enduring can dissolve disasters, and enduring can resolve troubles. "Patience"(忍) is what will lead you to the path of Buddhahood.

May 17, 2018
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Dear Buddhist Friends,

Tomorrow is the 19th day of the 9th Lunar Month, it is also the day to commemorate *Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s Renunciation Day.*

Buddhist friends *with altar at home* may offer *First Incense* at midnight tonight and say the following prayer.



I (Name) hereby express my gratitude to The Greatly Merciful, Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva for bestowing compassion on us in the human realm. Deepest gratitude to Guan Yin Bodhisattva for bringing Guan Yin Citta to us, allowing us to abandon suffering and obtain happiness.


✨ Wishing all advancement in Buddhist practice, accumulation of meritorious blessings, wisdom and dharma bliss.

Deepest Gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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Caller: My father rears and sells snakehead fish. He has also killed a lot of animals. My mother and brother suffer from mental issues, while my second sister’s son contracted bone cancer, and my eldest sister’s son, who had depression, killed himself by jumping off a building, and the list goes on. For some reason, mental illness and cancer seem to run in my family.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Had you not practised Guan Yin Citta, you would have committed suicide too.

Caller: Yes, I suffered from depression previously. It was only after practising Guan Yin Citta that I recovered.

Source: Wenda20160131B 25:42, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program
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Master Jun Hong Lu: Do you know what kind of noise pollution is the most damaging? The noise of argument. Arguments and quarrels would have an adverse impact on the feng shui of the house.

Don’t you think, an unpeaceful household with never ending chaos would cause more damage to its inhabitants? Frequent arguments in this type of households lead to bad feng shui, and *brings bad fortune* and *huge obstacles* to one’s family, and they can even have *negative influence on the development of the children growing up* in such an environment.

Business will not run smoothly for those whose household is full of arguments and fights. If you notice that a couple isn’t talking to each other, you can be sure that the husband’s business is not going well, and there is even an old saying which goes, “Fear of your wife brings about fortune and prosperity.” There is actually a bit of logical reasoning behind this saying, because if a man is under his wife’s thumb, then he will not be arguing with her, and if there haven’t been arguments in the household, then he will certainly be in good fortune.

However, many men are not afraid of their wives. But, think about it, one issue with women is that they have a tendency to talk nonstop. If your wife is not speaking to you, then what did she marry you for, right? If you don’t pick fights with your wife, then your house will be filled with positive energy. Thus, *if you want to have good feng shui at home, you have to first stop having arguments*.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, 4 October 2016_
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Dear Buddhist friends,

We're excited to share that we've compiled the daily discourses of *The Power of Cultivating Blessings* and they are now available on our website!

Check them out and feel free to share them with your family and friends! 🌟
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❤Learning Buddhism is about changing reality and stepping out of your small world to help others

A person must understand: whether retired or working, don’t be too greedy, as excessive greed leads to disaster. Once a person understands this, especially as they age, they realize their limitations. A fall might leave them unable to get up, sitting for too long leads to osteoporosis, standing for long periods causes joint pain, lying in bed results in sleeplessness, and they forget everything they try to remember. In the end, knowledge fades, organs age, thoughts become rigid, life dulls, and eventually, there is cremation.

Learning Buddhism is about changing reality, stepping out of your small personal world, and helping others. Remember, the energy field of the Bodhisattva is because we embrace Mahayana Buddhism, which saves all sentient beings. We must cultivate ourselves, and when we have cultivated well or made progress, we should quickly help others. Remember, only when you immerse yourself in the wisdom of the human world and its daily life, and help others solve their problems, do you become a Bodhisattva in the human realm.
Singapore, May 17, 2018
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🎉 纪念观世音菩萨出家日

The Birthday, Enlightenment Day, and Renunciation Day of Guan Yin Bodhisattva are all very important dates. It is recommended that you perform more recitations, make more vows, perform more life liberations, make more prostrations, and accumulate more merits and virtues on these dates.
☀️ 这一天早点起来,沐浴后再烧香,自己最好能念49遍《大悲咒》,49遍《心经》,这样功德圆满。
You can wake up earlier on these dates, take a shower and then offer incense. It would be best to recite the Great Compassion Mantra 49 times, and the Heart Sutra 49 times. Your merits and virtues will then be perfected.

(-- 佛学问答54)
Buddhism Q&A 54. Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s Birthday


If one can learn from Guan Yin Bodhisattva and possess great compassion,
their minds will be pure and serene,
because they are always thinking for the benefit of sentient beings.

Sentient beings live in afflictions.
Out of compassion, we need to vow to liberate them.
Everyone has compassion.

Without compassion the merit and virtue that you have accumulated
is merely a reward for the Human or Heavenly Realms, or limited merit.

According to Buddhist scriptures,
great compassion is of utmost importance.
All the pure merit and virtue is built upon great compassion.
Thus, we need to have great compassion and great mercy.

—— 2020年8月8日 观世音菩萨成道日 卢军宏台长 | 视频开示
Buddhism in Plain Terms by Master Lu - In Commemoration of Enlightenment Day of Guan Yin Bodhisattva
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