Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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Highlights of Master Lu’s Radio Program:

69 Pieces of Little House Can Help Dispel Great Calamities

During the (Metaphysics Q&A) program dated 16 Mar 2014, Master Lu said that if someone encounters great calamities and does not know how many pieces of Little House to complete, he should start with 69 pieces first, as 69 pieces serve as a point to balance. Master Lu used lessening the impact of ocean waves as a striking metaphor. If you encounter some trouble in your day-to-day activities, you can recite 21 pieces of Little House. If it’s a serious matter, you would have to recite 49 pieces. If the problem develops into a calamity, you can respond with 69 pieces. Eventually, to fully dispel calamities you would still need to recite Little Houses batch by batch.

Caller: A Buddhist friend was diagnosed with breast cancer and she had surgery to completely remove it. In her case, at least how many pieces of Little House does she have to recite?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Has she recited any Little Houses before surgery?

Caller: Yes.

Master Jun Hong Lu: She should continue to recite. It will prevent cancer from growing on the other side. In her case, she should start with 69 pieces of Little House. I would also like to use this occasion to explain this point further: If you encounter a problem and think it is serious but do not know how many pieces of Little House you should recite, it is best to recite 69 pieces. 69 is a point of balance, because this number looks the same whether viewed normally or upside down. Therefore, recite 69 pieces if you are unsure.

Caller: Alright. What’s the difference between 69 pieces and 49 pieces? I was under the impression that it had been 49. Is it that when things get worse we will have to recite 69 pieces?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Exactly! 49 is the number of a batch, it can be used to deal with a pretty serious problem. Let me use an example and you will understand better. Imagine that you are at the seaside, if a small wave comes then you can tackle it with 21 pieces of Little House. To deal with a big wave, as a metaphor for a big problem, then you need 49 pieces. 69 pieces can be used to deal with a tumbling, huge wave.

Caller: Ok, Thanks Master.
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Master Jun Hong Lu: Buddha once said, “Neither suffering nor happiness is real, it is only a transient thought that we hold on to”. When there is clinging to the thought of “I am very happy now” - we shall be happy. Conversely, if we feel that we are suffering, we too, will be trapped by that thought. That is why the sutra says that we should let go and purify our thoughts as it is through this way the state-of-pure mind thrives in us.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting, Holland, The Netherlands, 11 September 2019_
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Caller: Hi Master, you mentioned in one of the radio programs that among the three types of Giving, the Giving of Dharma engenders the greatest merits. Let’s say, you distribute some Buddhist books to some people, who start reading them, the merits gained are immeasurable.

Assuming seven people read the books, does it mean that the merits generated are as much as seven towers of seven-storey Buddhist pagodas.

Based on this concept, if our postings of the dharma material on the internet manage to encourage seven people to practise Buddhism, am I right to say that the merits engendered are similarly as much?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Not exactly. As long as one out of the seven people reads your online postings and shows repentance, you are considered to have saved one life - an immeasurable meritorious deed that is analogous to building a seven-storey pagoda.

Saving a person’s life can be likened to building a seven-storey pagoda. As the saying goes, “Saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-storey pagoda”, which essentially means the act of saving one life generates boundless merits.

Caller: Master, if someone practises the dharma because of our online postings of dharma discourses, is it right that the merits are as much as building a seven-storey pagoda?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Absolutely!

Caller: Come to think of it, the online Giving of dharma is very effective.

Master Jun Hong Lu: It’s terrific! Currently, the internet is the best platform bestowed by Bodhisattva for us to perform the Giving of dharma.

_Source: Wenda20160304 01:03:37, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program_
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Master Jun Hong Lu: Once, the Buddha admonished His disciples and said, “All of you should guard your speech. Bad karma of speech will result in consequences more terrifying than a ferocious fire”.

In reality, negative karma of speech is a transgression that is so easily committed intentionally or unintentionally. Oftentimes, we sow the evil seeds unknowingly. Even when the retribution is served, we remain unaware and impenitent.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse, A Compilation Of Buddhism Knowledge, Volume 2 Part 3_
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Master Jun Hong Lu: Buddhist practitioners should not insist on a single perspective regarding any issue. We should never hold onto our own views stubbornly; otherwise, it is considered as ‘attachment’ and this inflexibility will lead us to ignorance.

When you say, "He is so detestable, I just don’t like him", "This job is too boring and I hate it" or "I want my son to make it into the elite school, no matter what.", these are all examples of attachments.

Many people become highly opinionated after gaining some degree of Buddhist knowledge to the extent that they cannot accept what I teach anymore.

To this, the Buddha says, “A person who stubbornly holds onto his opinion and becomes disdainful towards differing views is ‘despicable’."

This is because you are unwilling to listen to others’ opinions and you think you are always right. In reality, you are ‘bound’ by your views and you will never be able to give rise to wisdom.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse Guan Yin Hall, Sydney, Australia, 20 March 2020_
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Question: Master, during one of your discourses over the radio program, it was mentioned that we might make a vow to recite the sacred name of Guan Yin Bodhisattva for 100,000 times to enhance our affinity with Bodhisattva. May I know how I should pray before the recitation?

Master Jun Hong Lu: By reciting “The Greatly Merciful, Greatly Compassionate, the Saviour of Sufferings and Disasters, the Greatly Inspirational Guan Yin Bodhisattva”, is a prayer itself. It entails the prayer for the great mercy, great compassion and the divine afflatus of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, and to savage those who are suffering.

When we have made a vow to recite the sacred name of Guan Yin Bodhisattva for 100,000 times, now and then we wish to seek guidance from Bodhisattva, it will be easier for us to get an answer through our dreams. Bodhisattva may not be present but will provide us with reminders by letting us see some discernible occurrences.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse (Question 205), 1 February 2018_
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We must learn to exercise tolerance towards natural disasters and destitute of life. In the process of Buddhist cultivation, by paying particular attention to exercising tolerance, you will be able to liberate yourself from sufferings as tolerance lays the foundation for Buddhist cultivators.

In accordance to Buddhist teachings, “tolerance” is the most ingenious Dharma door that liberates us from sufferings. Let me tell you, this is so as “tolerance” is able to help us attain “Precepts, Concentration, and Wisdom” (戒定慧).

Excerpt from Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk in Jakarta, Indonesia, April 22, 2017
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Master Jun Hong Lu: The human heart is full of hatred. But, do you know where does hatred come from? Let me tell you this: Hatred evolves when you make comparisons. The moment you start comparing yourself with others, you will bring forth the resentment in your heart. This explains why it is not advisable to compare yourself with others.

When you stop making comparisons, there is no discrimination, which means your heart will not give rise to the notion of non-equanimity. 

Make prayers for an equanimous mind every day and stop comparing yourself with others then there wouldn’t be any more unhappiness, would there? 

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms, Volume 12 Chapter 41_
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(中英版,Chinese & English


Master Jun Hong Lu: You still have a long way to go. If you are not diligent, you will only have yourself to blame when you suffer in the future. I have talked to you for so many years, how many more years do I have to talk to you? Essentially, you can only depend on yourself. You need to have self-awareness. If you are a good child, whether I am around or I am not, there shouldn’t be any difference. If you need someone to watch over you all the time, shame on you!

If you do not have self-awareness, aren’t you a disgrace to Bodhisattva? You must rely on your own self-awareness in whatever you do. Being aware means being awakened. Bodhisattva is the awakened one - an enlightened being. If you are awakened, you see through the reality of things and are able to let go, you wouldn’t intentionally be behaving differently just because others are watching, and behaving otherwise, when they are not. You need to transform yourself for the better. Time and tide wait for no man.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse (Question 390), 16 June 2020


- 卢台长开示解答来信疑惑(三百九十)(节选)2020-06-16

Translated by Oriental Radio Practice Centre (Singapore).
Proofread by 2OR Secretariat

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Caller: Master, generally during Ching Ming and Zhong Yuan (Ullambana) Festivals, we will make offerings to our deceased parents at home. At the end of the ceremony, how should we handle these fruits and other consumables? Master has said before that we can leave the offerings made at the cemetery behind. What about food offered to the deceased when we do so at home, Master?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It’s not good to consume it either. It is best not to consume offerings for the deceased. You aren’t able to see, and I can’t describe to you in detail. For the deceased that have become ghosts, they will stick out their tongues and their saliva will flow down as they ‘consume’ the offerings. It’s very disgusting and yet, you still want to eat the offerings! Go ahead if you dare to.

Caller: No, I don’t eat these offerings, Master.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Dispose of them.

Caller: Alright!

Master Jun Hong Lu: You can consume offerings made to Bodhisattvas, but not those offered to the deceased.

Caller: Yes, Master.

_Source: Wenda20160925B 36:16, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program_
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