Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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Master Jun Hong Lu’s

Public Talk


22 April 2016


Master Jun Hong Lu: In truth, all the happiness in this world stems from human beings’ desires. The pleasure of eating stems from our desire to consume food, the pleasure of wealth and fame stems from our greed; our quest for sexual intimacy stems from our sexual desire, the pleasure derived from sleeping and laziness also stems from a type of desire, that is the desire for enjoyment. As such, in this human realm, beware! The happiness you experience today could become the foundation for the slacking in your cultivation tomorrow!

Why the practice of extreme asceticism? It is to allow us to be enlightened, as all things in this world are impermanent. They are all worldly desires. It is through cutting down these worldly pleasures that we are able to experience the “real” happiness within. Happiness within is something you sense on a spiritual level.
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Appreciating happiness every day is akin to living amongst lotus flowers.

🌷Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 9)
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All the fame and wealth in the world are subject to the cycle of formation, existence, decay and emptiness. We should never rely on them.
– Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6
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To be tolerant of others is to be civilized;
to be able to understand others is to be virtuous.

Master Jun Hong Lu
Words of Wisdom Vol. 4


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The more magnanimous you are, the stronger your intuition becomes. Intuition will be transformed into your potential for awakening, which will be transformed into Bodhi.

Master Jun Hong Lu
Words of Wisdom Vol. 4


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Physical health is the biggest asset in life.
If we suffer from ill health, we will live a wretched life even if we enjoy abundant wealth.
Wealthy is one who is contented.
The biggest victory we can achieve in life is to not be angry, or resentful.
In doing so, no one can upset you.
The biggest achievement in life is to be able to let go of attachment, have peace of mind, be full of wisdom and view the vicissitudes of life with equanimity.
– Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 3
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When there is a place in your heart for the Bodhisattva, you are able to ward off calamities and surmount difficulties.🪷
-Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2
-卢军宏台长佛言佛语 (二)🙏🏻
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Master Jun Hong Lu: We can draw parallels between Shakyamuni Buddha observing the universe and a person with normal vision observing an elephant while the approach taken by the science field is analogous to “a group of blind feeling an elephant” (mistaking the parts for the whole).

The realm of science is by no means capable of bringing out and portraying the fullness and the true nature of an elephant. This explains why the Buddha teaches us to ‘seek an understanding of the true nature of things and worry not about the inconsequential details’.

For some 49 years, the Buddha propagated the dharma using expedient means. He was both forthright and ingenious at applying a myriad of wondrous oratory methods in delivering His teachings. Technical aspects like the lengths of the elephant’s nose and tail were not what He wanted us to know. It was just a figure of speech to prompt the ‘blinded’ ones like us to open our eyes to see this world.

Some 2,500 years ago, the Buddha already saw planet earth and painted it as a round-shaped Amalaka fruit and this fact was only validated by scientists two millennia later.

He also revealed that there are eighty four thousand lives that take the form of microorganisms in a bowl of water. Thanks to the invention of the microscope because without which, humanity would not have known what bacteria is till this very day!

Scientific laws are formulated in a specific time and space. While Buddhist practitioners should be sensible of the existence of a specific order of the universe, they should also understand that as humans, we can make use of our own mind to design the life we want.

Be diligent and steadfast in your practice. If you do so, you will surely attain Buddhahood in the human realm, and be assured of returning to the embrace of the Buddha in heaven.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting, Singapore, 23 April 2016_
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Master Jun Hong Lu: We must maintain a respectful heart and have due regard to everyone around us. Through this, we are able to have a thorough understanding of our Buddha nature.

A person, who can let go of his ego, is able to show respect for others; while the one with superiority complex, will never be able to let go of his exaggerated sense of self-worth.

When a person is able to respect others, he is fundamentally able to see his true Buddha nature, and realise the purpose of his existence in society. You may be able to observe that an earnest person never fails to gain respect from others.

It takes a respectful heart to practise Buddhism; only a respectful person is able to understand his mind and see his true nature.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms (Audio), Episode 6
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Master Jun Hong Lu: Handling conflicts in life is like mastering the art of cooking. The heat at which you cook should not be extreme.

To have a positive mindset in life is like being able to control the heat while cooking. A raging temper will destroy your destiny, just like raging fire will burn the dishes.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk, Sydney, Australia, 17 January 2016_
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