Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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Master Jun Hong Lu’s
Buddhism In Plain Terms
Episode 56
29 Apr 2020
(An Excerpt)


Master Jun Hong Lu:
The Dharma is hard to come by and the chance to be born a human is rare. Even though we have such a good opportunity to be a human, it is only for a limited time.

Those who fail to let go will definitely suffer. Therefore, Buddhist practitioners should seize the opportunity to study the teachings and cultivate their minds.

In the Buddhist scriptures, it is said that though it is crucial for one to “interpret” the teachings, what’s more important is the cultivation of one’s behaviour.

There are many Buddhist practitioners who are good at reciting the scriptures and their understanding of the Buddha’s teachings is superb. However, their behaviour is not even close to that of a human; all that they learn, they fail to put it into practice. In the end all their efforts in cultivation comes to nothing.

Therefore, the Dharma teaches the unity of knowledge and action (i.e., the congruence of one’s knowledge and actions). To truly understand the Dharma is to comprehend the teachings in one’s heart and be able to apply the Dharma in one’s life - this is the true understanding of spiritual cultivation.
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If you wish to change your destiny, you must have knowledge, learn to be content, minimise your worldly desires, and use the environment to toughen yourself.

Master Jun Hong Lu
Words of Wisdom Vol. 6


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Zongshu20170624 31:27

(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Master Jun Hong Lu:

Do bear in mind that, our evil thought is the cause of karma creation. It is from this thought that leads us to our bodily action and verbal karma.

As such, it is important that we learn the Buddhism teaching of “having no thoughts”. If you can be in a state of “having no thoughts”, then no karma shall be created. Should you have any thoughts, then you must ensure that it is kind in nature and that what comes up must be positive. Then, you are saved from committing any evil deeds. There are some who holds evil thoughts which leads them to create bad karma.

Creating karma is equivalent to sowing a cause. At times, we wonder, how is that this person’s karmic force so intense? It is due to the fact that he is creating evil causes for himself incessant
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Wenda20170625B 12:16

(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Master Jun Hong Lu:

Buddhists should cultivate blessings and wisdom, alongside blessings and virtue. As only a blessed person will be able to come across Buddha’s teachings and only a person with good moral will be able to encounter well-doers and good advisors.

I often tell others, a merciful person is one who is always compassionate. On the other hand, a person who always holds on to hatred is someone who can never be merciful. “To disregard his own interests and welfare over those of others”, such is an altruistic state of mind.

As Buddhists, we should be concerned with our state of mind and equip ourselves with virtues. For without virtue, we shall fail in attaining such state of mind. Consequently, a person who often performs virtuous deeds is a person with a high state of mind. That explains why Bodhisattva urges us to be compassionate. It is for us to accumulate virtue. At all times, trust that all sentient beings possess the Buddha-nature and regard all as Buddhas of the future. At the same time, be strict to ourselves and do not allow ourselves to commit any mistake.
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🌺 *盧軍宏台长佛言佛語*
( *第九册* )


One who aims to elevate their Buddhist
practice to a higher level of spirituality
must seek those elements
that contribute to their betterment.


To make progress is a must;
to change is inevitable;
to cultivate the mind is essential.


All appearances are illusory,
so make the best of today.


Understanding oneself by observing others
is wisdom.
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Master Lu says, *“Anger is mankind’s biggest weakness. Do not find excuses to get angry. Anger only begets more anger. Taming our anger is the golden key to our physical and mental well-being.”*  

On 16 April 2022, Guan Yin Citta, Singapore held an online English sharing session to delve into *uprooting the seeds of anger.*

Through a slew of interesting discourses, the facilitator helped us understand the perils of anger. Not only would *anger set our forests of virtues on fire, the negative implications we bring could bring harm to ourselves and others, and the damage could be irreversible. The message is crystal clear: It’s simply not worth it!*

When faced with an upsetting situation, Master Lu offered the following four guidelines:
1. *‘Patience for a moment, comfort for many years’* - learn to endure in all situations as it is the best way to stave off calamities. Endurance is not a sign of cowardice!

2. When someone hurts you, embrace the mindset of *“I have come to this world not to be troubled by vexations nor did I come here to suffer. I am here to liberate myself and to help others”* so that you can see through the true nature of things.

3. *Conduct yourself responsibly.* One who owns up to his mistakes is a person of integrity.

4. *Let go of your prejudice and focus on the good side of others.*

To break the cycle of anger, the participants were told *to let go and stop taking things personally simply because all occurrences are governed by the law of causality.* Other recommended practical methods were *leveraging the power of compassion and silence, and always giving others some wiggle room.*
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Dear Dharma Friends,

Below are the links to the videos that we shared during the Online English Group Study on 16 April 2022.

*Topic: Uprooting the Seeds of Anger*

*Story: What You Hold in Your Heart You Will See in Your World | 三个木桶的故事*

*The Four Life Guidelines | 人生的四种修为*

*You’ll only be Hurting Yourself more than the People You Hate*

*Full Episode 17:*

*Do Not Let the Toxins of Grievances to Pollute Our Soul*

*Full Episode 12:*

Do share these videos with your family and friends and share the dharma bliss.

*If you would like to revisit our past session notes, please click the link below:*
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Wenda20170709A 12:59

(Master Jun Hong Lu’s Call-In Radio Program)


Master Jun Hong Lu:

We should feel happy while following the path of Buddhism. If a person frequently gossip, he or she will have already become entwined within themselves. Why do I keep reiterating to the Buddhist monks and my disciples the importance of being magnanimous, not allowing ourselves to become entwined in the right and wrong of this human realm, and learn to let nature take its course?

To break away from affliction is to stop dwelling on matters we should not be thinking about, not doing things that we aren’t supposed to do, and not saying things that we shouldn’t be saying. Afflictions are a by-product of our speech, actions, and thoughts.

Therefore, a truly wise person is characterised by his or her magnanimity and righteousness. He or she knows that one’s true nature can only be revealed via a pure heart, and only a wise person can attain enlightenment.

Let me tell you, everything happens for a reason. Be it love or hatred, it has something to do with your previous life. Therefore, a truly wise person is one who can look beyond and let go!
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Enlightenment should be the objective of practising Buddhism and cultivating the mind.
We must practise kindness and remove evil thoughts from our minds, replace negative relationships with positive ones, and use wholesome thoughts to let go of all karmic affinities.

Master Jun Hong Lu
Words of Wisdom Vol. 5


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Master Jun Hong Lu’s
Buddhism In Plain Terms
Episode 7
4 March 2020
(An Excerpt)


Master Jun Hong Lu: A person needs to have the Buddha nature that is fundamentally pure. As the Buddha often said, “The mind remains unmoved despite external changes”.

No matter what changes have taken place around you, your mind remains unperturbed. Don’t let the surroundings flutter your state of mind.

The ultimately pure Buddha nature is the Amala-consciousness which is also the ninth consciousness. This is your conscience and your innate nature. Regardless of what happens, your mind remains unmoved.

Once you have Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in your heart, you won’t conceive any unwholesome thoughts. This way, you will not be trapped in the six realms of existence.
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