Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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WENDA 20161216 26:30

(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: When “369” karmic passes come by, “little black dots” on a person’s body will erupt as sudden bad luck, bad affinities and bad consequences. This will cause a kind and happy person to suffer from intense pain and misfortunes. Is it true that we are most vulnerable when karmic obstacles erupt, giving rise to opportunities for evil thoughts to penetrate? One may walk into the trap ahead unconsciously causing him to create new negative karmic debts continuously; he is not only unable to eliminate his karmic debts but keeps multiplying them cyclically, losing himself in Samsara. When a person's body is receiving his negative karmic retributions, how can he ensure that his mind will not be controlled and manipulated by the evil karmic fruits?

Master Jun Hong Lu: This will depend on your level of cultivation. You will be able to resolve your problems when your cultivation reaches a certain level that is, a Bodhisattva’s realm. Think about it, why is there no negative karmic retribution? It is because you have already attained a very high state of mind; without unwholesome words and thoughts residing in you coupled with a perfectly calm and peaceful mind, how could any negative karmic consequences befall upon you?

Caller: I understand. When negative karma surfaced, non-Buddhist practitioners will generally complain and feel resentful, but for practitioners who have cultivated for some years and read Master Lu’s “Buddhism In Plain Terms”, they are more likely able to get over such situations - because Master Lu has repeatedly taught us to treat bad situations that we have endured as a form of settlement. In this respect, we will treat the negative karmic debts as over and done with, and will stop creating new ones. I raise this query in reference to Master Lu’s ‘Buddhism In Plain Terms’ book. My gratitude to Master Lu.

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WENDA 20161216 26:30

(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: When “369” karmic passes come by, “little black dots” on a person’s body will erupt as sudden bad luck, bad affinities and bad consequences. This will cause a kind and happy person to suffer from intense pain and misfortunes. Is it true that we are most vulnerable when karmic obstacles erupt, giving rise to opportunities for evil thoughts to penetrate? One may walk into the trap ahead unconsciously causing him to create new negative karmic debts continuously; he is not only unable to eliminate his karmic debts but keeps multiplying them cyclically, losing himself in Samsara. When a person's body is receiving his negative karmic retributions, how can he ensure that his mind will not be controlled and manipulated by the evil karmic fruits?

Master Jun Hong Lu: This will depend on your level of cultivation. You will be able to resolve your problems when your cultivation reaches a certain level that is, a Bodhisattva’s realm. Think about it, why is there no negative karmic retribution? It is because you have already attained a very high state of mind; without unwholesome words and thoughts residing in you coupled with a perfectly calm and peaceful mind, how could any negative karmic consequences befall upon you?

Caller: I understand. When negative karma surfaced, non-Buddhist practitioners will generally complain and feel resentful, but for practitioners who have cultivated for some years and read Master Lu’s “Buddhism In Plain Terms”, they are more likely able to get over such situations - because Master Lu has repeatedly taught us to treat bad situations that we have endured as a form of settlement. In this respect, we will treat the negative karmic debts as over and done with, and will stop creating new ones. I raise this query in reference to Master Lu’s ‘Buddhism In Plain Terms’ book. My gratitude to Master Lu.

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Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse
Penang, Malaysia
(Question 17)


Question: Our daily recitation can be rather substantial. Is it allowable for us to recite part of a certain type of scriptures a day before and we complete the remaining respective scripture the next morning? Is there a difference if a person completes his recitation in two days as compared to completing it in a single day?

Answer: In fact, this is a common problem. In the past, if a person is unable to complete his dialy recitation, feels unwell or slow in his recitation, then he will complete his remaining recitaiton during the morning session on the following day.

Number 1: No matter which type of recitation you are doing, it must be done wholeheartedly. If you are unable to complete it today, then complete it tomorrow. It is the same. There is no great difference. However, if you do have the energy to perform your recitation, I still hope that you will complete the recitation within the day, as this is the best. If you are unable to complete your seven types of homework, you may recite a few times of Great Compassion Mantra and Heart Sutra.
For example, your daily recitation consists of seven kinds of sutras/mantras: twenty-one times of Great Compassion Mantra and Heart Sutra, you may recite one time of Great Compassion Mantra and Heart Sutra respectively. As long as you recite, even for as minimum as one time, there will be a natural continuation. Please do not, for example, recite all of the Great Compassion today and all of the Heart Sutra the next day. This is not the way to do it. Every sutra/mantra must be recited, even if it is for a minimal amount. This is to ensure that there will be a continuation the next day for these seven types of sutras/mantras in your recitation.

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The moment we pick up a book of Dharma and intend to help others, we start to sow the seeds of blessings and good karma.The moment we set our minds to being kind to others, we begin to plant a field of blessings.The moment we receive a Dharma book, we have sown the seeds of Buddhahood within ourselves.

---Master Lu Jun Hong | Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door
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ZONGSHU 20170504 15:31
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Master will teach you an ingenious way alright? If you have recited a particular Little House exceptionally well and burnt it for yourself. Once you offered it and if supposedly you are required to burn twenty-one pieces of Little Houses, due to the excellent quality of the Little House, whatever you prayed for will take a positive turn immediately. In reality, you do not need twenty-one pieces of Little Houses anymore. It is likened to saying that with seventeen pieces or eleven pieces of Little Houses of excellent quality, the pledge for twenty-one pieces of Little Houses may be reduced. In future, pledging eleven pieces of Little Houses may just suffice.

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Master Jun Hong Lu’s
Public Talk, Jakarta 2017


To practise Buddhism is to lead an upright life in this world - we do not shun the pressures in life and neither are we critical of our sufferings.

Our fate and destiny are never set out to be smooth sailing. When we are faced with losses, strive harder; and when luck is on our side, learn to be humble. We would have to let nature takes its course in the gain and loss of our lives and may we live out our Buddha-nature and compassion in our lives.

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Excerpt from Master Jun Hong Lu's Public Talk, Penang, Malaysia
April 15, 2017


A little monk asked an old monk, “Master, what have you been doing before you attained realization?”

The old monk said, “Before I attain realization, I have been chopping woods, fetching water and cooking.”

Little monk continued to ask, “How about after you attained realization?”

Old monk replied, “Chop woods, fetch water and cook.”

Little monk asked, “How do you explain realization then?”

Old monk replied, “Before I attain realization, I would worry about fetching water while chopping wood, and worry about cooking while fetching water. After I attained realization, my attention is undiverted and stayed focus on completion of each task before moving on. This is called steadfast mindfulness!”

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