Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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Wenda20161211B 23:05
(Master Jun Hong Lu's call-in radio program)


Caller: A Buddhist friend dreamt of Guan Yin Bodhisattva giving discourse compassionately: when performing recitations first thing in the morning, always start your homework with _*Great Compassion Mantra*_ , _*Heart Sutra*_ , and *_Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance_* . Shoring up these three "pillars" will help to lay a strong foundation. As for the rest of mantras, you can recite later or while traveling.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Exactly!  As the saying goes, "A year's plan starts with Spring”. Perform recitations for the three ”pillars” earnestly in the morning. It would be good to recite at least once, even if you have no time.

Caller:  Master Lu has mentioned previously that even with limited conditions, we could recite part of the three main "pillars" in the morning, then complete the recitation of _*Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance*_ after we returned home in the evening, is that correct?

Master Jun Hong Lu:  Yes, it is alright.

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Wenda20160624 46:12
[Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program]


Caller: Master Lu, when we are confronted with unhappy events or obstacles in life, how do we reverse our state of mind instantly and let go of the past? Can you please advise us?

Master Jun Hong Lu: That requires Wisdom.

Caller: Can you elaborate?

Master Jun Hong Lu: I myself am able to do so. When I’m very upset, I can laugh within seconds and get over it immediately. Why is it so? Because I know that even if I am a little bit unhappy now, I am doing it for the sake of all sentient beings and not for myself. Once I have given them a piece of my mind for their sake, I would feel that the matter has been resolved. I would not then continue to allow myself to be angry, sad or suffer because of others’ wrongdoings.

Caller: I see. Master Lu, I know that you are able to change your emotional state very quickly, but how do we achieve the same?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Through practice. Always remember these words of advice: When you get scolded by someone and feel angry, for instance, immediately remind yourself, “I’m a Dharma practitioner, why should I be angry?” This is the first pointer. Second, “Hey, they are committing a sin, I shall not follow suit”. Third, “I’m not angry, so you can’t do anything to me!” Keep these three pointers in mind. You will cool down immediately by recalling these pointers whenever your anger is triggered.

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It is best to adopt a vegetarian diet on the fifth day of the first lunar month, the day when the God of Wealth brings good fortune (20130210 Q&A)

Caller: Dear Master Lu, it’s Chinese New Year now and we will absolutely adopt a full vegetarian diet on the first and the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Due to the many gatherings of relatives and friends during this period, could you please let us know which days we should avoid eating meat?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Firstly, keep in mind that you need to adopt a vegetarian diet on the first and the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Do you know why? It is because many Bodhisattvas come on these days. As you are not a vegetarian yet, after Chinese New Year’s day you may return to your normal diet on the second, third and fourthday. However it is still best not to eat animals that are slaughtered alive. The fifth day is when the God of Wealth brings us good fortune. People commonly pray for prosperity on this day, therefore do you think eating meat on this day will help? Compassion could bring you wisdom and prosperity. When we are merciful and compassionate, we abstain from killing and eating animals slaughtered alive, don’t we? Adopt a vegetarian diet on this day to welcome the God of Wealth and see if you gain better financial opportunities.

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Inspirational Stories 072
Everyone in my family is practicing Buddhism!

Deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva! Deepest gratitude to the merciful Master Lu! Deepest gratitude to all the Dharma defenders!

My brother used to work as a butcher in a meat-processing factory where he killed more than ten pigs a day. One day, after working there for two years, he developed a lot of ulcerated pustules on his left arm. Even though his doctor cured it, they grew back. At that time, I had already believed in Buddhism and thus I took my brother to a temple so he could expiate the sins of the dead. After he performed the Buddhist practice, his arm was cured. However, after three years, he had another outbreak so I took him to the temple where he participated in the Buddhist practice again. Since then, he has been much better. This incident triggered me to persuade him to change his job. He is now working at another factory.

In August 2014, my brother experienced intervertebral disc herniation and as a result, he could not walk. In the past, he has committed a lot of wrongdoings by speech and did not believe in Buddhism. He even prevented my mum and I from practicing Buddhism. He kept saying that practicing the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door was useless. In spite of his interference, my mum and I persisted in practicing Buddhism and reciting scriptures.

My sister, who also practices the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, worked in the same factory as my brother. I thought it was strange that my brother’s condition did not get any better even after he underwent a number of different treatments including traction, massage and moxibustion therapy. Usually, via moxibustion therapy, the medicine practitioner is able to cure the patent in five days. However, in my brother’s case, after half a month, the therapy was still not effective. The practitioner also found it quite strange. Since I had some knowledge in healthcare, I tried electrotherapy on him but again, there was no improvement in his condition. Generally, it takes around 10 days for a person to recover from intervertebral disc herniation.

I told my brother that he has not recovered, as that was his karmic retribution. Since he had been killing pigs for two years, his karmic debts have accumulated and have now been activated. I suggested him to recite Buddhist scriptures to repay his karmic debts. I also asked him to make a vow to release 500 fishes on the first day of the lunar month. The next day, when he got up from his bed, he was able to stand upright without feeling any pain near his waist. Since he did not believe in Buddhism or recite scriptures, his condition was not completely cured. After I introduced the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door to my aunt, she developed belief in Buddhism. Later, my aunt, my mother, my sister and I recited several Little Houses for my brother’s karmic creditors. Not only did he not practice Buddhism, he also committed unvirtuous actions by speech. As a result, our practice was not of great help to him but it did help him walk again. He started to recover – his back gradually got less painful and he did not need to lie in bed all day.

One day I told my brother that the Guan Yin Bodhisattva told me to instruct him to recite Buddhist scriptures in order to repay his karmic debts and thus cure his condition. My mum and I kept persuading him and eventually, he decided to recite the scriptures and also made a vow to offer 21 Little Houses for his karmic creditors. After he finished reciting 5 Little Houses, the pain around his waist reduced. Amazingly, he was able to straighten his back after I tried electrotherapy on him again. I asked him to keep reciting the scriptures. On 11th December, I participated in Master Lu’s assembly in Taiwan. My brother offered 21 Little Houses to his karmic creditors before I got back from the assembly. When I got back, he informed me that he has had a toothache since midnight. I knew that it was his karmic creditors asking for his debts to be repaid so I suggested to him to keep reciting the Little Houses and eventually his condition was cured. Since then, he has made a vow to practice the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door with diligence. My mum and I were both very delighted.

My family and I are all very touched after witnessing the changes that happened to my brother – after he developed belief in Buddhism, he performed life liberation and made a vow to abstain from eating fish. Although he did not believe in Buddhism last year and has committed unvirtuous actions by speech, he showed his mercifulness when he bought 6 blackfish and performed life liberation with me. From then on, he has not eaten any blackfish. At the time, his actions moved me to tears. My brother used to be very stubborn and he committed a lot of wrongdoings such as killing and using evil words against Buddhism. Due to his condition and through our sedulous persuasion, he finally believed in Buddhism and is truly impressed by the inspirational power of the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. He has recited more than 30 Little Houses for his karmic creditors and amazingly, he has been cured of intervertebral disc herniation! He is now living in our hometown and has introduced the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door to his wife and daughter! Compared to my other family members, my brother is the one with the heavier karmic debts, but fortunately, he has been enlightened. Now everyone in my family is practicing Buddhism! I feel very grateful to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!

Deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva! Deepest gratitude to the merciful Master Lu! Deepest gratitude to all the Dharma defenders!

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Wenda20161211A 03:59
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: Master Lu, you advised us before that when we are enraged and are at the verge of throwing a tantrum, we should recite in silence “May Guan Yin Bodhisattva help me to transform the greed, hatred and ignorance within me” 10 times. Is that right?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, this is the latest from yesterday's discourse. Let me tell you, you must say, “May Guan Yin Bodhisattva have compassion on me and help me transform the greed, hatred and ignorance within me.” How does this work? It is because every anger stems from the 3 poisons, “Greed, anger and ignorance”.

Caller: In that case should we start first, by reciting in silence “May Guan Yin Bodhisattva have compassion on me and help me to transform the greed, hatred and ignorance within me” or should we recite _*Mantra To Untie Karmic Knots*_, or at times like this, should we first take a seat or should we tell Bodhisattva directly?

Master Jun Hong Lu: When you are at the verge of throwing a tantrum, firstly you should tell Bodhisattva, followed by performing recitation. That will be perfect! After you did as said, see for yourself, if you would still get angry.

Caller: Indeed, relating to Bodhisattva is also considered an ingenious approach.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Try it out and you will know what I mean. In fact, from the psychological point of view, when a person is fuming in anger, it is what people referred to as “excess of fire”, being ill-tempered. Whenever you are restless, try to calm down and your anger will slowly settle.

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Wenda20161216 38:16
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: A dharma friend has enshrined a statue of Guan Yin Bodhisattva at home. A year or two later, the statue might collect dust. Generally, how do we go about cleaning it?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Use a duster, but not those with chicken feather. Alternatively, use a clean towel to wipe it lightly, and recite Heart Sutra.

Caller: Alright. Generally, we are not supposed to clean it too often, we should only do it after every one or two years.

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s right. Don’t do it regularly. It’s not good.

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