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Scene in the hell.
pls listen carefully...
Published on 19 Jan 2015
---Wenda20120511 01:08:05
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13-08-2015, 06:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 13-08-2015, 06:44 PM by Curiousparty.)
The most interesting part was that the girl dreamt about Master Lu going in her dream and told her that she would be saved!!
When she went for check up later on, indeed the cancer cells were gone!!!
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Guan Yin bodhisattva is omnipresent..
当我们在人生中遇到艰难险阻 , 我们只要意念一到 , 就能够得到感应 。 当你念经念得好了 , 当你跟菩萨的气场相通的时候 , 不管你遇到多大的艰难险阻 , 遇到山崩海啸 ,遇到生死危难 , 你只要有一个念头 , " 观世音菩萨, 您救救我吧 " , 你就会获得感应 , 这就是靠平时的功德 。
这个时候 , 很多菩萨还会显身给你看 。很多人在危难的时候 , 一叫观世音菩萨 , 他能够看见观世音菩萨 。 观世音菩萨和众多菩萨一样 , 都很慈悲我们 , 虽然有时候有群山和树木阻隔 , 有山河和湖泊 , 有楼台和房舍 , 有墙壁和村落 , 菩萨一样可以随时随地地显现出来 。
-- -- 摘自白话佛法广播讲座 1
《 24 戒杀生 开启众生良知良能 》
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Dharma Words of Master Lu 013
22/07/2012 by admin
As we learn Buddhism, we aim to truly understand the Buddha. When we perform recitations, we are reciting with the true mind of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
Dharma Words of Master Lu 008
When you cultivate, it is most important that you cultivate your mind. As you progress in your cultivation, and you have obtained calmness and peacefulness without greed or attachment, you would then have attained Dharma Bliss and liberation.
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Inspirational Stories 097 The Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door and the Little Houses are Genuine and Effective
Deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva and to the merciful Master Lu!
I would like to share with everyone my inspirational experiences and thoughts from practicing the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. In 2005, I underwent a surgery to remove a lipoma on my spine and due to the surgery, I had three nails inserted into my waist. As a result, after the surgery, the lower half of my body was in pain and sometimes even insensible. I was desperate and thus spent a lot of money visiting doctors in different places and I was told that my nervous system had been damaged and that it would be very hard for it to heal. All I could do was to take some painkillers. Due to this condition, I felt hopeless and retired early.
In July 2012, I attended Master Lu’s Dharma function in Singapore and less than a month later, I started practicing the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. I also got an image of the Guan Yin Bodhisattva and wanted to set up an altar at home. As soon as I got home from the function, there was a strong scent of sandalwood. I knew that the Guan Yin Bodhisattva was at my house and that she would save me! A week later, I set up an altar and since then, I have been reciting Buddhist scriptures and Little Houses in front of it. I knew that my karmic debts were very heavy and thus, I had to repay them. After a month, while I was reciting the 88 Buddhas Great Repentance, my legs suddenly felt very warm. I found it to be truly amazing since for the past nine years, I had not felt any warmth in my legs. Such an experience like that strengthened my faith and confidence in practicing the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. Also, I read 5 to 6 Little Houses every day and made a vow to the Guan Yin Bodhisattva that I would introduce Buddhism to others on the 1st and 15th day of each lunar month, and would continuously adopt the ‘Triple Gems’ of the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door (reciting scriptures, making vows and performing life liberation). While I read scriptures, my body felt warm but as soon as I stopped, the warmth disappeared. Master Lu has enlightened us that our practice is like heating up water. If water is being continuously heated, it will eventually boil. In other words, if we are persistence in our practice, we will get the results we hoped for. On New Year’s Day, my whole body felt very warm and my legs felt relaxed as I introduced the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door to more people. From that day onwards, my lower body has continued to be warm. I happily told my family about this experience. Two days ago, I went in for a Type-B ultrasonic examination and the doctor told me that both my ovarian and hepatic cyst were gone! That was truly amazing! The condition that has bothered me for nine years was basically cured by my diligent practice of Buddhism rather than me taking medication!
The Guan Yin Bodhisattva will hear and bless us if we have a strong faith in her and if we are perseverant and sincere in our Buddhist practice.
Deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva and to the merciful Master Lu! Deepest gratitude to all the senior Dharma followers!
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16-08-2015, 06:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 16-08-2015, 07:03 PM by Curiousparty.)
Voice from a patient who is recovering from leukemia.
Master Lu went into the patient's dream and saved him!
初二晚上我梦到师父来了,我在梦里说:师父您来了,师父笑嘻嘻的说:啊!我来了,我来给你治病来了,老病新病我一起给你治!啊呀~我好高兴好激动呀,师父说着就伸出手在我有伤的脚上开始加持从脚上腿上,一直到头上又从头上加持到脚上。 到2月28号为止我已经为我的脚伤念了111张小房子了。正月15这天我和同修们去放生,为台长放生100元的鱼,为我自己放生540元的鱼。正月16上午去医院复查,血常规一切正常!
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16-08-2015, 07:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 16-08-2015, 07:11 PM by Curiousparty.)
Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong was at the Singapore Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door retrieving some books...
正法能量傳遍天下!今天 新加坡前總理 吳作棟 親臨新加坡心靈法門共修會進一步了解心靈法門及索取了一些師父盧台長的書籍,就此與觀世音菩薩心靈法門結下了一個佛緣。感恩觀世音菩薩慈悲,讓心靈法門在天下遍地開花,佛光普照各個階層,不分身份地位年齡,沒有你我之別,只為解脫眾生之苦,帶領大家離苦得樂,創造生命中的奇蹟。
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Just 20 plus little houses have cured the menstrual pain which had plagued the lady for 10 years!!!
因为念了“礼佛大忏悔文”激活了身上的孽障,所以又给别的要经者念小房子。现在每天只上半天班,做功课,念小房子,觉得时间都不够用,在路上都念经,身体比以前好多了,脸色也好看多了。我深知自己身上的孽障太多,要偿还,要多念小房子超度它们,所以我发愿一辈子信佛,一生念经。真的有幸结缘卢军宏台长,有幸 修行“心灵法门”治好了我十年的痛经。
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Inspirational Stories 088 We have to Uphold Our Promises
I would like to share with you one of my recent experiences regarding my practice of the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door.
At about 8am one morning, I offered the morning incense to the Guan Yin Bodhisattva as usual. When I lit the incense, I suddenly felt my chest tighten up. I tried my best to kowtow to the Guan Yin Bodhisattva but I felt too uncomfortable. I could not even read any scriptures. I then lied on the couch and recited the Great Compassionate Mantra and Heart Sutra several times but I had to stop as I felt extremely unwell. I guessed I must have done something that was not in accord with the dharma. But at the time, I was too sick to recall anything. After a while, I knelt down in front of my altar and repented for my mistakes to the Guan Yin Bodhisattva and I tried to recite the 88 Buddhas Great Repentance once. After that, I went back into the living room to recite some scriptures. I felt a bit better but I still felt unwell.
At around 12pm, I suddenly remembered an incident. Several days ago, my husband brought home some live scallops and I was not very pleased about it. I said to my daughter, “Your Dad brought live seafood home again”. My daughter said, “I will not eat any and thus, I am not going to commit any wrongdoings”. I replied, “We are a family. If other family members commit any wrongdoings, we are also responsible for them. I will have to recite scriptures to transfer merits to the live seafood that he is going to eat”.
For the past few days, I have used “I am busy” as an excuse for not reciting the scriptures for the live seafood. The uncomfortable feeling I experienced must have been the Dharma defenders reminding me of the promise that I had failed to keep. I immediately made a vow to the Guan Yin Bodhisattva that I would recite the Mantra of Rebirth in Pure Land 108 times for the seafood my husband consumed. I felt much better after I recited the Mantra of Rebirth in Pure Land 30 times and I was completely fine after I recited the scripture 108 times. After that, I recited the scripture another 21 times and I felt very energetic and was able to do some housework. I feel very grateful towards the Guan Yin Bodhisattva!
That day, around 3pm, I had a stomach ache and had severe diarrhoea until the next morning. In the morning, I felt weak but was relaxed. My husband told me that several days ago, my face looked very dark but now it was much healthier. I know that the Guan Yin Bodhisattva helped me to reduce a lot of my karmic debts.
Deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva and to the merciful Master Lu for leading us to such a wonderful Dharma Door with which we can use to solve a lot of our daily problems and to reduce our karmic debts. It is truly a wonderful dharma gem that has been granted to us by the Guan Yin Bodhisattva at the Age of Dharma Decline. I hope that all Dharma followers will be diligent in their practice and sincerely repent for all their sins.
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