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师父现在给你们讲三点,教你们自己怎样来开悟: (茹素人生)
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Metaphysics Q&A 136 – Birthday celebration
Q136: Hi Master Lu, what should we be aware of for birthday celebrations?
◾Birthday celebrations for a living person should be based on the Gregorian calendar rather than the lunar calendar.
◾On your birthday, you must not perform the act of killing, as the resulting karmic obstacles due to negative karmas generated would be doubled on your birthday. During your birthday celebration, if you and others consume live creatures, then all the negative karmas from the killings are counted towards you.
◾It is best to be vegetarian on your birthday. If you can perform Life Liberation it would be even better.
◾In addition, it is recommended that you perform more recitations and recite more Little Houses.
◾It is best not to light or blow out candles. When you light candles, it is similar to informing the underworld that one year has been deducted from your lifespan.
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Shuohua20131025 31:06
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Inspirational Stories 012 - Severe chronic headache cured
Deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!
I would like to share with you the changes I have experienced since I started following Master Lu’s Buddhist teaching. I used to experience severe headaches on a regular basis and as a result, had to stay in bed for days when they occurred. They even caused a spasm through my tongue. Even though I took medication for it, sometimes the pain did not go away and it brought me great sufferings.
After I started to follow the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door last January, I have offered around 700 Little Houses, performed recitations and Life Liberations and consequently my health condition has improved. In the past, I had to take a nap every afternoon to avoid severe headaches from occurring. But after eight months of performing recitations, the pain did not occur, even when I did not nap. After a year of cultivation, my tongue stopped twitching and I have not had to stay in bed for days.
Deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!
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Need to perform recitation for Little House and Ta Pei Chou during 7th Month of the Lunar Calendar
Dharma Cultivator asked: As the 7th month of the Lunar Calendar is approaching, is there any mantra or sutra that we would need to chant more as daily homework?
Master Lu answered: Do more on the Little House and the Great Compassion Mantra (Ta Pei Chou).
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2015-08-05 分享是一种美德
师父说:时间不多了,要拼命真修。你是怎么理解时间不多的?你觉得怎么做才算拼命、真修? 某师兄是这样理解的,我觉得她能一针见血,先分享给大家法系一下[憨笑][憨笑][憨笑]。 她的理解是:一,时间不多了。这句话有很多涵义,一个是我们必须乘上观世音菩萨的最后一班法船一世修成,必须一世修成!二是末法时期天灾人祸不断,我们必须要抓紧时间,否则等灾难来了就来不及了。三是,师父还能陪我们几年?很多孩子很年轻,但师父没时间了,师父快60了吧,如果我们不能在师父住世的这剩下的可能二三十年里让我们的莲花大如车轮的话,师父会放心我们吗?他怎么会不着急啊!师父不可能陪我们每个人走完一生,没有师父,我们怎么办?怎么修?谁能替代师父?无人能替代。所以我们必须紧紧抓住师父还在世的这短短的时间里拼命的修,修上去了,师父才会放心啊。我们也就不会有遗憾。否则,当师父离开我们以后,有多少人会后悔师父还在的时候自己没有好好修,浪费了时间!晚了!
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Inspirational Stories 016
The Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door is real!
Last year I had a dream that a female foreign spirit entered my neck and as a result I was so scared! I immediately prayed to the Guan Yin Bodhisattva in my mind and asked for the spirit to leave and promised that I would recite Little Houses for her. As a result, the spirit left my neck. However, after a while, she returned and I knew this when I woke up one morning and my neck felt a bit sore and heavy, like something was pressed against it. I thought it was due to my pillow and that the soreness would disappear soon. However, a few days later, my neck did not get any better – the soreness in my neck and back was so bad that I could hardly lift my head up. Then the other day, when I had a dream, I realized the soreness was due to the foreign spirit. After burning three Little Houses, my neck was not sore or heavy anymore.
I hereby remind everyone to be aware of their dreams and always accomplish the vows that they make. The Guan Yin Bodhisattva will take mercy on us as long as we strictly follow the ways of the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door.
Deepest gratitude to the Great and Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!
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Compassion of a Bodhisattva, Epitome of a Great Leader
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是要通过神通 增强人们对行善、念经、放生和修心的信心
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