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台长答:对,心经是跟人家say hello打招呼,让人开智慧的,开了智慧的人会跟人家吵架吗?开了智慧的人不会骂人啊,整天去帮助人家,知道舍去小我,换得大我啊。所以心经念得多有智慧的人人缘一定很好,人缘很好的人不就是有贵人缘了吗?你把所有的人都当成贵人,你贵人缘不是已经形成了吗?(对对)
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To practise Buddhism and to cultivate our heart is equivalent to appending the Bodhisattva's energy field into your heart, which turns you into an honest person, one who will not be defeated by hardships, and also be blessed by the Bodhisattva. Those who practise Buddhism will always see hope and feel secured. They will have no fear in handling any matters within the human realm. Was it not a kind of blessing power given by the Bodhisattva? Thus, those who practise Buddhism will see through any obstacles. Why is that so? Because by learning Buddhism, people understand that everything is bound and determined by pre-destinated affinity.
-- Master Lu
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2015-07-20 德遇佛缘
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要把世间的一切都视为对你在人间的考验 。
你们做得到吗 ?
很简单的道理 , 如果你今天在人间行的是菩萨道 , 你用不着担心死后到中阴身 , 你也用不着担心走的时候下去 。
师父看见了很多人下去 , 灵魂一离开肉体 , 先被黑白无常带走 。
如果你有修 , 你可以直接上天 , 因为你在人间行的都是菩萨道 ;
如果你在人间行的是畜生道 , 对不起 , 把你拖走的时候 , 是带有钩子的那些铁棍啊 , 耙子啊 , 把你勾下去的 ;
如果你在人间已经不好不坏 , 没有做好事 , 也没有做坏事 , 你下辈子还是投人 ,说明你在人间做人还不错 , 你在人间做的像个人样 。
所以 , 在人间这个道当中 , 实际上已经勾勒出一幅六道轮回的景象 , 看看我们在人间所有的景象 , 你就知道你今后将来的去向 。
-- -- 节选 《 心佛为根 悟性为本 》
白话佛法 6
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【听众网上度人,分享佛语,功德大,短时间业障从33%减到18%——Zongshu20141108 46:45】
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March 18, 2015; A dharma friend’s repentance :
After offering the first incense at dawn, I felt dizzy and my head was spinning, I was in a state of confusion and my mind was unclear. I went to take a nap. Soon after, I felt a male foreign spirit pinning me down from behind as I was lying sideway. It was tormenting, I kept shouting to Bodhisattva and Master for help but to no avail. I couldn’t move my body and my head was throbbing. While calling for help from Bodhisattva, I tried to negotiate the amount of Little House with the foreign spirit, so that he could let me go. Even though the amount of Little House increased from 21 to 800 during the negotiation, there was no response. Just when I felt really helpless, a thought crossed my mind: ‘No matter how many Little Houses you offer me, they are useless. Your Little House has no value, it is of inferior quality'.
When I was still in the state of shock, my body started to be able to move. I recalled, recently although I was doing my recitation, I was, at the same time reading microblogs, tweets, QQ and WeChat Groups. Deep inside me, i knew that the Little Houses’ quality were inferior. Due to my indiscipline and self-indulgence, I keep repeating the mistake. This is a stern warning from Bodhisattva, Dharma Protectors and Karmic Creditor – demanding me to correct my mistake, not to be self-opinionated, be self-disciplined, cultivate my heart, recite diligently, and improve myself. That is the correct path.
I was too naïve to think that I could deceive heaven and earth, but only to fool myself in the end. I vowed to recite 27 times Great Repentance Mantra (Lifo) to repent my wrong doings. I seek the forgiveness of Bodhisattva for not putting my full heart in the practice. From now on, I will be disciplined to overcome my own evil. I pledge to practise Buddhism and perform recitation diligently. I will cultivate myself and to cross over others.
I hope all of us learn from my mistake. We must perform our recitation wholeheartedly, do not check on our phone while doing so. The consequences are too serious!
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22-07-2015, 07:59 AM
(This post was last modified: 22-07-2015, 08:03 AM by Curiousparty.)
In mathematics, we studied a concept called the “Proof by Contradiction”. E.g. if we even manage to find one single case that contradicts the original hypothesis, then the original hypothesis will be concluded to be false.
We start off with the hypothesis that there is indeed no reincarnation in this world. However, with thousands of documented cases, especially those by Dr. Ian Stevenson*[color=#FF1493] (and not to mention even more undocumented ones in the less developed regions of our human world), it is just mathematically illogical to conclude that there is no reincarnation or reincarnation is nothing but a figment of our human imagination.
*He travelled extensively over a period of 40 years, investigating 3,000 cases of children around the world who recalled having past lives. His meticulous research presented evidence that such children had unusual abilities, illnesses, phobias and philias which could not be explained by the environment or heredity.
The Boy Who Lived Before
Cameron, ever since he was just a toddler, talks about another family he used to live with, called the Robertsons. Cameron knows the names of his previous family, where they lived, and can even describe the house and the landscape of his previous home on the island of Barra, some 200 miles away. But Cameron has never been there. Doctor Jim Tucker, of the University of Virginia, and Cameron's mother travel to Barra with Cameron to find the house, exactly as Cameron described.
This six-year-old boy is called Cameron Macaulay. He is not much different from other boys of his age. What differentiates him from others is that he likes to talk about his "old mum", his former family and a white house standing on the bay. But none of them is related to his current life. The place he is talking about is a place where he had never been in this life and is on the Isle of Barra, 160 miles away from where he is living now. These things make Cameron's mother feel worried.
Cameron spoke about his former parents, how his dad died, and about his brothers and sisters in the previous life. He also said that his "old mum" was the one in his previous life. Cameron believes that he has a previous life and he worries that the family in his previous life misses him. His nursery school teacher told Norma all the things Cameron was saying about the Isle of Barra and how he misses his mummy and his brothers and sisters there.
3-Year-Old Remembers Past Life & Identifies His Murderer
A young boy remembers a past life "reincarnation" he had where he was murdered. The 3-year old correctly identified the spot he was buried, the village he was from, and the murderer. Is this proof that reincarnation is real?
In a region near the border of Syria known as Golan Heights, a boy says he remembers being murdered. At first, no one believed him.
That is, until he lead village elders to the spot where he remembers being buried. Mixed in with the group of village elders was a man by the name of Dr. Eli Lasch. Dr. Eli Lasch is known in Gaza for developing a government medical system. Lasch witnessed all of these events.
The villagers dug up the spot where the boy says his former corpse remains and sure enough there was as skeleton there. Mysteriously, a large axe mark on the skeleton corresponds to a birth mark on the boys head. The boy says he was murdered with an axe and then lead village elders to the spot where the murderer buried the weapon. Sure enough, they dug up an axe. The boy then led people to the village he was from in his past life and told them of his previous name.
When people of the boy's former home village were asked about a man going by this name...they said he had disappeared 4 years earlier and never returned.
Remember, the boy was three years old.
But strangest of all, the boy recounted exactly who the murderer was.
When the boy confronted his killer, the man's face turned a pale white and he started acting very suspicious.
Once the boy lead elders to the exact spot of his corpse and the murder weapon the killer gave in and admitted to the crime -- for which he ended up being charged with.
Is the boy a product of reincarnation? Are we all perhaps reincarnations of our past lives?
Past life proof? Ohio family convinced son lived another life as a woman
Do you believe in past lives?
An Ohio boy’s family says they didn’t, until little Luke started sharing specific details. He spoke about living another life, in a different city as a woman who suffered a horrific death.
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Very inspirational video clip of an Italian Dharma brother's experience
Watch "心灵法门现身说法-佛法无国界-中英字幕" on YouTube - 心灵法门现身说法-佛法无国界-中英字幕:
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Metaphysics Q&A 152 – Issues encountered when promoting Buddhist teachings
Q152: Master Lu, I have brought forth my mind to promote Buddhist teachings, but I have not been successful in my attempts. I would also have headaches and become ill every time. Is it because my approach is inappropriate, or is it because I should not be doing this?
There are several reasons for being unsuccessful when promoting Buddhist teachings to others:
Insufficient spiritual energy. If this is the case, then we need to enhance our Daily Recitation and eliminate karmic debts in order to better help ourselves as well as others.
The negative karmas of the other party may be too severe. This can lead to obstacles in realising their true nature.
The karmic condition of the other party is not yet fully mature. It is said that everyone has Buddha nature, however, the karmic condition for some people is yet to arrive.
The karmic connection between you and the other party may not be strong enough, resulting in the other party not agreeing with what you say.
When we promote Buddhist teachings to others, we need to be mindful with our approach. If after half an hour of interaction, the other party still shows limited interest, then it would be possible for the foreign spirits of that person to occupy us. In addition, if the other party had generated negative verbal karmas during the interaction, then we would also share some of the responsibility.
As a beginner with limited spiritual power, you can start by giving out Master Lu’s books or radio program recordings, and briefly describing Master Lu’s transcendental ability. You can also share Master Lu’s website and encourage people to read about the inspirational experiences of other Buddhist followers.
Try to avoid having selfish thoughts when promoting Buddhist teachings. When we help others with the mind of mercy and compassion, we would be able to avoid leakages during the accumulation of virtues.
It would be best to have a sincere heart when promoting Buddhist teachings. We can share our own experience regarding Buddhist practice, even if our experiences may be limited. With a sincere heart, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will bless us with more and more efficacious experiences.
With limited spiritual power, we may experience physical discomforts if the other party has severe negative karmas. However, we always have to give when we help others, and this giving has great virtues in return. By accumulating virtues incrementally in our lives, we would receive positive returns in the end. Nothing comes for free. So we have to continue to help others despite potential complications.
Please also keep in mind that we can sometimes experience discomforts, and it is not entirely because of the negative karmas of others. It could also be our own. When things are uncertain, we can recite more Heart Sutra (Hsin Ching) to improve the condition, as the recitation of the Heart Sutra provides immediate benefits. It would be best to avoid reciting the Great Compassion Mantra (Ta Pei Chou) too many times as it may create conflicts with foreign spirits. We can also recite the Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance (Li Fo Ta Chan Hui Wen), and recite Little Houses for our Karmic Creditor. Please say the following prayer to Guan Yin Bodhisattva, “May the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me, <your full name>. I will offer <number of> Little Houses to the Karmic Creditor of <your full name>. Other karmic debts will be repaid by <full name of the other party>. May Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me, <your full name>, grant me safety and good health.” Generally, we can offer 7 Little Houses to our Karmic Creditor.
We can say the following prayer before we promote Buddhist teachings to others, “May the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me, <your full name>. I will be promoting Buddhist teachings to others. May Guan Yin Bodhisattva grant me spiritual power and energy, so that other foreign spirits would not come to me. I will teach people how to practise Buddhism and perform recitations.”
If we experience physical discomforts during or after our promotion process, you can say the following prayer, “May the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me, <your full name>, so that I can help <full name of the other party>. I am promoting Buddhist teachings and performing virtuous deeds. May Guan Yin Bodhisattva have mercy and compassion, so that <full name of the other party> will attain realisation, and the foreign spirits of <full name of the other party> will request Little Houses from <full name of the other party> directly instead of coming to me. ”
It is once said that the Buddha can only help those with karmic affinities. Each person has different levels of cultivation, different experiences in Buddhist practice from previous lives, and different amounts of negative karmas. If we are not able to do something or help someone for the time being, then it would be best to respect the karmic flow and let it go.
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