Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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Radio Program Extract 117 , 2014-05-31

[From the Editor] The following is an extract from “The Art of Applying Comprehensive Metaphysics” radio program which aired on 9th August 2013. Master Lu saw from the Totem that the caller had problems with her neck, stomach, lower back and urination and had uterine fibroid. This was all confirmed by the caller. Also, Master Lu reminded the caller to have a more open and clear mind. The caller responded by saying that she had depression before, and this had affected her, as she was often scared at night. Master Lu pointed out that it was not too serious as she was only scared at the night.


Master Lu: Hello!

Caller: Hello, Master! I was born in 1985, the Year of the Ox.

Master Lu: You have problems with your neck!

Caller: Oh, yes, yes! You are right!

Master Lu: Also, you have problems with your stomach.

Caller: Yes, yes. I do!

Master Lu: Also your lower back has been affected.

Caller: Yes, yes. I have started to experience pain in my lower back.

Master Lu: Also you have to be cautious of your urinary system and in particular, your urination.

Caller: Oh, urination, exactly!

Master Lu: Also, you have to be aware that you often do not have a clear mind.

Caller: Yes, I have had depression and a bit of anxiety disorder. I am also sometimes scared.

Master Lu: Although you are frightened, it is not that serious. You are generally afraid at night as during the day it is much better.

Caller: Yes, yes!

Master Lu: I can see from the Totem that you have big problems with your uterus – uterine fibroid.

Caller: Yes! Master you are so amazing!
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Radio Program Extract 100 , 2014-05-12

[From the Editor] During “The Art of Applying Comprehensive Metaphysics” radio program which aired on 22nd November 2012, the caller shared her successful outcome with Master Lu. The caller had been trying to sell her property for a long time but no one was interested in it. At the time, she started performing recitations and praying to the Guan Yin Bodhisattva to help her sell her property. On the day after she started to offer some Little Houses, a buyer wanted to inspect the property and made an offer the following day! It was really amazing. The caller had only been practicing for six weeks and she was already achieving such an impressive result. Therefore, the Guan Yin Bodhisattva always gives responses to every prayer who has the most sincerity.


Caller: Master, I have something really efficacious to share with you. I had a property up for sale for a long time but nobody was interested in it. At the time, I had just started performing recitations and did not make any Great Vows. However, I prayed to the Guan Yin Bodhisattva to help me sell the property as soon as possible. Also, I then started to offer Little Houses. The next day, the agent called and told me that there was an interested buyer wanting to inspect the property. On the following day, I prayed to the Guan Yin Bodhisattva again to help me sell the property as soon as possible and then the agent called again and told me that the buyer just made an offer. How wonderful the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door is!

Master Lu: Hehe, there are numerous successful cases. Yours was a piece of cake.

Caller: I am a beginner as I have just started practicing for six weeks.
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  修心修行就是讲孝敬的一种,所以大家一定要好好修心修行,要好好的检查自己,是不是在造业?现在有些人嘴上说修,但实际上没有好好的修,每天造业。如果不好好修,并有贪瞋痴的人一定会在六道中轮回的。如果一个人贪名,贪财,贪色,一定会轮回在六道之中。师父告诉你们,在现在的这个世界里,因贪瞋痴,而要六道轮回的占近80% 。这就是为什么有些人做的梦很可怕,虽然在现实中并不是那么可怕,但恶梦每天都做因为他在地府的时间很长,并已在地府受阴罪,所以在人间阴间接收苦难的时候会感觉很长,但是享福的时候,或开心的时候就感觉很短。

  我们在这个无边无际,梦幻苦海的世界里,我们的业障犹如鲨鱼一样,同时与我们在苦海里,而这个鲨鱼尾紧随着盯住我们咬,这就是业障,是过去的业障在盯住我们咬,追着不放,而你拼命的游,还是被他追上了,好不容易来了一只普度之船,有菩萨来救你们了,你刚刚往船上爬的时候,(也就是你刚刚学佛的时候,知道为什么学佛的时候,身上会感觉痛吗? 为什么会有东西来搞你呢?) 因为你刚刚爬上船的时候,这个鲨鱼会咬着你的腿不放,要把你拖下水,你罪恶的业障就是这样的,不让你跑,追着你,很多人爬到一半被鲨鱼一拉,又掉进苦海之中了,所以你们想想看一个人的业障是如此之重,自己根本不能控制,就算已经上了船了都会被你的业障拖下去,明白了吗?

  修行人不能有贪念,瞋念,和各种欲望。修行的人,就是学佛的人,学佛的人就是观世音菩萨的崇拜者(佛弟子),或自己就是菩萨。如果你还愚痴,还有贪念,还有瞋念,那就说明你根本没有修心,师父把这话反过来给你们讲,你们可以问“什么叫没有修心的人?”,没有修心的人就是没有改掉自己身上的贪瞋痴。什么叫愚痴? 连佛法都不相信的人,就是愚痴。愚痴的人就很难救,很难度化他们,俗称:无缘。如果一个人不修心就是愚痴,愚痴就是没有智慧,没有智慧的人就是和一般动物一样的活着。

  如果不把自己的名利淡薄,不把自己的欲望淡薄,是修不好心的。不要以为欲望就是男女之事,欲望是全方位的,如食欲,财欲等都是欲望,有些人把钱看得比命重要。师父在这里给你们讲的是淡薄名利,什么是淡薄?是把什么名利都看得淡一点,薄一点。另外要修心求解脱,解脱就是放下,放下名利思想,你才能解脱。如果不能解脱自己的人就是放不下。解脱讲讲容易,就像一条锁链绑住你,你要靠自身的力量来解脱。比如,西游记里孙悟空被人家(妖魔)捆绑起来了,当时孙悟空为了解脱,他一变,就变小了,而那些锁链就全部松掉了。从这个道理上讲给你们听,锁链把这个人捆住,它是有一个范围的,范畴的。比如今天我要让你生气,我知道什么事情会让你生气,这条就是锁链。如果你把自己缩小了,把自己看的小一点,不在乎这件事,你就会把这条锁链解脱掉,这就是智慧。比如,有人告诉你说:“你知道吗?你的先生在外面做坏事”。 当你听到这个事情后应该怎么解脱呢?首先把自己看的小一点,我有什么了不起的,我很渺小的,也许是因为我不好才造成的,如果先生真的做了坏事,我会去劝说他,告诉他道理,让他明白因果,尽量把自己看的渺小一点,把自己缩小,想想自己过去也做错过事情,就原谅原谅他吧,你越缩小自己,这条锁链就松开了,脱离了,你就解脱了。如果你去生气,感觉不能忍受了,就会发怒,越发怒这条锁链就把你捆绑的越紧。明白了吗? 记住看人家不好时,尽量多想想自己,才能修成正果,才能见性,就是当你在精神上想通了,你就是解脱了,证悟了佛性,你才能算是修成正果,才能见到你自己的本性,你的良心。

——节选 白话佛法《业障缠身,解脱放下》
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Dreamt about Master Lu giving Dharma talk at Heaven's Lotus Pond


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Wenda150628B 43:12

男听众:师父,同修原来生病的人,有些人知道同修生病会询问病情,同修会如实回答:身体比原来好了很多。或者度人时现身说法:一门学佛,身体也好了。但是说完之后,接下来会很倒霉。请问同修说完之后就很倒霉,是什么原因? 台长答:很简单,如果前面不讲几句话的话,你后面就是叫炫耀,你后面就是说泄露天机,那小鬼就会搞你了。所以很多人不懂,所以人家说:不要说自己很顺利,不要说自己身体好。很多人说自己身体一直很好,马上身体就不好了。因为小鬼会嫉妒,你必须现身说法之前要讲:请大慈大悲观世音菩萨保佑,我今天为了度众生,学习观世音菩萨千手千眼,救度众生,所以我现身说法,请观世音菩萨给我加持,保佑我能够今天弘法转为功德。你这样一讲的话,保证沒事。要讲的!不讲怎么行啊! 男听众:哦!明白了!明白了!谢谢师父开示!
Wenda 20150628B 43:12


Male caller : A dharma friend is recovering from illnesses. When others get to know and ask him about his condition, he states the fact: "I am much better than before". Or when crossing over others, he shares his testimonial: "After diligent cultivation, my condition has improved". After saying so, it seems that he is hit by bad luck. What is the reason, Master?

Master : It’s very simple. There are a few sentences that you have to say prior to doing the above, otherwise it can be termed as “boasting”, and it can also mean that you are “divulging the will of heaven”. As a result, the little spirits may disturb you. Most people do not know this. This is why we do not make claims like, "everything is going smoothly for me" or "I am in the pink of health". Once these claims are made, many may find the opposite happens immediately as the spirits may be jealous. Before you share your testimonial with others, you should pray: “The Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, today I intend to cross over others, and I want to emulate the compassion of Bodhisattva to save sentient being, hence, I am sharing my testimonial with others. May Guan Yin Bodhisattva bless me so that my effort today will be transformed into virtues”. Once this is spoken, it is guaranteed that all will go well. You can’t do without saying this. (I understand now. Thank you, Master)
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Singapore Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door (17 Oct, 1pm) Sharing Session, Kallang Theatre Level 3

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尊师重道 – 摘自于讲述于观音堂
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Man got up on the spot after being treated by Master Lu!!!

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Why do we need to do recitations?


Published on 24 Jun 2015





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Karmic Retribution

Master Lu emphasised the following message during his Dharma Talk in Sydney on 8 February 2015:

"In 2015, many people will undergo serious karmic retribution. Please be very cautious. Never give cancer a chance to start. Otherwise, it will be disastrous. Once someone gets cancer, a record will be kept in the Underworld. And if he does not practise Buddhism, be a good person and a full-time vegetarian, he will leave this world within 3 to 5 years. [Those who encounter cancer recurrence are very likely to pass away in this year particularly]. Therefore, do not fear if you are diagnosed with cancer for the first time, your life will be saved as long as you make great vows, recite Buddhist scriptures every day, and perform life liberation. However, if you are not cautious and carry on doing what you have been doing as before, thinking you will be fine after surgery, then I can tell you that your days are numbered.”
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