Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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离开幻想 即得真空——摘录卢台长讲述于观音堂
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We need to treasure our lifetime in human realm Smile

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Inspirational Stories 079 All the cancer cells had disappeared!

Greetings to Master Lu and all the senior Dharma followers at the secretariat of the Guan Yin Tang.

I had cervical cancer (CN3) for more than five years. Last year, the results of a minor operation on my cervix suggested that my condition was deteriorating and as a result, my doctor recommended me to undergo a thorough operation on my cervix. At the time, I delayed the operation for half a year since I thought the operation would not help improve my current condition.

Four years ago, I became familiar with Buddhism and started to practice the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. Since then, I have been positive about my health and my condition has remained stable. After I was discharged from the hospital, my friends gave me the Introduction to the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door and since then, I started to perform daily recitation of scriptures and monthly life liberations. From time to time, my health improved. Later on, when I increased my recitation of the 88 Buddhas Great Repentance to five times a day, I thought it activated my karmic debts since a lot has happened to my family since then.

At the time, whenever I found it hard to keep up with my practice, I would read Master Lu’s blog and watch his videos. Reading fellow Dharma follower’s inspirational stories have helped me regain a lot of faith in my practice and it made me realise that I had a lot of karmic debts to repay. Last week, when I went in for a re-examination, it turned out that all the cancer cells had disappeared!

Due to my diligent practice, every aspect of my family and life is improving. The Guan Yin Bodhisattva is so merciful that she showed me some inspirational signs. Two days ago, the ashes from the incense I offered curled for two rounds and this morning, a big lotus appeared on the oil lamp on my altar. I would like to make a vow to help the Guan Yin Bodhisattva to introduce the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door to more people and I will try to become Master Lu’s disciple next year.

Deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, to the merciful Master Lu and to the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. I would also like to thank the senior Dharma followers at the secretariat of the Guan Yin Tang for addressing all my queries and to Dharma followers for always helping me.
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Dharma Words of Master Lu 001


True Dana,

or the practice of giving,

is to let go of your discriminating mind,

all your afflictions, anxieties, and attachments.
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Pls spend some time to listen to Master Lu's programs. It would benefit you immensely Smile
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别害怕失败,今日的失败会是我们下一次成功的种子。 有一位年轻人问乔布斯说:“请问乔布斯先生,你的智慧从哪里来的?” 乔布斯说:“来自于精确的判断力。” 这个年轻人又说:“精确的判断力又从哪里来的?”乔布斯说:“来自经验的积累。” 年轻人又问:“你的经验又是从哪里来的?”乔布斯说:“来自无数次错误的判断。” 所以当一个人成功的背后,其实是经过无数次失败的积累才换来难得的一次成功。人活在世上一定承受得起失败的打击,吃得起人间之苦,才能在人间坚强地成长着。失败并不是打击,而是我们的增上缘,让我们面对困难时生出智慧,面对压力时生出上进,最后得到真正的成功。 所以在学佛道路上,一切给予我们打击,伤害毁谤我们的人,我们都要感恩他们,因为他们是我们学佛路上的增上缘,就是他们让我们知道佛法难闻,看到自己身上的毛病,也发现了自己的境界,最后促成我们努力学佛,提高自己的修为品德,以德服人,还清自己在人间欠下他们的债。无数次的打击,成就了我们唤醒自身的佛性,实践佛法教义,在人间做一个救度众生的菩萨。
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---Wenda20130224A 37:30
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台长答:也不是,谢谢观世音菩萨(因为我们前世或者今生诸多的孽障,不敢想象如果我们没有心灵法门,我们会怎样,真的不敢想象……)是啊! 真的要好好谢谢观世音菩萨,不是我的,那只是观世音菩萨让台长来传达,台长就相当于一个媒体人一样,我等于把这个信息传达给你们,一样道理啊(台长非常辛苦,而且刚做完法会)呵呵(现在大多数的都是中年人、年轻人甚至小孩子都在修心灵法门)对! (包括科研人员、白领、蓝领、教师、医生、华人、华侨等等,还有个体经商者)艺术家,不得了的,很多很多人呢(涵盖各个行业、各年龄层次)他们很多海外的一些议员,还有很多国外的一些西人,这次台长收了一个西人,就是新西兰的,他每次开法会都看见菩萨,所以他看见了就跪在那里,看见了就跪着,你想想看(太殊胜了)太殊胜了!这个人他眼睛看得见的。 (我们觉得这个年代真的没有缓冲的时间)没有了,没有了(末法时期更没有犹豫的时间。说句不夸张的话,末法时期我们能活着,而且无病无灾的,真的就是万幸了)对啊,这话讲得太好了!(人身难得,男人身更难得。我们必须珍惜人生,必须珍惜眼前的一切!) 嗯,你再残害自己的身灵、残害自己心灵,你不是害死自己嘛!你到人间来你简直就是残害自己了,那根本把你自己人生的世界变成一个人生的地狱了,开玩笑了(是的)好好努力啊(我最后再次跟师父、跟菩萨诚心地忏悔自己这些年来做过的很多错事,而且违愿过,自己也非常惭愧和后悔。多次梦考没有过,身口意方面的贪瞋痴仍然很严重) 你已经得到福报了,因为让你做老师本身就是一个比较崇高的职业(我自己也觉得,我非常珍惜)因为你要“己不正焉能正人”啊,言传身教非常重要。当你学习xlfm学得非常好的时候,所有的同学、学生都会看见“我们的老师这么庄严,我们的老师这么像菩萨一样教导我们”,他们会对你产生非常高的崇敬感的(嗯,明白)好好努力。 (还有,师父您每顿饭要按时吃,保证充足的睡眠,您毕竟有肉身在,只有保证身体好,才能更好地救度更多的众生)是啊,其实有些人真的要好好地救度他们。师父身体不好,很多人……我只能哀叹了,真的,很多人真的靠着佛法活在这个世间,你明白我意思吗? (明白明白)其实你们都知道师父付出多少,我也不想讲,大家要靠着佛法好好地活着。因为如果脱离了师父指导大家,大家会很苦的,以后真的会很苦的,我不跟你们开玩笑。很多人自己修到后来,都不知道修到什么地方去了,真的,好好努力啊!(好的,所以师父您也一定要保重身体)好,谢谢(再见。感恩菩萨,感恩师父。 台长语:唉,一个个都是非常好的孩子、弟子啊,千万不能让他们掉队啊。
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