Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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师父现在教你们,当你们遇到灾难的时候, 来不及念大经, 只念圣号也可以。要从内心发出“南无大慈大悲观世音菩萨, 求观世音菩萨救救我, 救救我......”。如果实在着急就直接叫“观世音菩萨, 观世音菩萨 ......”。 因为观世音菩萨悲心深切, 观世音菩萨救人的心很急切, 你们只要一念观世音菩萨的圣号, 观世音菩萨马上就有感应。你们一定要记住,只要念观世音菩萨救救我, 菩萨就会来救你的。因为观世音菩萨是闻声救苦, 观世音菩萨是有求必应的。~白话佛法2?
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Excerpt of The Basics of Metaphysics (Part II)

Many people have the habit of carrying their temper from one place to another. This is called moving energy fields. For example, it is not unusual for a policeman to abuse their spouse at home after being similarly abused by civilians or their supervisor at work. In China, many girls do not want to marry a policeman, because policemen are notorious for domestic verbal abuse. It is regarded as an occupational hazard or disease. Being continually provoked at work creates a very bad energy field which they are unable to release at work and therefore they may pick a small issue at home in order to let it out.

As a human being, you must control your temper. If a person cannot control his or her temper, they move away from acceptable norms of human behaviour and start to act like animals. The difference between a human and an animal is self-control. Animals are not able to control their mind and behaviour as can humans. Animals act as they wish. It is though true that dogs may give the appearance of being sensible, staying down when their owner is unhappy, and jumping about when their owner is happy. Despite that, they do not care about what others think when they want to piddle on the street. Would a human do that?

No, because human beings know how to exercise self-control.

Thank you with metta
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Dear Dharma friends,

To allow our English speaking followers to understand better the teachings of Master Lu, our centre will conduct the next Dharma sharing session on:

Date: 14th June, Sunday

Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Venue: 95, Tanjong Pagar Road, 4th level

Tel: 62222603

Note: Decent dress code (long pants, no skirt, low-cut designs, bare-back or sleeveless blouse).

Topics :
1. Performing life liberation
2. Dragon boat festival (do's and don'ts)
3. Testimonials
4. Methods to prevent the creation of negative karma
5. Q & A

Thank you with metta,
Oriental Radio Practice Centre
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Wenda20120311 36:02 【每天「功课遍数」要讲清】




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[From the Editor] The following is an extract from “Metaphysics Q& A” radio program which aired on 20th April 2014. The caller passed on some comments from a Tantrism cultivator — it was told the little house is able to repair and restore our souls. Master Lu endorsed and appreciated his opinion. It has really expressed the idea of ‘All roads lead to Rome’ in the cultivation of Buddhism.

Caller: Master, the power of little houses is so miraculous that they even can repair our souls. Because one’s soul can damage its energy field and further affect the person’s body.

Master Lu: Exactly! You really get it!

Caller: It was said by a friend who is a Tantrism cultivator. He has pursued quite a lot of study in Guanyin Citta Dharma Door.

Master Lu: There you go. Tantrism cultivator is studying our Guanyin Citta Dharma Door!

Caller: He is intelligent.

Master Lu: True! That is intelligent. There are millions of approaches in Buddhism learning, instead of attacking, we should acquire other’s strong points in order to make up our weaknesses. The same applies to doctors, they are here to cure sick people so no reason to compare with each other among different areas.

Caller: Yes, Master. He admires your philosophies.
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Hello curiousparty

Very interesting read. Thanks
Hi Hill

U can pay a visit and check out Master Lu website for more interesting info.

This world is illusionary Smile

It is very fortunate of us to even "smell" or hear about Master Lu.
We should treasure the chance to learn more...

Master Lu was in Spore recently. U can check out youtube as well.

Amitofo Smile
(12-06-2015, 11:57 PM)Hill Wrote: Hello curiousparty

Very interesting read. Thanks
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《悟性拥有智慧 慈悲进入佛门》
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