Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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2. 信即得度。你一相信马上就得到救度了,你不相信你就不能得到救度。所以很多西方教和佛教都是同一个道理。你看西方教经常讲“你信就得救”,就是你只要一相信你就得救了。跟佛教讲的一模一样啊,明白了吗?“一个念头,一个信心,可以改变人一生的命运。只要有自信心,感觉自己有最可靠的东西,最可靠的是观世音菩萨,相信观世音菩萨一定会帮助我的,你是不是有可靠了?用不着靠人家的,靠自己的信心,求人不如求己。

3. 记住一句话:修心灵法门的人,随时随地有奇迹发生——只要信,愿,行! 去年有一位师兄告诉我:她先生不幸查出癌症晚期,医生宣告她先生在世的日子已经进入倒数期。病情来势汹汹,家人亲友的心情全部笼罩在一片黑云当中。但是这位师兄就死心塌地的坚信观世音菩萨一定能够救她的先生脱离险境!相信台长师父一定会帮助她一家人免陷水深火热的灾难中。她立刻发愿要为先生在一年之内念1000小房子。当她的小房子念到700长的时候,先生的癌细胞经过医生检测完全不见了。这就是信、愿、行的神奇力量。

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Words of Wisdom
by Master Junhong Lu,
12 February 2016

(Macau, Hong Kong)


[emoji666] All that we have gained TODAY, are the results and fruits of our past cultivation;
[emoji666] Our achievements TOMORROW, be it good or bad shall start from our effort today.

What is the significance of a “NEW YEAR”? It is about discarding the past and rectifying our bad habits in order to become a brand “New” person. If a person does not embrace a new perspective in life, to change himself or to change his view of the society, he will continue to be stuck with his old perspective and his ignorant habits.

I hope all of you will cultivate diligently, live your life for sentient beings. As long as we are still alive, we must be diligent and steadfast in our practice. Do not wait for calamities to strike, as by then, it will all be too late.

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Wenda160205 1:05:20
(Master Lu's call-in radio program)


Male Listener : There is this phenomenon : Chinese New Year is a time for family get-togethers and celebrations. However, it is also the time when many animals and live sea creatures are perished. We observed many times before that in this festive period of eating and drinking, family disputes, in fact, fights oftentimes erupted. May I ask if this has direct relation with the animals and live seafood which were harmed by us?

Master Lu : This is a very good question! What you just said is 100% accurate! After consuming seafood, quarrels are bound to happen when one reaches home, as these perished animals will cling to the person due to the karmic knots that have been created.

Male Listener : Oh, I see.

Master Lu : Your observation is pretty sharp. Very good.

Male Listener : Thank you, Master. Good-bye.

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wenda20150104B 49:35
(Master Lu's call-in Radio Program)


Male Listener : With regards to the relation between wisdom, virtue and karmic obstacles should we aim to eliminate our karmic obstacles or pray for wisdom first?

Master: In essence, wisdom grants you virtues, and it is virtues that eliminate your karmic obstacles. That is why you do not relate it in this manner. With wisdom, you will not commit anymore evil acts. Hence, your karmic obstacles will be eliminated at a faster pace. Without wisdom, the elimination process will be very slow. Without wisdom, you will have karmic obstacles. Where do karmic obstacles come from? They are from constant evil doings.

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Buddhism in Plain Terms Vol. 1(sharing with disciples on the topic of supernatural power)


Let me share with you today on “Ways to change your habitual outburst of bad temper”. The best method is of course, to perform recitation. The other method is to habitually think of the following phrases as soon as the first sign of an outburst is felt:

[emoji4]“I cannot allow this outburst, it is bad for my heart”
[emoji23]“My outburst will become a laughing stock to others”
[emoji15]“My outburst will deplete my virtues”, etc.

When you often think along this line, a habit is formed. When the next outburst is about to occur, this will become your "natural shield" preventing it from happening. In reality, all of you possess this "natural shield" only that it was not put into use.

For example, a husband often throws his temper at home, his wife would have already put up this "shield". No matter how bad the outburst is, she remained unperturbed. She thinks “What a pity man, he is suffering from another psychotic outbreak…” This phrase is her very own "natural shield".

It is about "being expressionless". There is no expression of sentiment, emotion. There is no form. In fact, it is all empty. There is no sensation of the existence of any being.

You will have to find a few convincing rationales that could liberate you and instill it within you. The moment you feel an outburst is about to happen, think about these phrases and it will become THE obstacle that stops you from any wrong move.

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Wenda20151127 07:16


Male Listener : Master Lu, you mentioned in <<Buddhism in Plain Terms>> “Be free from all Thoughts and you will not generate any karma”. However, in our daily lives we are bound to generate numerous thoughts. When you mentioned “To be free from all Thoughts” do you mean to tell us that we should cultivate “Non-self” and Equanimity towards sentient beings? Please enlighten us.

Master Lu: That’s right. We need to cultivate Equanimity. As for “Non-Self”, it allows your thoughts to be filled with others. In contrast, if your thoughts are filled with nothing but yourself, would you still be able to think of others? There are some extremely selfish people, it is impossible for them to learn Dharma. There are also some who have lived to their ripe old age and still do not understand the essence of Dharma teachings. They may be learning Dharma from the books and at a very superficial level. As such, their knowledge serves only to “adorn” themselves.

There are people who have never claimed to know about the Dharma but when others see them, they command respect as they resemble Buddha. Just like many mothers who had never learned Dharma. They do not even know how to say “Amitofo” but all their deeds are that of the Bodhisattva. Their children say “my mom is as compassionate as Bodhisattva”. That’s all to it! (Yes, Master Lu, you mentioned that “all who aspire to become Buddha and Bodhisattva must set out to save sentient beings and to sincerely help those in our lives”). Yes, we have to extend our hands to others, without doing so you cannot be regarded as a “good person”. Think about it. If your neighbour’s house caught fire and you said “it has nothing to do with me, I didn’t cause you any distress. I have nothing to do with the fire in your house”. In this context, do you think you can be regarded as a “good” person? You are not, of course, am I right? (Yes, thank you for answering my question).

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