Here are the salaries of 13 major world leaders

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(28-03-2015, 10:34 AM)thor666 Wrote: Hi life is a game,

I would prefer not to go into specifics. Generally, a representative sample is okay, I am sure Singstats can churn out the type of people. As mentioned, I do not think that this idea would be brought up in reality.

The survey is not to dictate policies nor to influence. It may be a good feedback loop to calibrate. As for burden, the point is on details of renumeration, not whether it is purely fixed salary or fixed bonus. Vb buddies do dissect public listed companies' ceo renumeration and it has been usually the case where executives that are correctly compensated would perform well.

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Hi Thor666, noted on your feedback. But I am worry that the start of such survey would bring upon a precedent of many such similar surveys to rise and bring unnecessary burden in future policy setting. But nevertheless it is a good suggestion and you are right, it is unlikely to be implemented.
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Talking about Singapore, Investment and Salary. Here's an interesting link by Munger Investment guru himself on Singapore !

Just my Diary

When VB were debating the salaries of our leaders, Apple Daily was reporting about Kra Canal in late March. The Kra Canal was reported for the past 2 days in LHZB and other websites.
During a live call-in programme on Capital 95.8FM with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on 19/5/2015, a caller also asked PM Lee.

Are our salaries of public administration and workforce sustainable?
Will we price ourselves out of market?
Are our workforce world class (a sustantial % of the workforce are non-Singaporeans in private sectors)?
The Kra-Canal Project
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人生最大錯誤,用健康換取身外之物。 ^ 人生无常,珍惜当下。 ^ 放弃固执,适时变通。 ^ 前面是绝路,希望在转角。

While there maybe impact, there is also a large market in SE-Asia and further down ( Indonesia, Sg, malaysia, Aus, Nz ..) for just 1K n. miles additional. They may still have to come down to SG and Malaysia ports after all ? There are huge investments and skillset in many port areas to make this work. If the policy do not work today in thailand in attracting foreign investor, why digging a canal would ?

Is there strong correlation between the Canel with Singapore labour cost ?

Just my Diary


Or perhaps this is "better"?

Or perhaps you might want to ask what did these rulers do?
Focusing on inputs is irrelevant.

Focusing on outcomes is better.

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