Education is key

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I haven't been posting for some time, here's my latest.

How to get rich? Born rich, marry someone rich, strike toto: these are the common answers. But really, money without knowledge is not useful.

Education is key to changing a person's life.

I guess so. Otherwise, I will not be here today myself!
Hi Paul, read yr blog but do not know how to leave message there... Must open another google account ?

Glad your son gotten into is a very good program as my son also in the same program some years ago.

Yes, education is important, totally agreed on that. Now also asking my son to read some investment books when he has time.
IMHO education is not just about academic which I think Singapore focused too much on. Hence i see many youngsters with high IQ but low EQ

Buffett is a prime example of investment success but family wise not so.

University of life, school of hard knocks and street smart college are just as important to have a balanced and fulfilled life. A Phoenix will never be able to dig out worms faster than a hen, so we do need to know where our children's potentials are.
Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give. –William A. Ward

Think Asset-Business-Structure (ABS)
Begin with and End in mind. Journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step.
1. What is the purpose of education?
Paper chase?
Or, may be we are after the good career/job perspective that we can get with the Uni cert?
Or, for the financial freedom/independent that allow us to do what we wanted in our life?
Or, the relax/happy lifestyle that we envision one day?
Simply enjoying the continuous journey of learning everyday!

2. What's the expected outcome of good education?
A good degree from MIT/Harvard?
A career that gives us lots of $$$, a job position that others admired?
or, Simply a decent man/woman who is caring and compassionate for society?

3. How do we measure the success of education?
$$$, wealth, flame, philanthropy?
Do we judge by looking at the end results or does the journey count?
Does a highly educated person eg lawyer/doctor helping many people in our society is more successful than a lesser educated person who is a good family man?

4. Changing role of education
Did the purpose of education change over time?
Will the purpose remains the same for next 20 years?
The education system created during industry era - is it still suitable now?
What's the purpose of education system/regime created during that period of time?

Heart Love Compassion
感恩 26 April 2019 Straco AGM ppt

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