(21-12-2010, 09:03 AM)lonewolf Wrote: My views from reading all the previous audio transcripts on MW blog tell me that Boustead investors should not hold their breadth about getting a special dividend. Mr Wong is already of the view that the company is rewarding investors well and he has stated more than a few times that he is happy with the dividends dished out.
The company has been sitting on its horde of cash for > 2 yrs now. Its not in a hurry to invest the monies and seems to have rather stringent criterias. And I kinda of suspect that perhaps that was partly the reason for the collapse of the deal with TTI. Maybe Bousted will do the unthinkable and make a takeover attempt at TTI instead??
Not vested in Boustead. Vested in TTI.
Hi lonewolf,
Yes, you are right to say that FF Wong has repeatedly reiterated that Boustead is already very generous with its dividend policy. However, I am of the view that at the time, Boustead was still actively looking out for M&A deals such as the Bio-Treat Convertible Notes and the (now failed) TTI Big Box Project. I guess FF Wong was being cautious in giving out too much cash in case the cash was badly needed to fund these projects. Basically, he was keeping a buffer at hand in case it needed to be deployed.
Now, with the news out that the TTI Project has fallen through, and with no further news on Bio-Treat (I will assume the due D did NOT pass, and that Boustead will NOT be investing in their Notes); the cash is now "free to use". Unless Boustead are contemplating another serious M&A target, I don't see why they should hoard it. You may also have noted that FF Wong is more than pleased to increase the dividend as he is a direct beneficiary of it! In fact, interim dividend for FY 2011 was raised from 1.5c last year to 2c per share.
One thing I like about FF Wong is his conservative nature and his penchant for being very conservative about M&A deals, even if this means most deals will slip through his filters. I guess it's back to the drawing board for him again, and we shall see what else Boustead can come up with to utilize the cash hoard.
And if they cannot use it, please declare higher dividends (no need special haha).

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