Boustead Singapore

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any reason why you wanted to stop blogging? It is interesting to read your views on the selected companies as these compliments my understanding of companies like Boustead.

(26-12-2011, 02:09 PM)VIChris Wrote: Musicwhiz,
any reason why you wanted to stop blogging? It is interesting to read your views on the selected companies as these compliments my understanding of companies like Boustead.

Hi there,

Time commitments mainly.

1) My girl is going to school next year
2) My workload will be getting significantly heavier
3) Spending more time with family in general, including my parents and in-laws
4) I understand the methodology of investing well enough, and have articulated it time and again on the blog. I risk starting to sound like a stuck record.
5) I've said almost all I want to say about personal finance, and I think the blog can serve as a valuable historical resource from now on.

Thanks for your support all this time. Smile
My Value Investing Blog:
Thanks for sharing. Smile
Hi Musicwhiz
Just to let u know I really appreciate ur sharing of info/ views on ur blog.
However on ur point 4, I just want to share that I believe that there is no end to learning. U may think that u have know it all, but u may realise in future that there is still much to learn! All the best to u!
hi musicwhiz,
although u stop your blog, i hope u continue to contribute views/articles on this forum! Smile

vested (in learning in this forum)
Hi Musicwhiz

If it helps I find your blog better than analyst research report I read. I find your company analysis very useful ( Boustead work was very useful) & detailed. If u have limited time then do company analysis less detailed which also will be useful for me. Regarding company analysis I find hard to comment as all of us have our own investment style & the way we look at quantitative & qualitative analysis; so as long as one has consistent style - it all works.

All the best for Fy2012.

goes to show how tiring this can be.
Dividend Investing and More @
Sad to say 'goodbye" to one good blog which shared fair info about value investing and with good examples of company analysis Sad

Fully agreed that had to prioritize more valuable time with family along with increased responsibility in all aspects since i'm in similar situation with my girl going to P1 next yr too Big Grin well for work wise, it's just a challenging routine that i enjoyed but no matter what, it's still the lower priority Tongue

Oh 1 last thing, a big thanks to MW for the sharing, i believe it's been an insightful experience for anyone who had visited your blogs
(28-12-2011, 10:10 AM)nitenite Wrote: Sad to say 'goodbye" to one good blog which shared fair info about value investing and with good examples of company analysis Sad

Fully agreed that had to prioritize more valuable time with family along with increased responsibility in all aspects since i'm in similar situation with my girl going to P1 next yr too Big Grin well for work wise, it's just a challenging routine that i enjoyed but no matter what, it's still the lower priority Tongue

Oh 1 last thing, a big thanks to MW for the sharing, i believe it's been an insightful experience for anyone who had visited your blogs

You're welcome nitenite. It's a personal decision to stop as it is very time-consuming and I need to focus on other aspects of my life. Also, with the portfolio at its current level, the compounding is starting to kick-in and I do not have to keep injecting funds in (although that is the long-term plan). Considering I am confident of how to invest and analyze, and have articulated that in no uncertain terms on the blog, I feel that it should serve as a good resource even if I do not add new entries. Smile

(27-12-2011, 10:04 AM)buddy Wrote: Hi Musicwhiz

If it helps I find your blog better than analyst research report I read. I find your company analysis very useful ( Boustead work was very useful) & detailed. If u have limited time then do company analysis less detailed which also will be useful for me. Regarding company analysis I find hard to comment as all of us have our own investment style & the way we look at quantitative & qualitative analysis; so as long as one has consistent style - it all works.

All the best for Fy2012.

Hi Buddy,

Haha nah I cannot do a more summarized analysis otherwise it would be too brief for me and I cannot justify my stand. Traditionally, my analysis has never been known for its brevity (this implies I am long-winded? Haha), but for me it serves to cover many aspects which I would like to address, and I'd like to think of it as being "comprehensive" without being overly tedious and burdensome. Big Grin

Thanks guys for all the support. I will stay on Value Buddies but will reduce my postings gradually over the coming year.
My Value Investing Blog:
Hey MW,

It's a pity that you're going to stop blogging. I've really learnt a lot from your posts. Thanks for sharing all these years.

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