So true, those big funds better dump yzj on monday before its too late. Save your bullets to fight for another day.

(30-05-2014, 11:58 PM)greengiraffe Wrote: China is a complicated place. When you have a case like this and accusations are being levelled, no matter if business tactics are for protection of certain party interests, it will get very complicated.
For me it is very simple - the entire China ship building industry is in some sort of doldrums. How can one company be shining so brightly above others. On a big picture basis it is highly puzzling.
In any event, the quality of China listings on SGX has always been questionable. Eric Ang, the outgoing banker at DBS investment banking division (may not be the exact title and division) recently made a statement that S chips are history and unlikely to make a comeback.
In the midst of all these uncertainties, better be safe than sorry. I simply have no faith in any Chinese companies as the corporate governance remains highly questionable. The last thing that you need is for trading in shares to be halted or suspended.
If even it is business as usual, it is highly likely that YZJ will be derated as a result of this episode.
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