Quarterly Dividends - Non Reit / Biz Trust

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The fact that we can find so few stocks in this thread compared to in.the US suggest that a lot of companies here are still growing. Singapore is still a relatively young nation.
Compare this with the stocks in dow. A lot of them.pays quarterly dividends and on up trend every year for the past many decades.
Thus singapore stocks still have much room to grow.
Place your bets on a few good companies and should one of these grow to become a big mnc, your wealth will follow suit.
lots of companies pay dividend but what is the div yield to current share price? one of the counters in the list you see 1cts dividend but share price over a dollar that's less than 1% yield.
I actually have a dim of co in sgx that pays qtrly div. They have to go through so much admin work and the expense to pay a small amt of div.(as in yield, maybe except ums). why can't they just pay out only interim and annual. many co's pay only annual and they are great co's.
Long time ago I own Singpost and at one agm requested them to consolidate to just 2 times at most div payment. their excuse was that they try to promote qtrly div payments so that they can make money from those postal charges if every co adopts same thing! OK understandable.
I think part of the logic of some companies paying quarterly dividends is to promote themselves as a dividend stock. So investors who invest in these companies will be assured of quarterly pay outs. I think Starhub started doing this for this reason.

I think that is also the same logic why most REITs pay quarterly distributions.

Personally I think I'm OK with semi-annual dividends/distributions too. I just feel that the additional expenses involved can be saved. And worse when the REITs institutes DRP for the distributions. More paperwork and expenses!
(13-08-2014, 11:22 AM)Jacmar Wrote: I actually have a dim of co in sgx that pays qtrly div. They have to go through so much admin work and the expense to pay a small amt of div.(as in yield, maybe except ums). why can't they just pay out only interim and annual. many co's pay only annual and they are great co's.
Long time ago I own Singpost and at one agm requested them to consolidate to just 2 times at most div payment. their excuse was that they try to promote qtrly div payments so that they can make money from those postal charges if every co adopts same thing! OK understandable.

For Singpost, it makes a lot of sense!

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