Uproar in China after woman bashed to death at McDonald’s

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Uproar in China after woman bashed to death at McDonald’s and burger eaters just watch

Scott Murdoch
China Correspendent
MANY people in China are in uproar after a young mother was bashed to death in a busy McDonald’s restaurant, while dozens of customers watched without helping her, in an attack police have tentatively linked to a fringe sect.

The attack happened in the Shandong province, in China’s far east, on Thursday night when the woman was set upon by a family of six.

It has been reported the woman, whose surname was Wu, was approached by a man and asked for her telephone number.

When she refused the man, surnamed Zhang, started to attack her and was joined by his two daughter, young son and two other women.

The son is too young to be criminally charged but authorities have promised he would be ‘‘dealt with separately’’.

There is speculation in China today that the group are part of a religious cult trying to recruit members in Zhaoyuan city in Shandong, which has been known in the past as the home of some sectarian organisations.

The group of six have been arrested and have allegedly pleaded guilty to murder.

The Zhaoyuan police posted on its microblog that it was believed the attackers belonged to a group called the “All Powerful Spirits” while CCTV, the state broadcaster, said religious material had been found near the scene of the crime.

Organised religion is prohibited in China but there has been a growing number of Christian and Buddhist movements starting to emerge in the past few years.

The voraciousness of the attack has stunned China, especially as it was witnessed by dozens of people in the store who did not intervene. Ms Wu, who was taken to hospital but died later, is reported to have a young son.

Uncensored websites have reported the women in the group joined in the attack after initially shouting ‘‘beat her to death’’ when the man was hitting her with a mop.

Graphic images of the victim laying in blood are circulating online while a three-minute clip of the incident has gone viral.

Xinhua, China’s official news agency, said Shandong authorities has promised to stamp out religious-based crime.

“Local provincial police authorities vowed to severely punish illegal activities of heretic sects to protect the safety of people’s lives and property,” it said.

China’s online army of netizens, however, are critical of the witnesses, especially those who filmed it, for not helping Ms Wu.

The uproar is similar as to three years ago when a baby wandered into the path of the truck and was run over repeatedly while people watched and did not help.
Insect does better!
should also look at the report under "chinasmack", the accused family was reportedly driving a Porsche, and not a mop but a metal rod was used in the attack.

there was also a video clip of retired elderly 68yo ethnic Chinese beaten to death for no reason by a African-amercian thug on the 8.43pm street of manhatten in new York in the nearby link.

recently a 69yo elderly Singaporean painter was also brutally beaten to death in his Paris outskirt house in the news

suddenly sg feels so safe,

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