Singaporean allegedly involved in Syria conflict being investigated: MHA

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37-year-old’s alleged travel to Syria was made known to the authorities after he had left Singapore

Published: March 22, 6:06 PM

SINGAPORE – The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has issued the following statement in response to media queries on a Singaporean man who was allegedly involved in Syria conflict:

In response to media queries, the Ministry of Home Affairs confirms that we are investigating allegations that a “Haja Fakkurudeen Usman Ali” (“Haja”) may have recently travelled to Syria with the intention to undertake violence in the ongoing armed conflict there which started in 2011. Haja’s alleged travel to Syria was made known to the authorities by a member of the public after he had already left Singapore.

Haja, aged 37, is a former Indian national who obtained his Singapore citizenship in 2008. Haja worked as a manager in a local supermarket.

The authorities have also established that a “Gul Mohamed Maracachi Maraicar” (“Gul’) had abetted and assisted Haja in his radicalisation and plans to participate in armed violence in Syria. Gul, aged 37, is an Indian national and former Singapore Permanent Resident.

He was investigated under the Internal Security Act and although it was assessed that he did not pose an imminent security threat to Singapore, he has been deported and banned from entering Singapore for his role in abetting and aiding Haja.

While in Singapore, Gul worked as a System Analyst with a multi-national company.

We would like to remind the public to alert the authorities if they suspect that a friend or family member has become radicalised or who is planning to undertake armed violence overseas. This will enable the authorities to take appropriate action to prevent the person from pursuing acts of violence that could cause harm to himself or others and even lead to the loss of lives.
“risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.”
I don’t look to jump over 7-foot bars: I look around for 1-foot bars that I can step over.
Why granted this guy citizenship and how many of such guys have become our citizens ?
Jialat. Want to radicalise, can stay in home country.

Why come here then turn radical? If SG is bad, the home country is even worse
with its caste system and wide income disparity.
"... but quitting while you're ahead is not the same as quitting." - Quote from the movie American Gangster
we may think "extremism" or this guy gone off the edge is a radical, but he may think he's doing the right thing and by going to syria to fight he's serving god.

Put it another way if buddists or christians people were getting annialiated by war or some natural disaster in some other country I think the result is the same people here of the same religious denomination will help out most of the time giving money or volunteer their time by going there because they think they are aiding their fellow brethren thus serving god.

you think about the disaster cyclone nagis in 2003 that hit myanmmar a country of mostly buddist how many buddists here donated money or drop everything here volunteer their time to go there to help.

you think about the recent disaster typhoon haiyan the hit tacloban in phillippines a country of mostly christians and catholics, how many donors here of the same faith did the same thing?

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