Silverlake Axis

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(26-08-2024, 10:20 PM)dreamybear Wrote: Alternatively, shareholders may choose to receive a combination of S$0.30 per share in cash, together with one new redeemable preference share (RPS) in the capital of the offeror, E2I, for each offer share.

New offeror RPSes are not and will not be listed on any securities exchange, and do not carry any voting or dividend rights. They will be mandatorily redeemed five years from their issuance at the redemption amount of S$0.18 apiece...."

For shareholders to receive a combination of S$0.30 per share in cash, together with one new redeemable preference share (RPS) in the capital of the offeror, E2I, for each offer share, a KYC Particulars Form will need to be completed and certified to be correct by qualified certifiers. Any valuebuddies members willing to help to do certification?

Suitable certifiers comprise any one of the following:
• Registered Lawyer;
• Notary Public or Commissioner of Oaths;
• Solicitor;
• Certified Public Accountant or Chartered Accountant;
• Judicial Officer, i.e. Judge, Magistrate, Justice of the Peace;
• Police/Customs/Consular Officer;
• Qualified Chartered Secretary; or
• Director of an entity carrying on a financial services business which is regulated and operates in a FATF equivalent jurisdiction.
The certifier must:
• state that the document is a true copy of the original; and
• sign and date the document being certified, stating his/her name, position/capacity, address and email address.
Certification must be done as of a date not more than 3 months prior to the date of this KYC Particulars Form.
Hi weii,

Are you a foreigner working here on a work pass or passport holder? Otherwise, you do not need to certify anything in the KYC Particulars Form.
Thanks for informing that Singaporeans need not submit certified forms. Only need to fill up KYC Particulars Form and submit it together with a copy of NRIC.

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