Bond investing in Singapore

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While stock prices have taken a good correction now, I know many investors are still fearful of the market. Having said that, placing money in banks hardly yield reasonable returns.

Bond markets in Singapore is vastly underdeveloped compared to US or Europe. Nevertheless, there are still decent opportunities for retail investors to invest in some bonds for fixed returns.

SGX does provide trading of some bonds. While there are not many bonds around, it is worth taking a look.

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Helping you invest better
A continuation of the previous article for those who are interested in Singapore bonds or diversifying for fixed income.
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I have read that some China Property Developers raise temporary capital by issue of high interest rate Loan Notes denominated in USD on the Singapore Stock Exchange . Which Singapore newspaper will give the current market prices of such loan notes ?
Quoting the original writer "I'm pretty sure they are not listed, otherwise I would have known of it. You got to ask your broker or your banker. Not sure if there's a secondary market for such institutional debt instruments. Some of the better retail bonds/notes are actually not listed, and requires a capital of 250k to start buying into one. Might be even less liquid than the listed one though."
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SP Power 4.84 15 Years , another 4 more years to go.
“risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.”
I don’t look to jump over 7-foot bars: I look around for 1-foot bars that I can step over.

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