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Good morning valuebuddies.
Again, waking up to a cool morning with birds chirping happily in the woods.

Enjoying top of the world:

Gratitude to all valuebuddies who had helped me all these time.

One particular one is hyom.

hyom wrote the last posts in the late Dr Michael Leong's blog/website.

take a look and you might be able to find out the reason why I consider hyom as my top - highest ranking blogger - that I benefited the most in my investing journey.


I know Michael when he was working in IBM. We were working on sales lead and doing cold calls, presentations and proposals. 

Unfortunately, life is short and so un-predictable.

With a warming heart, I can only expressed my gratitude to all valuebuddies who had been so kind in sharing your stories.

[Image: NDP22%20Website%20Homepage%20Images%2020...011am2.jpg]https://www.ndp.gov.sg/
Good morning valuebuddies.
Again, waking up to a cool morning with birds chirping happily in the wood, I couldn't felt more blessed than ever.

Watching Mr 1M65 analysing PM Lee's national day message. Scroll to 10min mark for those valuebuddies without patient.

One of the point made by Mr 1M65 is Singapore is the best country to live in.

Name me one country that's better than Singapore.  Don't just says this aspect is better than SG or that aspect is better. Take it as a totality and name me one country.  Tongue

I will leave it to you to watch the rest of his youtube video. I can tell you, this particular episode is his best video (content wise) to me.  Watch it and you'll definitely benefits from this particular videoBig Grin

Last 2 weeks, we witnessed China flexing it's muscle and the dividing line declared by Taiwan had been void without any fight.  It's clear (clearer) that China is a giant. 

It's also clear that investing in China would be something valuebuddies should consider seriously.  Don't need to do a lot, just start small and get some exposure quickly.

Another big news, is the duo was caught while checking in to a $25 a day hotel in Skudai.   

$30m was collected from 200  thru Carousel. What happen to all these $$$? Why are they staying in $25 hotel?

Lots of story behind ... just dig and you'll see them.  Otherwise, just wait for the event to be told.

Gratitude. Heart
Good morning valuebuddies,
Again, another cool morning started and hope all had a great weekend.

Listen to PM Lee if you're available https://www.youtube.com/pmosingapore

Like everyone who searching for the best stocks, I too had ventured out of Singapore.  Unfortunately, the result in oversea is not really doing well.  With this, I concluded that SG Stock would be the one for me.

Having says that, despite my bad recent stock market purchases in Oversea, I still think that there is some merit there.  I tell myself to put a fixed amount says 10-20% of my asset there. That limit would be a hard limit and shall not be breached.

With that, relax and enjoy...
[Image: logo?img_id=8028711]

Good morning, again waking up to a cool morning and I couldn't felt more appreciative of all the helps that valuebuddies had given me.

With gratitude, hope all valuebuddies had a nice weekend.
Enjoy, Perfect:


[Image: Microchips-in-Motherboard.png]

I'm still waiting for Paul Chew etc to report on MM's FY result.

So far, I can only see SudhanP.com reported the good result and I wonder why  Dodgy

Enjoy a good read on MM:

Enjoy: Wonderful Tonight

With DBS published "Longer Term Trend Intact"... 
with a "hold" target price of $3.42, we could expect MM price to continue trending up too.

Thank you and really appreciative of the +ve assertion from DBS Research Group.

Good morning, valuebuddies.
Today 1M65 shared his kungfu... 
for those valuebuddies with not enough time, scroll forward to 37'50...
for the rest, take it slowly and enjoy:

The best part for me is not those financial advice but 
discover and pursuit your passions in life.

Gratitude and wish all valuebuddies the best too.
Good morning, valuebuddies.
A lot had happened and stock market volatility would be something expected and to be taken advantage.


This morning - was soaked in the rain - nice back to the army feeling  Big Grin

I hope that everyone had a great day, just like me.

BTW, friday, iphone 14 pro max was out and I picked up 3 boxes and sold them with a profit of $100 each.
Enjoy and watch some of the new features:

There are a lot of struggling between greed and fear - to buy, to sell or to wait out the storm?

I'm sure it's a very difficult choice for many valuebuddies and I don't think it's easy to decide.

For me (based on my situation), I am and had been constantly buying ETF lately.  The price is good enough for me and I could wait out for the storm to pass.  Well, there is a risk of the storm will be with us for a long time, so be it.  These are the $$$ I don't need for a long long time (as I don't spend a lot of $$$ at this stage of my life).

Mr 1M65 very likely had already put all his CPF into S&P500 and Nasdaq, he is planning to invest his wife's CPF.  

My take is he is too aggressive but you never know.

After selling MMH at near $4, I had a lot of spare cash in SRS and CPF.  Just a recap, I sold all my MMH kept in SRS and 1/3 in CPF.  My plan is to invest the spare cash in SRS first and then either dipped into cash or CPF.  

In any case, there is no need to rush and I'm just waiting patiently for the market price to meet my buying price.  Tongue

Good luck, everyone and keep look out for great opportunities!

[Image: main-board-g6462b6869_1280.jpg]
Credit: https://dollarsandsense.sg/heres-can-rid...anics-ums/

So glad to have a peaceful and enjoyable weekend.  Wish everyone a successful investment.

Watch Adam Khoo on Adobe dropped 60%, Amazon dropped 40%:

As valuebuddies, we welcome volatility.  I had been putting in $$$ (thou at a smaller sum that I preferred) and these volatility is really welcome.

[Image: a769353f9fbf9d2727bf69043a60a204?image_version=800]
Credit: https://www.tradewindsnews.com/finance/y...-1-1302431

YJZ share price increase 10% last Friday. The question is whether this is a signal to sell or to buy more?  No crystal ball but doubt that I'm going to sell any.  Let's wait for another 1 or 2 days before deciding again. Big Grin 



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