@k, welcome to VB.com.
if it's not too late, try chatting with your mom
and I'm sure you'll have plenty lessons to learn from her too.
I know d.o.g. for many years (but he only know me recently... I think).
For many years, I had been reading his posts again and again.
My favorite is usually at end/beginning of years.
I'll take out my *hard copy* and *soft copy* posts written by him
and read thru them like reading a detective stories.
I'll take out my *hand written* - lessons learn notes
and reminded myself to be mindful.
#1 things that I learn is what stocks
not to buy.
These tips cost me a lot of missed opportunities,
(sorry... I'm not complaining)
at the same time, avoided tons of bad stocks.
(serving it's purpose).
#2 things that I learn is to invest, I will have to save first.
It's like no brainier.
I simply don't borrow to buy stocks.
I only use $$$ that I can afford to lose
Yes, I know, many investors see
a. the $$$ hidden in under-value stocks, or
b. growth stocks with great business story lines, or
c. special situations that's going to happen and nobody is aware, etc.
I sees buying stocks as buying risks.
I sees my hard earn $$$ converting into just number in CDP or SCB trading platform.
This is no joke.
And, that's again, #1 things that I learn from d.o.g.
If I'm able to avoid the bad guys, then I should be ok.
It might not be spectacle,
it might not be huge profits,
who cares, at least I can sleep well.
I wanted to talk a bit on the best world story.
This has to do with another of my sifu:
Oldman (deceased).
I brought best world because it's a under-value stock.
A consumer stock:
1. low PE
2. PB less than 1
3. +ve Profit
4. pay dividend
5. +ve cash flow
6. low debt/asset ratio
It was traded around 20 cents.
Being super conservative, I just use SCB to queue everyday below 20 cents...
until this big shot come in and start to buy above 20 cents.
After a while, it's no long worth my time and so I stop chasing.
What's oldman involvement in this?
Then? Tell us lay....
ok, ok.
Oldman once said.
The challenge for fundamental (FA) investor is not to find a good stocks.
The challenge is to find a Twobagger, Fivebagger, Tenbagger.
If I'm using FA and I make 20% or 30% then must well just use TA.
If I'm using FA, then the challenge is to find a Multibagger.
Recently, as everyone know, the stock market boom (bloom).
Many valuebuddies traded their best stocks for 20% or 30% profits.
I'm happy for them.
However, it will be very painful later that we
brought back the same stocks (that we sold) at a higher price.
I reminded myself.
I can't says thank you to Oldman.
I like to says thank you to you
d.o.g. (disciple of graham)
Thank you very much for teaching me.

Love Compassion