Thank you Sifu Chua.
Since the beginning, I had always been fascinated by your investment methodology - using the big numbers approach to value investing.
Although we do not have a lot of shares in common, every month, I will look at your top 30 ranks and have a sensing of these small cap performance.
I have a confession. I had never act on your ideas. I merely observe and try to feel the actions in this space. Never buy or sell any stocks based on your posting... except now.
Before I brought SLC, I went into your blog and I'm convinced that SLC would be a good buy.
Some of your comments is rather encouraging and precisely at this moment that I sense that SLC transformation journey had just begin...
that I pull the trigger during this Phase-2 (Heightened Alert) period.
I think the time is ripe and extracted your comments for recording purposes in
May 2014
it is also an asset play as they own a portfolio of hotels in Australia. Some of them have good redevelopment value, while some could be sold to unlock value. This stock is also for patient investors who don't mind waiting as they slowly unlock value for shareholders.
June 2014
Returned to my top 30 list due to good performance
November 2016
I think St****** do have good assets in Australia and their re-developments should also return some profits. The problem is that shareholders might not be patient enough to wait for value to be realized, as in the case of many asset plays. Also, the cut in dividend payout for the past FY might not sink in well for many shareholders, resulting in the stock's underperformance for the past one year. I hope that my patience will pay off one day in St****** and had been adding into my position for the past one year.
May 2017
It is indeed disappointing that dividend was only 1cts from St******, but the result was not as good due to impairment of Dynon’s Plaza.
Granted that Macquarie project was completed but they only recognized 174 out of 710 apartments in FY17.
Therefore, most of the revenue will still be booked in FY18 and beyond.
I don't know why the dividend payout is still low but based on EPS of 4cts in FY17, he is paying out 25% of the profits.
All of the operating cash flow in Q417 went to repaying bank borrowings.
Might be a change of dividend policy or he has other investments in mind that he needs to conserve cash.
April 2020
the rationale behind my purchases of these companies is very simple. They are stocks currently trading at deep value and backed by solid physical assets.
In term of your SLC investment journey, I had also taken some notes:
Reported first buy @ Sep 2010
Reported last buy @ Feb 2021
Best Ranking - 8 @ Aug 2019, Dec 2019 and Jan 2021
Thanks for reading.
Don't know what to do?
Hope you enjoy a fruitful journey too. Gratitude!
Thank you Sifu Chua.
Since the beginning, I had always been fascinated by your investment methodology - using the big numbers approach to value investing.
Although we do not have a lot of shares in common, every month, I will look at your top 30 ranks and have a sensing of these small cap performance.
I have a confession. I had never act on your ideas. I merely observe and try to feel the actions in this space. Never buy or sell any stocks based on your posting... except now.
Before I brought SLC, I went into your blog and I'm convinced that SLC would be a good buy.
Some of your comments is rather encouraging and precisely at this moment that I sense that SLC transformation journey had just begin...
that I pull the trigger during this Phase-2 (Heightened Alert) period.
I think the time is ripe and extracted your comments for recording purposes in
May 2014
it is also an asset play as they own a portfolio of hotels in Australia. Some of them have good redevelopment value, while some could be sold to unlock value. This stock is also for patient investors who don't mind waiting as they slowly unlock value for shareholders.
June 2014
Returned to my top 30 list due to good performance
November 2016
I think St****** do have good assets in Australia and their re-developments should also return some profits. The problem is that shareholders might not be patient enough to wait for value to be realized, as in the case of many asset plays. Also, the cut in dividend payout for the past FY might not sink in well for many shareholders, resulting in the stock's underperformance for the past one year. I hope that my patience will pay off one day in St****** and had been adding into my position for the past one year.
May 2017
It is indeed disappointing that dividend was only 1cts from St******, but the result was not as good due to impairment of Dynon’s Plaza.
Granted that Macquarie project was completed but they only recognized 174 out of 710 apartments in FY17.
Therefore, most of the revenue will still be booked in FY18 and beyond.
I don't know why the dividend payout is still low but based on EPS of 4cts in FY17, he is paying out 25% of the profits.
All of the operating cash flow in Q417 went to repaying bank borrowings.
Might be a change of dividend policy or he has other investments in mind that he needs to conserve cash.
April 2020
the rationale behind my purchases of these companies is very simple. They are stocks currently trading at deep value and backed by solid physical assets.
In term of your SLC investment journey, I had also taken some notes:
Reported first buy @ Sep 2010
Reported last buy @ Feb 2021
Best Ranking - 8 @ Aug 2019, Dec 2019 and Jan 2021
Thanks for reading.
Don't know what to do?
Hope you enjoy a fruitful journey too. Gratitude!