Seth Klarman : Margin of Safety

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Klarman warns of impending asset price bubble
Bubble is the fastest way to early retirement. If u r early and right.
"... but quitting while you're ahead is not the same as quitting." - Quote from the movie American Gangster
The dot com bust of early 2000's brought down the global financial markets.

If Seth Klarman's prediction above comes through and dot com bust II brings down markets again, the STI would have crashed even though it hasn't gone anywhere for the past few years and only modestly up over the past 2 decades...

[Image: z?s=%5eSTI&t=my&q=l&l=off&z=l&c=%5EHSI,%...&region=US]
I have the e version of the book if anyone wants it. Give me a PM.
Have read the PDF before. A definite must read for any value-guys out there! Simple to understand too Smile

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