I step out of the "bullet train" and it's an amazing sight.
Thousands of passengers, coming out of the train simultaneously.
Following the crowd, I head for the exit.
( I do not have a good idea how to get to my hotel but my choice of transport is always public bus/mrt. Taxi seldom comes into my mind. )
The crowd had disperse quickly and now it's all quiet.
I stood in front of a large city map and trying to figure out how to get to my hotel.
On the map, there seems to be a MRT going somewhere near and I need to double confirm.
I summon up my brightest smile and asked one passer-by. He shook his head and says he is not from the city.
I asked another person and he stood in front of the map and he is not sure whether there is a MRT or not.
mmm... very tricky hur?
I look up again and saw my answer walking to me.
A teenager in school uniform... sure enough, the map is too new, the MRT had not operate yet. Instead, I'm suppose to take bus xxx or bus yyy to the city.
Got it.
I drag my luggage up to ground floor and found my bus easily.
The bus ride is similar to Singapore except the aircon is not on and must roll down the small window.
I'm impressed by the tall apartments building blocks along the way to city center.
When almost everyone alighted in a bus stop that looks like commercial shopping belt, I followed them and get down too. (very adventure, right?)
Again, inside the bus stop, there is a large map of the vicinity.
Only trouble is, I am in a very complicated junction with lots of small lanes and some of them are of triangular shapes.
mmm.... ask law... what to do?
Following a general direction, I dragged my luggage along the main road for about 20 minutes and reached a place that I suspect is my hotel.
I walk around and look for hotel logo.... no luck.
Wait a minute, there is a restaurant with famous Chong Qin Hotpot.
Isn't it my hotel address? Yup, it's upstairs... the waitress told me.
Checking in was pretty fast and as usual, my toilet does not have solid wall, instead it's translucent glass wall. (romantic? if you don't want this type of romance, then better choose your hotel carefully)
Mmm... the water tank (mineral water) dispenser in my room is running low, let me call for top up. (incidentally, there is a red switch behind the dispenser, turn-on to boil the water for tea)
Few minutes later, an elderly woman knock on my door and boy, she is strong - consider her age... lugging the huge bottle.
I feel bad and hand her some money.
She stared at me and then realised what happen and shaked both her head and her hand and walk away... leaving me holding my money in awk.

Enjoy reading...
Thousands of passengers, coming out of the train simultaneously.
Following the crowd, I head for the exit.
( I do not have a good idea how to get to my hotel but my choice of transport is always public bus/mrt. Taxi seldom comes into my mind. )
The crowd had disperse quickly and now it's all quiet.
I stood in front of a large city map and trying to figure out how to get to my hotel.
On the map, there seems to be a MRT going somewhere near and I need to double confirm.
I summon up my brightest smile and asked one passer-by. He shook his head and says he is not from the city.
I asked another person and he stood in front of the map and he is not sure whether there is a MRT or not.
mmm... very tricky hur?
I look up again and saw my answer walking to me.
A teenager in school uniform... sure enough, the map is too new, the MRT had not operate yet. Instead, I'm suppose to take bus xxx or bus yyy to the city.
Got it.
I drag my luggage up to ground floor and found my bus easily.
The bus ride is similar to Singapore except the aircon is not on and must roll down the small window.
I'm impressed by the tall apartments building blocks along the way to city center.
When almost everyone alighted in a bus stop that looks like commercial shopping belt, I followed them and get down too. (very adventure, right?)
Again, inside the bus stop, there is a large map of the vicinity.
Only trouble is, I am in a very complicated junction with lots of small lanes and some of them are of triangular shapes.
mmm.... ask law... what to do?
Following a general direction, I dragged my luggage along the main road for about 20 minutes and reached a place that I suspect is my hotel.
I walk around and look for hotel logo.... no luck.
Wait a minute, there is a restaurant with famous Chong Qin Hotpot.
Isn't it my hotel address? Yup, it's upstairs... the waitress told me.
Checking in was pretty fast and as usual, my toilet does not have solid wall, instead it's translucent glass wall. (romantic? if you don't want this type of romance, then better choose your hotel carefully)
Mmm... the water tank (mineral water) dispenser in my room is running low, let me call for top up. (incidentally, there is a red switch behind the dispenser, turn-on to boil the water for tea)
Few minutes later, an elderly woman knock on my door and boy, she is strong - consider her age... lugging the huge bottle.
I feel bad and hand her some money.
She stared at me and then realised what happen and shaked both her head and her hand and walk away... leaving me holding my money in awk.

Enjoy reading...