We just added "MORE NEWS" button for JStock Android.
Previously, when you tap on a stock, JStock Android will try to load as much as news as possible. Hence,
. Take longer time to show up first news.
. Consume more battery.
. Consume more network bandwidth.
We strike for environment friendly app

In order to preserve your device battery, and consume less earth resource, we decide to add "MORE NEWS" button.
Here is what JStock Android going to do right now. Currently, when you tap on a stock, JStock Android will try to load around 10 (roughly) stock news. Hence,
. Take shorter time to show up first news.
. Consume less battery.
. Consume less network bandwidth.
Only if you wish to have more than 10 news, you will click on the "MORE NEWS" button.
We hope you like this new feature, as much as we like environment friendly app
[Image: 7HhsYlo.png]