Were the dinosaurs killed by a comet?

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The extraterrestrial object that slammed into the Earth 65million years ago and sparked the extinction of the dinosaurs was most likely a speeding comet, new analysis claims.

New research has suggested that the 110 mile-wide Chicxulub crater in Yucatan, Mexico, was caused by the impact of a smaller object than previously thought.

But for a smaller object to have caused such a cataclysmic impact it must have been moving at speeds usually only reached by comets hurtling through our solar system from outer space.

some draw parrallels from the bible with god casting satan out of heaven imprisoned on earth maybe that happened in the form of a comet slamming into earth triggering global evolution.

ever wonder the earth comprised of several layers the outer crust itself is already 70km thick what lies beyond nobody knows or maybe it's designed on purpose to keep us out Big Grin
Colossal shock waves would have triggered earthquakes and volcanic eruptions right the way across the planet.
For all you know the comet could have been directed towards earth by aliens...

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