Trouble on the European front

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I get the feeling that all these QE policies american or european are not going to resolved the toxic debt issues, they just covering the problem for a while. No country in trouble will admit they have problems all will say they are doing fine.


LONDON, European officials increasingly concerned that the debt crisis will spread, are warning that any new rescue plans may need to cover Portugal as well as Ireland to contain the problem they tried to resolve six months ago.

Each country would have to make a formal request for assistance before any plan would be implemented. And for months now, Ireland has insisted that it has sufficient funds to keep it going until spring. Portugal says it, too, does not need help and emphasizes that it is in a stronger position than Ireland.

While some important details are different, the current situation feels eerily similar to what happened months ago in Greece, where the cost of borrowing rose precipitously. European authorities ultimately stepped in with a rescue package, expecting an economic recovery and the creation of new European rescue funds to fend off future panics by bond investors whose money is needed by countries to roll over their debt.

But with economic conditions weakening, markets are once again in turmoil. Rescuing Ireland may no longer be enough.

Stronger countries and weaker countries that use the common currency of the euro are being pulled in different directions. Some economists even wonder whether unity will hold or whether some new system that allows countries to move on one of two parallel financial tracks is needed.

Despite the insistence of Irish officials that only its banks need additional help, investors continue to bet on an Irish rescue, driving down the bond yields on that country's debt against a benchmark again on Monday.

Portugal's yields, meanwhile, increased to 6.7 percent, underscoring the emerging concern in Brussels, the capital of the European Union, that it would be irresponsible to adopt a plan to prop up Ireland without addressing the possibility that turmoil could ultimately engulf Portugal, or even Spain. Like Ireland, Portugal has struggled to grow under the fixed currency regime of the euro. Though Portugal has raised sufficient funds of late from bond markets, its budget deficit is 9 percent of its gross domestic product, much higher than the 3 percent limit for countries in the euro zone. With its weak government and persistently slow growth, investors have grown fearful that Portugal, too, will eventually run out of funds.

While Ireland has largely impressed European officials with its commitment to austerity, Portugal has been lagging in this regard, according to European officials. One official in Europe, who asked for anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly, said that the budget recently presented by the government in Lisbon did not contain the type of far-reaching changes proposed by other countries, like Spain.

"If Ireland were to ask for aid, then you'd have to look at what's going on in Portugal as well," the official said, putting forward a view that to rescue Ireland alone would not keep speculators from zeroing in on other vulnerable countries.

Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission, said Monday that Ireland had not requested aid and stressed his faith in the strength of the single currency. "We have all the instruments to address the problems that may come either in the euro area or outside the euro area," he told reporters in Brussels.

The Portuguese finance minister, Fernando Teixeira dos Santos, said Monday evening in Brussels that the situation in Ireland was creating dangers for all countries using the euro.

"If things are getting worse in Ireland, for instance, that will have a contagion impact on the other euro zone economies and particularly on those that are under closer scrutiny of markets, like Portugal," he said. Asked if Ireland should accept a bailout to stem the contagion, Mr. Teixeira said, "It's not up to me to make that assessment."

Even so, Mr. Teixeira dos Santos emphasized that his country was not preparing to ask for a European rescue package. Portugal would "not necessarily" have to accept a rescue if Ireland did, he said.

Mr. Teixeira dos Santos also said his government was preparing a robust budget that would cut wages, freeze pensions and raise taxes. "We are really committed to meet our targets," he said. "I think we deserve that the market gives us the chance to show that," he said.
Well, I guess this is a good lesson to any other regions that wants to form a economic bloc...........

The rules should be followed closely, eg 3% not 9%

What kind of stick to use to make sure countries toll the line etc.........
I recalled there was an interest many yrs back to form an Asean economic union, with the proposal of setting up an Asean currency.

Fortunately, the idea did not carried through.

(17-11-2010, 12:49 AM)arthur Wrote: I recalled there was an interest many yrs back to form an Asean economic union, with the proposal of setting up an Asean currency.

Fortunately, the idea did not carried through.

I believe it's not that it did not carry through. It's that the idea requires further thought and deliberation and requires all the less developed asean states to first catch up economically and be on a more or less equal footing before embarking on this AEU.
(17-11-2010, 06:47 AM)Jon-san Wrote:
(17-11-2010, 12:49 AM)arthur Wrote: I recalled there was an interest many yrs back to form an Asean economic union, with the proposal of setting up an Asean currency.

Fortunately, the idea did not carried through.

I believe it's not that it did not carry through. It's that the idea requires further thought and deliberation and requires all the less developed asean states to first catch up economically and be on a more or less equal footing before embarking on this AEU.

I'm with Arthur on this. The EU is clearly a failed example. As good as the plan and benefits sounded on paper, reality is that when you have governments needing to pander to a voting public, it's not easy at all to get them to stick to a 3% rule.

As for this scenario taking place in ASEAN. Given the dynamics and political realities in this part of the world, I'm not so sure we'll ever see this sort of thing within ASEAN beyond it being tabled on paper.

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