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look at the massive volumes on queue at ard 26.5c.
(29-01-2013, 08:41 AM)cif5000 Wrote:
(28-01-2013, 08:30 PM)yeokiwi Wrote:
(28-01-2013, 07:17 PM)ngcheeki Wrote: Query by SGX and standard answers were given. End at 25 cents and last trade was 264 lots.$file/Reponse_to_SGX_Query_on_trading_activities.pdf?openelement

Till date, I still could not understand how SGX decides who to query. They seemed to decide by throwing dices.

I think they run a software on that will trigger a signal based on volume, price, free float, market cap, etc against that day's market action and its historical trading data...and then some office boy verifies it and issues a query.

Kelvin Koh
Vice President
Head, Market Surveillance
Risk Management & Regulation

This office boy has a rather nice title.
(29-01-2013, 08:56 AM)yeokiwi Wrote:
Kelvin Koh
Vice President
Head, Market Surveillance
Risk Management & Regulation

This office boy has a rather nice title.

Never look down on office boy title. DFS salesgal also VP, became CEO hor.
the excitement of the morning is dying down.
i think nearly 5m hup shares traded within 45min is remarkable. strange no news. who's buying up...
looks like those who bought some yesteday threw out n some that bought opeing suck tumb n threw some down.. created huge volume. but those that is really collecting havent get out yet.. 26 keep got buyer.
means there're still pple wanting to get in at 26c n much more pple queueing at 25.5.
key to hold to this stock, lets hope their result is okie n give out dividends. so can hold longer.
just hoping and wishing...if eps turnaround n land news out..booommmm!!!!
anw think the morning deal is done... wait for afternoon got come then come no come okie... those bought morning one chui liao

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