Sinotel Technologies

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Sinotel has won 3 contracts from China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom to provide infrastructure services.$file/ChinaTelecomFibreOpticInfrastructure.pdf?openelement$file/ChinaUnicomNetworkOptimization.pdf?openelement$file/CMMBVendorQualification.pdf?openelement

It has depressed P/E, good cashflow and good margins, albeit decreasing for the past few years.
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pls look out for the account receviables, zero dividend payout policy and recent placements or rights issue when they do not have much capital expenditure.
Yes their accounts receivables is very perplexing! It seems to rise all the time and it stands around SGD$100mil.. The major telco players take a long time to pay for Sinotel's services. The management should push for faster receivables from the telco.
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taka666 Wrote:The management should push for faster receivables from the telco.

The telco holds all the bargaining chips. China Mobile has been known to take 300 days to pay bills. Companies like Sinotel will collapse if they grow too fast, because their working capital needs keep expanding. If they cannot get the financing they are done for.

The accounting P&L says they have a lot of revenue and earnings. The economic reality is that they do not generate any cash and are unlikely to do so for the foreseeable future. The more sales and earnings they have, the more cash they will consume.

Since the company's business model makes it impossible to pay a dividend, an investor has to count on being able to sell his shares to a greater fool willing to pay more.
The boss of Sinotel is 贾跃亭­.
He has another company 乐视网 that was listed recently in Shenzhen stock exchange. The following article put doubt over the IPO figures.

或成A股首家上市视频网站 乐视网遭质疑
时间:2010-06-12 09:34:00 发帖者:乌龟爷爷 点击:664 我有话说 字号:T|T
·头条3只连续上涨10%金股 ·私募拉升:每日猛涨6% ·今日内幕:巨资拉升至涨停
















  乐视网的招股书显示,除乐视网外,贾跃亭还持有其他16家公司的股份。这些公司可分为三大板块,分别是网络视频服务(2家公司)、电信设备集成和制造 (6家)以及影视投资(9家)。其中,影视投资板块中有6家公司是"空壳公司,无实际业务"。而招股书中也说明,这6家空壳公司是贾跃亭在 2005~2006年间为筹备境外融资而成立的,一直未开展经营业务。目前贾跃亭已经承诺注销这6家公司。在电信设备集成和制造板块,也有两家公司被标注"未开展实际业务"。

  2007年11月,贾跃亭创立的电信设备公司Sinotel Technologies在新加坡主板上市,融资约2亿元。随着当时国内媒体的报道,贾跃亭逐渐进入公众视野。当时有媒体报道,贾跃亭之前从事煤炭行业多年,拥有自己的小煤矿。然而,在乐视网招股书对贾跃亭的说明中却并未提及与此相关事宜。



(11-11-2010, 09:00 PM)d.o.g. Wrote: Since the company's business model makes it impossible to pay a dividend, an investor has to count on being able to sell his shares to a greater fool willing to pay more.

I was once e greater fool and sold out with substantial losses. Learnt my lesson to ignore s-chips completely.

To add on, compare e growth of receivables with comba telecom and u will know something smells fishy. Otherwise how can they maintain their continued increase of ROE? Perhaps this is one of e reason it is not audited by e big 4. They are best in announcing contract wins. But if u took note most of these contracts are so minor compared to the revenue they can generate every year. Even e latest contract win does not reveal e potential revenue from the deal. As if it does not have enough red flags. Do note that the operating cash flow just recently recovered..

I wish good luck and good night sleep to any value investors on this counter. My 20 cents
(11-11-2010, 09:00 PM)d.o.g. Wrote: The telco holds all the bargaining chips. China Mobile has been known to take 300 days to pay bills. Companies like Sinotel will collapse if they grow too fast, because their working capital needs keep expanding. If they cannot get the financing they are done for.

The accounting P&L says they have a lot of revenue and earnings. The economic reality is that they do not generate any cash and are unlikely to do so for the foreseeable future. The more sales and earnings they have, the more cash they will consume.

Since the company's business model makes it impossible to pay a dividend, an investor has to count on being able to sell his shares to a greater fool willing to pay more.

I am starting to learn and realize that in most cases, it is the nature of the industry and company which prevents it from being a worthwhile investment. In Sinotel's case, the problem of rising receivables and constant cash drain is part of the industry, and so one cannot "divorce" them both. If the business model is capital intensive, then there is likely no free cash flow present, and significant sums of money need to be employed just to keep up with the competition, or to just stay relevant!

So despite the company's pronouncement of contract wins or tie-ups, it's still very important to inspect the numbers closely. I've learnt, over the years, to avoid the glossy hype which generally accompanies press releases, and to instead just focus on what's important.
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Just to add on to Yeo-san's interesting discovery (thx!): 贾跃亭释疑:谁为乐视网买单?

Quote:I am starting to learn and realize that in most cases, it is the nature of the industry and company which prevents it from being a worthwhile investment. In Sinotel's case, the problem of rising receivables and constant cash drain is part of the industry, and so one cannot "divorce" them both. If the business model is capital intensive, then there is likely no free cash flow present, and significant sums of money need to be employed just to keep up with the competition, or to just stay relevant!

So despite the company's pronouncement of contract wins or tie-ups, it's still very important to inspect the numbers closely. I've learnt, over the years, to avoid the glossy hype which generally accompanies press releases, and to instead just focus on what's important.

Thanks for the your insights MW. I'm also slowly learning how to look into different industries and how the mechanics of different industries affects the company involved in it. Cheers!

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(12-11-2010, 10:36 AM)bluechipstamp Wrote: Just to add on to Yeo-san's interesting discovery (thx!): 贾跃亭释疑:谁为乐视网买单?


Thanks Blue San.

In China, piracy through P2P is the most dominant form of video and music distribution. I do not see how a company like 乐视网 can actually garner so many customers (300,000) to pay for the movies and tv serial services.

The article also raised doubt over the advertisement revenue of 37 million. Who on earth will place advertisement in internet with a company that has only 300k subscribers?
乐视网 is not even in the top ten of the media distribution portal in China.

Another similarity between 乐视网 and Sinotel.
The operating cashflow is high but the capital expenditure is even higher.
Basically, the shareholders will not be able to get dividends.

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