Shares price drops 6.5 cents after the following announcement!! As their net gearing already so high (>200%), the failure in oversea expansion does not seem to be me as a bad thing leh!! Why does the share price go down so much???
Market Update on Overseas Expansion and Investment
The Board of Directors of SC Global Developments Ltd (the “Company”) wishes to inform
that the Company has been engaged in discussions on possible investment and equity
participation in various overseas projects, specifically covering countries in the South East
Asia region and some cities in Greater China.
The Company has recently made a bid to acquire an overseas resort hotel development
but was unsuccessful in its offer.
The Company continues to look out for opportunities to expand its overseas business and
its regional diversification plan. However, it should be noted that there is no certainty or
assurance that the business expansion and diversification will result from such
engagements or discussions taking place from time to time.
The Company will make proper disclosure of any overseas acquisition it has secured in
accordance with the SGX-ST Listing Rules at appropriate times. In the meantime,
shareholders of the Company are advised to refrain from taking any action in respect of
their shares in the Company which may be prejudicial to their interests, and to exercise
caution when dealing with shares in the Company.$file/SCGlobal_Market_Update_on_Overseas_Expansion_and_Investment.pdf?openelement