China Merchants Holdings Pacific

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HK$10m CB converted - about 1.911m new shares.

Since 2 April, about 30.484m shares been listed as a result of conversion, representing 4.24% increased on last FY's paid up and issued share capital.

Outstanding CBs represent another 191.676m new shares to be issued.


Cmp Jiurui acquisition egm notice

Meeting Date and Time09/09/2014 10:00:00Response Deadline Date07/09/2014Event Venue(s)PlaceVenue(s)Venue detailsMeeting VenueMarina Mandarin Singapore
Capricorn Room, Level 1
6 Raffles Boulevard
Marina Square
Singapore 039594

Rerating coming

When circular out will be able to see how much immediate gains they can get via debt refinance

(22-08-2014, 09:32 AM)greengiraffe Wrote:

Cmp Jiurui acquisition egm notice

Meeting Date and Time09/09/2014 10:00:00Response Deadline Date07/09/2014Event Venue(s)PlaceVenue(s)Venue detailsMeeting VenueMarina Mandarin Singapore
Capricorn Room, Level 1
6 Raffles Boulevard
Marina Square
Singapore 039594

Rerating coming

When circular out will be able to see how much immediate gains they can get via debt refinance



May I ask, are you going for the EGM? I remembered during EGM the floor will be given to the audience before the vote. Will it be the same here?

If so, can I list a few questions I have in mind and wish you can ask on my behalf.
EGM Circular is out:

The most interesting information can be found in pg 13:

Quote:The Company understands from Jiurui Expressway Co that the toll collection revenue of the expressway has seen a year-on-year increase since its commencement. Toll collection revenue was RMB1,728,002 in 2011, RMB30,156,219 in 2012 and RMB56,638,397 in 2013. For 1Q2014, toll collection revenue was RMB19,341,875.

Jiurui Expressway is a newly opened road so it will be loss making in its initial few years of operations. It will steadily ramp up its traffic volume and toll revenue to become a mature cash generating asset. This ramp up is evident in the revenue figures above and the annualized 1Q 14 revenue figure is close to RMB 80 million (which matches the valuation report forecast). I don't expect a significant impact to CMP earnings in the near term - but the twin effect of reduction in interest expenses and strong organic growth could turn this to an important contributor to CMP bottom line in the years to come. I intend to hold on to my shares and enjoy the 7.5% dividend yield.

Disclaimer: Please feel free to correct any error in my post. I am not liable for anything. Do your own research and analysis. I do NOT give buy or sell calls and stock tips. Buy and sell at your risk. I am not a qualified financial adviser so I do not give any advice. The postings reflects my own personal thoughts which may or may not be accurate.

Key Points:

i) The Sellers are PRC nationals primarily engaged in the commercial real estate sector in the PRC.

ii) From the appraisal of GCAL based on generally accepted valuation procedures and practices,
the fair value1 of 100 per cent. of the shareholding interest in the Target and Jiurui Expressway
Co (the “Target Interest”), which comprises 100 per cent. of the equity interest in the Target
and Jiurui Expressway Co and the Target Shareholder’s Loan, is approximately RMB702 million
(approximately HK$885.2 million) as at 31 March 2014.

iii) Over the period from 2002 to 2013, the average growth in Gross Domestic Product of Jiangxi
Province, PRC is more than 17 per cent. per annum3. It is anticipated that strong economic
growth will continue and will remain the major portion of the area’s economic development. In
addition, the road passenger traffi c demand of Jiangxi Province, PRC had increased at the rate
of 8.0 per cent. per annum from 2002 to 2013, while the road freight traffic demand increased at
the rate of 18.1 per cent.

iv) Pg 16 & 17 - ensuring discharge of guarantees on a loan to a related vendor property worth RMB$150m, securing the paperwork from local government confirming extension of toll period from 2033 to 2040 and ensuring receivables and collectibles are in order

v) Sharing of Toll Collection Increment. (a) the Toll Collection Increment (less applicable taxes) on or before 31 March 2014 (if any)
shall belong to the Sellers;
(b) the Toll Collection Increment (less applicable taxes) for the period from 1 April 2014 to 31
March 2024 (if any) shall be shared equally between CMHP and the Sellers; and
© the Toll Collection Increment (less applicable taxes) on or after 1 April 2024 (if any) shall
belong to CMHP.

vi) Net Loss. Based on the audited consolidated fi nancial statements of the Target for FY2013,
the net loss before tax, minority interests and exceptional items of the Target for FY2013 is
approximately HK$27,839,047.
Based on the audited consolidated fi nancial statements of the Target for 1Q2014, the net loss
before tax, minority interests and exceptional items of the Target for 1Q2014 is approximately

vii) The Company understands from Jiurui Expressway Co
that the toll collection revenue of the expressway has seen a year-on-year increase since its
commencement. Toll collection revenue was RMB1,728,002 in 2011, RMB30,156,219 in 2012
and RMB56,638,397 in 2013. For 1Q2014, toll collection revenue was RMB19,341,875.



This revived acquisitions looks highly likely to be a "forced sale" by vendor that appears to be over-exposed to the plunging Chinese real estate. Toll revenue growth appears to be on a exponential growth curve and hence only huge interest expenses are dogging the lucrativeness of the toll road.

Unfortunately, the details of the loans and interest expenses are no longer available in the circular. Hence one can only deduce that CMP do not wish to publicise their ability to restructure the capital structure of a toll road held by weak owners in the light of recent economic and political developments in China.

Just wait for the magic from CMP to deliver the accretiveness of the acquisition.


HK$8m CB converted - about 1.263m new shares.

Since 2 April, about 32.013m shares been listed as a result of conversion, representing 4.45% increased on last FY's paid up and issued share capital.

Outstanding CBs represent another 190.147m new shares to be issued.

Actually, given the cash upfront for jiurui is not high due to issue of new shares, and the conversion when fully done, is another cash infusion.

Wouldn't it make some sense to pay down some
Of the debts??

life goes in cycles, predictable yet uncontrollable; just like the markets, but markets give you a second chance
Er... where got cash? All paper leh... cash will only be generated from underlying assets that is exchanged in part with shares...

No worries lah... comrades will look after us... have to get through the overhang though...


(26-08-2014, 07:37 PM)Greenrookie Wrote: Actually, given the cash upfront for jiurui is not high due to issue of new shares, and the conversion when fully done, is another cash infusion.

Wouldn't it make some sense to pay down some
Of the debts??

I am late investing into this company; is its books in good order as it is a chinese company?
(26-08-2014, 07:51 PM)greengiraffe Wrote: Er... where got cash? All paper leh... cash will only be generated from underlying assets that is exchanged in part with shares...

No worries lah... comrades will look after us... have to get through the overhang though...


(26-08-2014, 07:37 PM)Greenrookie Wrote: Actually, given the cash upfront for jiurui is not high due to issue of new shares, and the conversion when fully done, is another cash infusion.

Wouldn't it make some sense to pay down some
Of the debts??


Oops LOL pardon me.

I thought I saw some cash consideration when I read the announcement of acquisition. But like u say, it doesn't matter.

I was in the game late too.
life goes in cycles, predictable yet uncontrollable; just like the markets, but markets give you a second chance

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