Corporate Bankruptcy in Singapore

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Hi all,

I had a few thoughts for this rainy morning:

1. How prevalent is corporate bankruptcy in Singapore?
2. Are there any past examples of listed companies in Singapore going bankrupt (not penny stocks being de-listed, I'm rather referring to companies of market cap > S$500M)?
3. If so, how was the liquidation conducted?

It seems to me that the more common way for listed entities in Singapore to die is to die a slow death through consecutive years of losses / write downs / asset sales followed by rights issue to prop up a dying company, but subsequently still succumbing to further losses / write downs / asset sales...

And once the company has exhausted all possibility of fund-raising - banks won't lend and rights issue fail to be adequately subscribed; no white knight - then it just lingers on in the penny stock graveyard of the SGX for a few more years before finally de-listing.

Any forum members with thoughts? What are your most notable memories of corporate bankruptcy?
Pan Electric?


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