18-09-2011, 08:57 PM
Hmm.. it's just based on a facebook thread ..
Ken Chee of Value Investing versus Jimmy Wong of Forex Trading.
It seems both have seen success with their methods .. Anyone attending any of their workshops and tested their methods?
Joshua Lung
Last night, I saw Jimmy Wong executed 50 trades BLIND-FOLDED on past USD/JPY price data, achieving 67% accuracy in predicting price movement. Jimmy proved it is possible to predict future forex price movement with high accuracy. Raymond Ng Roger Koh Ben Aw Mark Lee Bill Tan James Wee
Like · · Share · Friday at 11:52am · Privacy:
Raymond Ng and 16 others like this.
Joshua Lung but of course not anyone can be like Jimmy. He has attained a very high level of mastery in forex trading
Friday at 11:54am · Like
Raymond Ng Boss, I am happy that you benefited from Jimmy Wong's course.
Friday at 12:06pm · Like
Ken Chee Dear Joshua, just want to support you on your journey of investing. Read this article below.
See the link for explanation,
According to Warren Buffett, there are many "monkeys" like to flip coins. Read the article and under the true essence of Warren message.
In addition, maybe we should nominate these traders with "High Accuracy" to manage GIC and Temasek portfolio so that our CPF return can be higher?
Friday at 12:40pm · Unlike · 3 people
Roger Koh Jimmy demonstrated blind fold techniques many times already n it is available on YouTube . He is gifted with that ability. I m not gifted but surrounded by gifted people. Lol.
Friday at 1:08pm · Like · 1 person
Norman Yeo Is 67% really amazing? Its so close to 50%. That means that for the risk he is taking his gain is around 10 - 15%
Friday at 1:24pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Thank you for the support Joshua, Raymond and Roger. One thing I learn in life is NOT only to speak of how CAPABLE you are but to prove with what you have in terms of skill set and ITEMS ( luxurious).Some like to self proclaim about how EXCELLENT their teachings are and how it will benefit others but they themself is not EVEN close to the mark. Some like to quote others in term of "teachings"... well personally I believe in originality. I don't need to quote others and there are alot of successful pple out there who succeeded as well similarly. Anyone who says they have made it there and so on... Try even asking and "SEEING" (not listening) what this self proclaimed successful person has in terms of the BASICs of OWNERSHIP> Cheers!
Friday at 1:27pm · Unlike · 6 people
Dennis Lee With Jimmy's current achievements, successes and wealth created from Forex as a trader, he has proven beyond doubt of his trading skillset, what's more with his sharing and demonstration. Seeing is believing, not just talking....
Friday at 1:31pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Dear Norman.... You are right it's not even close... well it was simply just a performance ..... FYI when I trade I don't blind fold..
The purpose of blind folding is just to demostrate candle sticks depiction.
Friday at 1:32pm · Like · 1 person
Joshua Lung Norman Yeo trading blind-fold means Jimmy Wong only use a very limited set of his skills set to trade. When he trade with eyes open and all the tools available, his success rate shoots up dramatically!
Friday at 1:34pm · Like · 2 people
Jimmy Wong Thanks Joshua for the explainations... appreciate and have FUN.
Friday at 1:35pm · Like · 1 person
Roger Koh Norman Yeo, if you can achieve 67% in the 4-trillion dollar market, wud you trade? Lol, if u r not trading, then trade for me lah...Lol..
Friday at 1:46pm · Like · 1 person
Roger Koh i m happy with 50.1%
Friday at 1:47pm · Like · 1 person
Lim Kian Meng Joshua! Wasn't that amazing? Jimmy can pull of 67% in one sitting. 10 to 15% in 1 night is pretty good. Oh ya. Blindfold. And I was trying to distract him too...haha.
Ken, I didn't know that u r the official spokesperson for Warren Buffet. If that is the case, congratulations! And please keep supporting people. I think it's important that people distinguish the masters from the bullshitters.
Good show Jimmy.
Friday at 1:55pm · Like
Teck Khoon Khng Point of clarification; 67% was a pure count only of 50 trades done; most winning trades were greater in pips than losses. In absolute PIPS count, it would have been closer to 80%. On top of that; 12 of the 17 lost trades, he predicted the outcome before it happened, just to share more of his insights of the market. Personally, I'm amazed having witnessed Jimmy's outstanding feats!
Friday at 2:01pm · Like
Dennis Lee Anyone would simply know that trading blind-folded severely handicaps a trader, and with more than 50 trades, it is statistically proven to be a significant and credible result.
Friday at 2:01pm · Like · 1 person
Kathleen Soh @ Ken Chee, being a reputable entrepreneur yourself, it's such a disappointment that such remarks came from you. Only a monkey would see himself as a monkey and jealous of others's success. If we were to nominate these traders with "High Accuracy" to manage GIC and Temasek portfolio so that our CPF return can be higher, doesn't it means that all Singaporeans will become useless and sit back and wait for money to drop down from the sky. I believe Singapore Government didn't want it that way.
Friday at 2:08pm · Like
Norman Yeo Awesome! Sounds like you guys have been making alot of money learning from jimmy.
Friday at 2:17pm · Like
Norman Yeo Anyway, I feel that even though this is an online channel, your personality is still being exuded here and it will carry it with you beyond online means.
I think it will be nice if we can maintain harmony by refraining from verbal insults. Personally i am not a trader but i know and respect many trader who are ethical out there because for a fact they are making money and it works for them.
There is no need to insult others for their comments either. Just be nice and be happy.
Friday at 2:31pm · Like · 1 person
Raymond Ng Guys guys, peace peace.
Friday at 3:11pm · Like · 1 person
Ho Canjie Dear Ken Chee, with all due respect, pls give due respect and refrain from posting terms like 'monkey' on someone's else FB page. I'm sure you would not like it if someone else does that to you too. Peace out all.
Friday at 3:32pm · Like
Ken Chee It is a pity that our government doesn¹t know how to appreciate talent.
Maybe Goldman Sach or other big hedge fund would like to work with him.
Or maybe you would like to pass him your personal or company fund and trade
to make more money since he can predict the future prices? All the best!
Friday at 3:48pm via · Unlike · 1 person
Ken Chee Dear Canjie, pardon for the miscommunication. Please read the pdf article and comment. Warren is referring "Monkey" as a replacement of human beings. That include me.
Friday at 3:52pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Frankly Ken Chee, Don't really need to justify your apologies here as really the understatement (or is there any) is very clear. Well, if you are very sucessful I will be happy for you too and definitely wish you the very best. To add on, it does not really matter who and where I can or would go and reder my skill sets ... its individual.. but still thanks for all the recomendations .
Friday at 4:18pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Also, I don't predict , I speculate.
Friday at 4:19pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Great top traders don't trade for conpanies and get "locked-in" ... but start FM companies themselves ..... Cheers
Friday at 4:21pm · Like
Tony Luah @Ken chee, respect others to gain respect for yourself. however from your remarks, I strongly believe you lost it all. Each has own ability so don't underestimate others to make yourself higher.... cos it will always backfired. If you are into brand mastery, yet you can't even master brand mastery for yourself... its quite a failure.
Friday at 4:21pm · Like · 1 person
Elis Chai You don't even know Jimmy well, how do you know he is not doing for other companies. Do not judge others if you can't make it yourself. I believe he did not say or insinuate that he can predict future prices, but encourage all to profit from the FOREX market in both bull and bear market. I personally benefited from this FOREX with his teaching. You should learn from his teaching so that your wealth can escalate further and stop sucking on your thumb and stepping on others who makes it bigger and richer than you.
Friday at 4:21pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Dear Norman, I don't blame you for the comments or even take offence.. REALLY. Great to know you since you commented...
Friday at 4:22pm · Like · 1 person
Tracy Ong Mr Wong is sharing more of his proven strategies at the Bootcamp and it is a great privilege to learn from him these 2 days. Without his sharing, the strategies will just be the secrets that are untold to the world.
Friday at 4:24pm · Like
Jimmy Wong To all that voiced up .... You guys voiced up as you have seen, witnessed and ULTIMATELY benefited from it... to others it's something RAW and tt's why the misinterpretation and qulams. Very well, lets move on!
Friday at 4:25pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Joshua, you shouldn't have complimented me ..... see what happens.... hahahahaha.... anyways, trade well and I am proud of you. Cheers !
Friday at 4:27pm · Like · 1 person
Leong Wai Loong We seen it, we believe, and is our honour to leaning with Jimmy Wong.
Friday at 4:28pm · Like
Dar Ling Norman and Ken, how does the grape taste? sour right??? if u dare to go have a real taste of this grape and its essence, u will know how sweet it is. Sour is FARRRR fr it. respect others first before u expect others to respect you. dont demand peace when u evoke war. messing with the wrong guy will only make yourself a victim. and facts is not something that can be messed with. so what are your facts?
Friday at 4:30pm · Like · 1 person
Tony Luah Let's move on with people who can succeed, not those who can't pull it off. We should learn from the masters and those who aspire to mastery, not just talk about it.
Friday at 4:30pm · Like · 2 people
Kathleen Soh Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point...
Friday at 4:31pm · Like
Leong Wai Loong Dar Ling, I guess they prefer banana, cos noisy monkey hunger for banana .. so dont even know hows sour taste ...too bad .. . llol
Friday at 4:35pm · Like · 1 person
Jimmy Wong Finally guys, for those who have seen it will believe, for those who have not MAYBE won't . Hmmm... funny part is why comment when you have not even seen it? Ok, Let peace and happiness prevail!! Have FUN and Let's ROCK on!!!
Friday at 4:38pm · Like
Ben Aw the posts made my hands itchy..... x.x"
but i m more keen in the results that Jimmy had achieved. is time for me to reconsider FX trading again. let me find the time to do it.
now go away for a short break 1st!
Friday at 5:08pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Anytime BEN AW... you are most welcome and I will do my best to fix your patch in trading. Cheers
Friday at 5:09pm · Like · 1 person
Ben Aw thanks Jimmy! need to find a "Shi Fu" like you to mentor us.....
Friday at 5:11pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Thank you guys... let's get ready to Lambo... err I mean "rumble"....lol
Friday at 5:12pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Ben, it will be my greatest honour and PLEASURE !!!!!!
Friday at 5:14pm · Like · 1 person
Raymond Ng Dear Bosses,
Both Jimmy Wong & Ken Chee are my good friend. This is really really a freak misunderstanding.
Firstly, the article mentions about a scenario in which the article uses "monkey" as a metaphor. It is used in that artlce as a thought experiment. Ken was not referring to Jimmy.
His comments are purely to support Joshua Lung. In fact, he replied through email to facebook, and he absolutely has not seen the whole shebang of a flame war here.
Anyway, it is different style. I myself am not attuned to trading as well. However, I acknowledge Jimmy for his totally honest way of imparting knowledge.
I know the both of them, and they are both great buddies to me.
Basically let us just stop this whole exchange.
Friday at 5:17pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Raymond, it won't even get started if all is clear and well..... anyway if you refer to the folowing posts the insinuation is clear cut... but to me time is of better usage eg. polishing my Lamborghini, BMW 7 series (F1 model), BMW x6 and Harley Davidson Road King then to indulge in this. See Raymond you are a great man that you know where are your lines of comments should lie and it has brought you to this great length. In short "talk only when you know what you are talking about". Anyway this "Flame" will be off when it should be off. Buddy, coffee soon .
Friday at 5:26pm · Unlike · 2 people
Jimmy Wong Ok supporters, all well and said... THNK YOU , THANK YOU FOR THE ZEALOUS SUPPORT and Let's have a good time in the mist of this weekend...... ROCK ON and LAMBO!!!
Friday at 5:28pm · Like
Raymond Ng Ok ok, peace peace.
Friday at 5:33pm · Like
Raymond Ng it is Friday, surely we have better things to do?
Friday at 5:33pm · Like
Kathleen Soh A mistake is always forgivable, rarely excusable and always unacceptable.
Friday at 5:44pm · Like
Raymond Ng It is weekend! Party time!
Anyway, yesterday I watched "How to train a dragon". Surprisingly simple yet very good movie. Watch it if you can!
Friday at 5:51pm · Like
Joshua Lung Ken Chee frankly speaking, i studied Corporate Finance in Uni and I understand the random walk theory. And one of my favorite investment books is "The Warren Buffet Way" by Robert G. Hagstrom. So I can make my own choices. Anyway, I was merely sharing what I witnessed. Just my way of acknowledging Jimmy Wong I appreciate what he did for the class
Friday at 7:08pm · Unlike · 3 people
Jimmy Wong ROCK on and LAMbo Joshua.............
Friday at 7:10pm · Like
Joshua Lung last night Jimmy Wong trade without blind-fold and achieved more than 90% success rate. Like that also can ah!!!
Yesterday at 11:20am · Like · 2 people
Jimmy Wong Thanks joshua... This is nothing to speak of .. Before someone else get jealous... Hahaha.. Thanks for support once again buddy.
Yesterday at 4:52pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Ok all supporters , time to rumble in my lamborghini Gallardo lp for a weekend drink ..... Text me if you want to join me. Maybe we pop in a book store to buy warren buffet book.... Lol
Yesterday at 5:50pm · Like · 1 person
Jimmy Wong Suddenly recalled.. Investments come in alot of areas.. Namely; business, financial investments, collectors items, some even says 4d.... But remember, Wife OR ANY LOVE ONES never an investment... Cos its God's gift.. Have a wonderful weekend.
14 hours ago · Like
Ken Chee of Value Investing versus Jimmy Wong of Forex Trading.
It seems both have seen success with their methods .. Anyone attending any of their workshops and tested their methods?

Joshua Lung
Last night, I saw Jimmy Wong executed 50 trades BLIND-FOLDED on past USD/JPY price data, achieving 67% accuracy in predicting price movement. Jimmy proved it is possible to predict future forex price movement with high accuracy. Raymond Ng Roger Koh Ben Aw Mark Lee Bill Tan James Wee
Like · · Share · Friday at 11:52am · Privacy:
Raymond Ng and 16 others like this.
Joshua Lung but of course not anyone can be like Jimmy. He has attained a very high level of mastery in forex trading
Friday at 11:54am · Like
Raymond Ng Boss, I am happy that you benefited from Jimmy Wong's course.
Friday at 12:06pm · Like
Ken Chee Dear Joshua, just want to support you on your journey of investing. Read this article below.
See the link for explanation,
According to Warren Buffett, there are many "monkeys" like to flip coins. Read the article and under the true essence of Warren message.

In addition, maybe we should nominate these traders with "High Accuracy" to manage GIC and Temasek portfolio so that our CPF return can be higher?

Friday at 12:40pm · Unlike · 3 people
Roger Koh Jimmy demonstrated blind fold techniques many times already n it is available on YouTube . He is gifted with that ability. I m not gifted but surrounded by gifted people. Lol.
Friday at 1:08pm · Like · 1 person
Norman Yeo Is 67% really amazing? Its so close to 50%. That means that for the risk he is taking his gain is around 10 - 15%
Friday at 1:24pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Thank you for the support Joshua, Raymond and Roger. One thing I learn in life is NOT only to speak of how CAPABLE you are but to prove with what you have in terms of skill set and ITEMS ( luxurious).Some like to self proclaim about how EXCELLENT their teachings are and how it will benefit others but they themself is not EVEN close to the mark. Some like to quote others in term of "teachings"... well personally I believe in originality. I don't need to quote others and there are alot of successful pple out there who succeeded as well similarly. Anyone who says they have made it there and so on... Try even asking and "SEEING" (not listening) what this self proclaimed successful person has in terms of the BASICs of OWNERSHIP> Cheers!
Friday at 1:27pm · Unlike · 6 people
Dennis Lee With Jimmy's current achievements, successes and wealth created from Forex as a trader, he has proven beyond doubt of his trading skillset, what's more with his sharing and demonstration. Seeing is believing, not just talking....
Friday at 1:31pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Dear Norman.... You are right it's not even close... well it was simply just a performance ..... FYI when I trade I don't blind fold..

Friday at 1:32pm · Like · 1 person
Joshua Lung Norman Yeo trading blind-fold means Jimmy Wong only use a very limited set of his skills set to trade. When he trade with eyes open and all the tools available, his success rate shoots up dramatically!
Friday at 1:34pm · Like · 2 people
Jimmy Wong Thanks Joshua for the explainations... appreciate and have FUN.
Friday at 1:35pm · Like · 1 person
Roger Koh Norman Yeo, if you can achieve 67% in the 4-trillion dollar market, wud you trade? Lol, if u r not trading, then trade for me lah...Lol..
Friday at 1:46pm · Like · 1 person
Roger Koh i m happy with 50.1%
Friday at 1:47pm · Like · 1 person
Lim Kian Meng Joshua! Wasn't that amazing? Jimmy can pull of 67% in one sitting. 10 to 15% in 1 night is pretty good. Oh ya. Blindfold. And I was trying to distract him too...haha.
Ken, I didn't know that u r the official spokesperson for Warren Buffet. If that is the case, congratulations! And please keep supporting people. I think it's important that people distinguish the masters from the bullshitters.
Good show Jimmy.
Friday at 1:55pm · Like
Teck Khoon Khng Point of clarification; 67% was a pure count only of 50 trades done; most winning trades were greater in pips than losses. In absolute PIPS count, it would have been closer to 80%. On top of that; 12 of the 17 lost trades, he predicted the outcome before it happened, just to share more of his insights of the market. Personally, I'm amazed having witnessed Jimmy's outstanding feats!
Friday at 2:01pm · Like
Dennis Lee Anyone would simply know that trading blind-folded severely handicaps a trader, and with more than 50 trades, it is statistically proven to be a significant and credible result.
Friday at 2:01pm · Like · 1 person
Kathleen Soh @ Ken Chee, being a reputable entrepreneur yourself, it's such a disappointment that such remarks came from you. Only a monkey would see himself as a monkey and jealous of others's success. If we were to nominate these traders with "High Accuracy" to manage GIC and Temasek portfolio so that our CPF return can be higher, doesn't it means that all Singaporeans will become useless and sit back and wait for money to drop down from the sky. I believe Singapore Government didn't want it that way.
Friday at 2:08pm · Like
Norman Yeo Awesome! Sounds like you guys have been making alot of money learning from jimmy.
Friday at 2:17pm · Like
Norman Yeo Anyway, I feel that even though this is an online channel, your personality is still being exuded here and it will carry it with you beyond online means.
I think it will be nice if we can maintain harmony by refraining from verbal insults. Personally i am not a trader but i know and respect many trader who are ethical out there because for a fact they are making money and it works for them.
There is no need to insult others for their comments either. Just be nice and be happy.

Friday at 2:31pm · Like · 1 person
Raymond Ng Guys guys, peace peace.
Friday at 3:11pm · Like · 1 person
Ho Canjie Dear Ken Chee, with all due respect, pls give due respect and refrain from posting terms like 'monkey' on someone's else FB page. I'm sure you would not like it if someone else does that to you too. Peace out all.
Friday at 3:32pm · Like
Ken Chee It is a pity that our government doesn¹t know how to appreciate talent.
Maybe Goldman Sach or other big hedge fund would like to work with him.
Or maybe you would like to pass him your personal or company fund and trade
to make more money since he can predict the future prices? All the best!

Friday at 3:48pm via · Unlike · 1 person
Ken Chee Dear Canjie, pardon for the miscommunication. Please read the pdf article and comment. Warren is referring "Monkey" as a replacement of human beings. That include me.

Friday at 3:52pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Frankly Ken Chee, Don't really need to justify your apologies here as really the understatement (or is there any) is very clear. Well, if you are very sucessful I will be happy for you too and definitely wish you the very best. To add on, it does not really matter who and where I can or would go and reder my skill sets ... its individual.. but still thanks for all the recomendations .
Friday at 4:18pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Also, I don't predict , I speculate.
Friday at 4:19pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Great top traders don't trade for conpanies and get "locked-in" ... but start FM companies themselves ..... Cheers
Friday at 4:21pm · Like
Tony Luah @Ken chee, respect others to gain respect for yourself. however from your remarks, I strongly believe you lost it all. Each has own ability so don't underestimate others to make yourself higher.... cos it will always backfired. If you are into brand mastery, yet you can't even master brand mastery for yourself... its quite a failure.
Friday at 4:21pm · Like · 1 person
Elis Chai You don't even know Jimmy well, how do you know he is not doing for other companies. Do not judge others if you can't make it yourself. I believe he did not say or insinuate that he can predict future prices, but encourage all to profit from the FOREX market in both bull and bear market. I personally benefited from this FOREX with his teaching. You should learn from his teaching so that your wealth can escalate further and stop sucking on your thumb and stepping on others who makes it bigger and richer than you.
Friday at 4:21pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Dear Norman, I don't blame you for the comments or even take offence.. REALLY. Great to know you since you commented...
Friday at 4:22pm · Like · 1 person
Tracy Ong Mr Wong is sharing more of his proven strategies at the Bootcamp and it is a great privilege to learn from him these 2 days. Without his sharing, the strategies will just be the secrets that are untold to the world.
Friday at 4:24pm · Like
Jimmy Wong To all that voiced up .... You guys voiced up as you have seen, witnessed and ULTIMATELY benefited from it... to others it's something RAW and tt's why the misinterpretation and qulams. Very well, lets move on!
Friday at 4:25pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Joshua, you shouldn't have complimented me ..... see what happens.... hahahahaha.... anyways, trade well and I am proud of you. Cheers !
Friday at 4:27pm · Like · 1 person
Leong Wai Loong We seen it, we believe, and is our honour to leaning with Jimmy Wong.
Friday at 4:28pm · Like
Dar Ling Norman and Ken, how does the grape taste? sour right??? if u dare to go have a real taste of this grape and its essence, u will know how sweet it is. Sour is FARRRR fr it. respect others first before u expect others to respect you. dont demand peace when u evoke war. messing with the wrong guy will only make yourself a victim. and facts is not something that can be messed with. so what are your facts?
Friday at 4:30pm · Like · 1 person
Tony Luah Let's move on with people who can succeed, not those who can't pull it off. We should learn from the masters and those who aspire to mastery, not just talk about it.
Friday at 4:30pm · Like · 2 people
Kathleen Soh Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point...
Friday at 4:31pm · Like
Leong Wai Loong Dar Ling, I guess they prefer banana, cos noisy monkey hunger for banana .. so dont even know hows sour taste ...too bad .. . llol
Friday at 4:35pm · Like · 1 person
Jimmy Wong Finally guys, for those who have seen it will believe, for those who have not MAYBE won't . Hmmm... funny part is why comment when you have not even seen it? Ok, Let peace and happiness prevail!! Have FUN and Let's ROCK on!!!
Friday at 4:38pm · Like
Ben Aw the posts made my hands itchy..... x.x"
but i m more keen in the results that Jimmy had achieved. is time for me to reconsider FX trading again. let me find the time to do it.
now go away for a short break 1st!
Friday at 5:08pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Anytime BEN AW... you are most welcome and I will do my best to fix your patch in trading. Cheers
Friday at 5:09pm · Like · 1 person
Ben Aw thanks Jimmy! need to find a "Shi Fu" like you to mentor us.....
Friday at 5:11pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Thank you guys... let's get ready to Lambo... err I mean "rumble"....lol
Friday at 5:12pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Ben, it will be my greatest honour and PLEASURE !!!!!!
Friday at 5:14pm · Like · 1 person
Raymond Ng Dear Bosses,
Both Jimmy Wong & Ken Chee are my good friend. This is really really a freak misunderstanding.
Firstly, the article mentions about a scenario in which the article uses "monkey" as a metaphor. It is used in that artlce as a thought experiment. Ken was not referring to Jimmy.
His comments are purely to support Joshua Lung. In fact, he replied through email to facebook, and he absolutely has not seen the whole shebang of a flame war here.
Anyway, it is different style. I myself am not attuned to trading as well. However, I acknowledge Jimmy for his totally honest way of imparting knowledge.
I know the both of them, and they are both great buddies to me.
Basically let us just stop this whole exchange.
Friday at 5:17pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Raymond, it won't even get started if all is clear and well..... anyway if you refer to the folowing posts the insinuation is clear cut... but to me time is of better usage eg. polishing my Lamborghini, BMW 7 series (F1 model), BMW x6 and Harley Davidson Road King then to indulge in this. See Raymond you are a great man that you know where are your lines of comments should lie and it has brought you to this great length. In short "talk only when you know what you are talking about". Anyway this "Flame" will be off when it should be off. Buddy, coffee soon .
Friday at 5:26pm · Unlike · 2 people
Jimmy Wong Ok supporters, all well and said... THNK YOU , THANK YOU FOR THE ZEALOUS SUPPORT and Let's have a good time in the mist of this weekend...... ROCK ON and LAMBO!!!
Friday at 5:28pm · Like
Raymond Ng Ok ok, peace peace.
Friday at 5:33pm · Like
Raymond Ng it is Friday, surely we have better things to do?
Friday at 5:33pm · Like
Kathleen Soh A mistake is always forgivable, rarely excusable and always unacceptable.
Friday at 5:44pm · Like
Raymond Ng It is weekend! Party time!
Anyway, yesterday I watched "How to train a dragon". Surprisingly simple yet very good movie. Watch it if you can!
Friday at 5:51pm · Like
Joshua Lung Ken Chee frankly speaking, i studied Corporate Finance in Uni and I understand the random walk theory. And one of my favorite investment books is "The Warren Buffet Way" by Robert G. Hagstrom. So I can make my own choices. Anyway, I was merely sharing what I witnessed. Just my way of acknowledging Jimmy Wong I appreciate what he did for the class
Friday at 7:08pm · Unlike · 3 people
Jimmy Wong ROCK on and LAMbo Joshua.............
Friday at 7:10pm · Like
Joshua Lung last night Jimmy Wong trade without blind-fold and achieved more than 90% success rate. Like that also can ah!!!
Yesterday at 11:20am · Like · 2 people
Jimmy Wong Thanks joshua... This is nothing to speak of .. Before someone else get jealous... Hahaha.. Thanks for support once again buddy.
Yesterday at 4:52pm · Like
Jimmy Wong Ok all supporters , time to rumble in my lamborghini Gallardo lp for a weekend drink ..... Text me if you want to join me. Maybe we pop in a book store to buy warren buffet book.... Lol
Yesterday at 5:50pm · Like · 1 person
Jimmy Wong Suddenly recalled.. Investments come in alot of areas.. Namely; business, financial investments, collectors items, some even says 4d.... But remember, Wife OR ANY LOVE ONES never an investment... Cos its God's gift.. Have a wonderful weekend.
14 hours ago · Like