Donation for Hosting bills

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Dear Forummers,

Your admin has contracted a one-year shared hosting plan with Dreamhost. The bill is US$119.40 yearly. This is about US$10 monthly.

If the forum is growing, your admin intends to upgrade the hosting plan to a minimal vps hosting plan which needs additional US$15 monthly plus one unique ip which costs US$3.5 monthly.

Your admin is requesting forummers' help to pay the hosting bills.

There are no other bills anymore because all other things - software installing, web maintenance, system administration, debugging, etc are done by your admin himself.

At the latest first week of every month, your admin will list all donations receives (anonymously) and the bills incurred.

To donate, you can click on this link Donation for Hosting or the donation button at the footer.

Because you're donating directly through DreamHost, rest assured that your donation will only be used to pay for this site's hosting fees. The site owner won't be able to run off and spend your donation on DVDs, fine steak dinners, or anything else completely unrelated to their web hosting bill!

So far, we have received US$5 donation.

Note: There is a processing fee of 5% plus $0.30 deducted from donations before they are applied to your bill.


Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.
Hi cyclone,

thanx for the time n effort in getting this forum running.. i'm sure our forumers will come forward to donate generously... would be unfair for u to bear all the burden entirely. of coz, i'll chip in as well!

Bumping up this Thread so it gets some attention.

Have donated already.

Don't have to be generous like President's Star Charity. Just the minimum will do. Smile
(18-10-2010, 07:47 PM)kazukirai Wrote: Bumping up this Thread so it gets some attention.

Have donated already.

Don't have to be generous like President's Star Charity. Just the minimum will do. Smile

ya man.. must get more attention to this thread. but seems like our donation enough to finance at least this mth expenses liao.


I don't really understand the mode of donation for this forum. As such, I am helping to click on the Google AdSense in my hope to help a little bit.

Cheers !! Rolleyes
Invest for Dividends:
My Passive Income Investing Blog

Thanks Cyclone for your effort to maintain the forum. Smile
I am sure more forumers will come forward to donate to ease the cost of maintenance and keep the forum going. Cool
Donations received for the month October 2010 :

Received (USD) : 5, 15, 5, 5, 15, 5 = USD 50
Net proceeds (USD) : 4.45, 13.95, 4.45, 4.45, 13.95, 4.45 = USD 45.7
Hosting bill for October 2010 : USD 9.95

SURPLUS (USD) : 45.7 - 9.95 = USD 35.75

Thanks for the support.
Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.
(01-11-2010, 02:10 PM)cyclone Wrote: Donations received for the month October 2010 :

Received (USD) : 5, 15, 5, 5, 15, 5 = USD 50
Net proceeds (USD) : 4.45, 13.95, 4.45, 4.45, 13.95, 4.45 = USD 45.7
Hosting bill for October 2010 : USD 9.95

SURPLUS (USD) : 45.7 - 9.95 = USD 35.75

Thanks for the support.

thanx for the update! i suppose good transparency will attract more pple to come forward n donate. looks like the remaining fund will be able to last a few more mths. just a suggestion, maybe u can update us on the fund at end of each mth/qtr/etc so that we know when we need to come forward n donate again.

For the the week of this month, we have received another USD 35. One donation of USD 30 and the other USD 5.
We have many months to go for a hosting bill of USD 9.95.
Thanks for the support.
Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.
Yes. It is a sustainable model Big Grin

I am quite encouraged that the forum has attracted many newcomers that are interested in value investing or whatever form of investing Big Grin

Of course, with d.o.g., dydx and mw around to provide excellent posts, the forum is already attractive enough Wink

But all thanks to Cyclone for his effort to setup the forum.


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