propertyinvestor, did you know that you're into cocoa company

The following is what I had extracted from the summary of the prospectus:
(RM’000) FY2009 FY2010 FY2011
Revenue 386,166 504,208 690,622
Gross profit 29,724 62,309 85,519
PBT 27,209 53,970 67,098
PAT 24,274 48,182 51,025
EPS (sen) 7.7 15.2 16.1
EPS (fully diluted) (sen) 6.1 12.0 12.8
Non-current assets 88,017
Current assets 237,786
Non-current liabilities 11,660
Current liabilities 214,381
Equity attributable to owners of the Company 99,762
NAV 99,762
NAV per Share (sen) 31.6
Note: All the numbers are in RM. Divide 2.5 for you to convert to S$
I'm using the exchange range of $1 Sing for $2.5 RM.
Offer Price: 30 cents
NAV: 12.64 cents
Price to Book: 2.37x
EPS: 5.12 cents