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  Charlie Hebdo print run could hit three million after attack
Posted by: CityFarmer - 13-01-2015, 04:36 PM - Forum: Others - No Replies

From 60,000 jump to 3 million, shows the support for the "Charlie", but I doubt it is sustainable...

Charlie Hebdo print run could hit three million after attack

PARIS - Up to 3 million copies of Charlie Hebdo could hit newsstands this week, dwarfing its usual print run of 60,000, in response to soaring demand for the first edition of the satirical weekly since last week's deadly attacks by Islamist militants.

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  Friction among remisiers comes to light
Posted by: CityFarmer - 12-01-2015, 09:50 PM - Forum: Others - No Replies

Friction among remisiers comes to light

SINGAPORE (Jan 12): An ugly dispute is rearing its head at the Society of Remisiers (Singapore), which has represented the interests of its member remisiers since 1986.

According to a press statement released by Vincent Khoo, a remisier with OCBC Securities, the SRS has decided to review his membership. In a letter addressed to Khoo, and forwarded by him to The Edge Singapore, SRS president Jimmy Ho alleges that Khoo has brought disrepute to the society. Ho confirmed that the letter is genuine but declined to comment.

In the letter, Ho rebukes Khoo for writing letters to the expressing views that are in opposition to those of SRS.

“Your rebuttal of points raised by the SRS is viewed to be deliberate and calibrated to belittle, discredit and run down the integrity and standing of the SRS,” the letter says.

Khoo, however, argues that his letters are written “in my own personal capacity and not in my capacity as member of SRS and my letters did not identify me as such. As a member of the public, I may have views which are diametrically opposite to those of SRS.”

Khoo has written many letters to the press over the past year on various issues including the role of remisiers, equity market trading volumes and proposed regulation by the authorities.

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  I'm a Singer 3 --- Kit Chan 《我是歌手3》陈洁仪
Posted by: FA+TA - 12-01-2015, 01:07 AM - Forum: Others - Replies (3)

Kit Chan out of I Am A Singer
By Gwendolyn Ng

Singer Kit Chan, 42, has become the first contestant ousted on the popular China singing reality contest I Am A Singer.

Though she teared up at the news of her elimination on the show that was aired Friday night, she says that has no regrets.

"I am not playing to win, but I wanted to make sure that I use this platform to showcase who I am now, and what I do best and believe in at this point in my life as a person and a performer."

The results are based on the votes of the 500-strong audience in the studio.

Chan is the first Singaporean singer to take part in the contest. It pits professional singers against one another. There are no details on when the show will air in Singapore.

Chinese media reports say that her elimination could have been due in part to her relative obscurity among the Chinese audience, compared to her competitors such as Hong Kong's Leo Ku and China's Han Hong.

See more at ST
She has earned the support of netizens, just read the comments in Youtube
《我是歌手 3》第一期 陈洁仪歌声《心动》
《我是歌手 3》第二期 陈洁仪《心如刀割》

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  Veteran lawyer Subhas Anandan dies
Posted by: FA+TA - 07-01-2015, 01:52 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (4)

One of Singapore's colourful personality. Health is important, got money but no health to enjoy also pointless.

Source: Channel News Asia

Mr Subhas Anandan has died Wednesday morning from heart failure, his family confirmed.

SINGAPORE: Veteran lawyer Subhas Anandan died on Wednesday morning (Jan 7) from heart failure, his family confirmed.

In a statement, they said: "Mr Subhas Anandan passed away this morning from heart failure. The family is grateful for the outpouring of condolences and love for the late Subhas. The family asks to be able to grieve privately during this very difficult time. Details of the funeral will be shared at a later stage.”

- CNA/kk

His other news:
Confession of a lawyer who went from hero to speed 0
The People’s Lawyer

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  Columbarium news irks future residents of Sengkang flats
Posted by: CityFarmer - 05-01-2015, 10:37 AM - Forum: Others - Replies (1)

Another NIMBY event?

Columbarium news irks future residents of Sengkang flats

SINGAPORE — News that a columbarium would be located close to their future homes has riled some would-be Fernvale Lea residents so much that they are asking the Housing and Development Board (HDB) for a refund on their flat.

The request was made by some among the 400 who turned up at a closed-door dialogue called by Sengkang West Member of Parliament (MP) Lam Pin Min yesterday, although they were assured that the Chinese temple housing the columbarium would not be providing cremation or funeral services,as had been said by articles circulating on social media.

After news broke last week of the coming columbarium, some current and would-be residents around Fernvale Link started an online petition to stop the development, which is expected to be completed by 2016. It has garnered more than 800 signatures.

In response to TODAY’s queries, the HDB said it would look into the residents’ request for a refund.

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  Education is key
Posted by: paullow - 02-01-2015, 12:25 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (3)

I haven't been posting for some time, here's my latest.


How to get rich? Born rich, marry someone rich, strike toto: these are the common answers. But really, money without knowledge is not useful.

Education is key to changing a person's life.

I guess so. Otherwise, I will not be here today myself!

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Wink Investing Journey
Posted by: corydorus - 27-12-2014, 03:05 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (1)

Wondering where to put this and if there is duplicate will need moderator help to move this.

My Journey started with Warrants Play as a Newbie actually sinc eonly need a small sum to play with. As i get bolder, Shares are expanded. Then S-Chip comes in. follow by GFC. Finally moving towards dividend and growth focus...

Here's my journey ... Cory Blog Link to Dividend

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  Sydney CBD Terror Attack
Posted by: BlueKelah - 15-12-2014, 10:26 AM - Forum: Others - Replies (12)

Hostages Taken in Sydney Cafe, Islamic Flag Reportedly Flown

Armed police surrounded a central Sydney cafe where at least one gunman took staff and customers hostage, as Prime Minister Tony Abbott said the siege may be politically motivated.

Television images showed hostages pressed up against a window at the Lindt cafe in Martin Place with their arms raised and holding a black flag with white Arabic lettering. State police said they were trying to make contact with those inside and warned people in the vicinity to stay indoors and away from open windows.

“We don’t yet know the motivation of the perpetrator,” Abbott, who convened Cabinet’s National Security Committee for briefings on the siege, told reporters in Canberra. “We don’t know whether this is politically motivated although obviously there are some indications that it could be.”

Australia raised its terrorism alert to the highest level in a decade in September, citing the threat posed by supporters of Islamic State,

Not sure why they are not saying if the terrorist are armed but looks like special forces sent in already.

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  Millionaires in Malaysia: 26,000 and counting
Posted by: FA+TA - 11-12-2014, 05:14 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (3)

8 Dec 2014

A new whitepaper from WealthInsight investigates wealth in Malaysia - a fast-growing millionaire and Islamic private banking hub powered by government funding and a significant increase in foreign direct investment.

Highlights of the attached whitepaper include:

* Kuala Lumpur is the city with the highest level of HNWIs at 13,800 in 2013, more than Abu Dhabi (12,500), Cape Town (8,753) or Birmingham (8,736).
* Malaysian billionaires held 209% more wealth than the whole Paraguayan HNWI population together.
* 54% of Malaysian HNWI foreign wealth is invested in Asia-Pacific countries, compared to only 46.8% of Indonesian HNWI foreign wealth.
* Malaysia is forecast to have more billionaires in 2018 (20) than the United Arab Emirates (19).
* Tom Carlisle, analyst at WealthInsight, says: "Since becoming an Islamic banking hub, Malaysia has seen a large surge in investment to its shores, increasing by 52.6% since 2008 to US$11.6 billion."

All information is based on the WealthInsight white papaer 'Millionaires in Malaysia: 26,000 and counting,' published in December 2014.


中央社报道,总部设于伦敦的独立研究公司WealthInsight收集了全球500个经济学家、分析师与研究师的国际富翁数据库资料后,并以高净值资产人士(High Net-WorthIndividuals)为目标,最终发布这项拥有百万美元富翁城市的白皮书。






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  Silviu Ionescu dies in jail hospital
Posted by: CityFarmer - 10-12-2014, 11:20 AM - Forum: Others - Replies (3)

A closure on the case. Justice prevails? I wonder how are the victims' families doing since the sad day...

Silviu Ionescu dies in jail hospital

BUCHAREST — Former Romanian diplomat Silviu Ionescu, who was found guilty of manslaughter for hitting three pedestrians while driving a car in Singapore, died yesterday (Dec 9) in a Romanian jail hospital, reported AFP.

The cause of death was cardio-respiratory problems, according to reports.

Ionescu had left Singapore after he was accused of causing the death of one pedestrian and injuring two others while driving an Embassy car in the early hours of Dec 15, 2009.

He was arrested by Romanian authorities in May 2010. He was sentenced to three years in jail by a Romanian court in March last year, and his sentence was doubled after he failed in an appeal earlier this year.

Sources: Agencies

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