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Thumbs Down whymoolah
Posted by: NTL - 28-01-2015, 10:36 AM - Forum: Others - No Replies

Happen to find this app in Apple Store. Also available in Android.

It is a game at teach basic personal finance in Singapore context. Though may not be useful to many here, it will be good for people who just started working, and like to learn a bit about personal finance.

IOS : https://itunes.apple.com/sg/app/whymoola...42264?mt=8

Andriod : https://play.google.com/store/apps/detai....whymoolah

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  Secrets of getting the best AGM buffets
Posted by: wahkao - 27-01-2015, 11:16 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (6)

Secrets of getting the best AGM buffets

here is the secret of AGM buffet.

If you are looking to go AGMs for buffet, buy those dirt cheap stocks. Now with min 100 shares, you can buy a dirt cheap stock at around $25 and attend AGM buffet eat full full.

Buy the stocks which nobody knows. Dont buy blue chips like keppel, SATS, Singtel. I confirm the buffet crowd will be very fierce. Buy those lesser known ulu ulu stocks like CDW, innovalue.(now not so lesser known anymore) The buffet crowd is better. Not so fierce. Often got food leftover because small company, ulu ulu nobodys knows about them, nobody attend the AGM.

for u to share more tips.....

[Image: SAM_1104.jpg]
[Image: neo-garden.jpg]

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  [split] What is a realistic return on value investing?
Posted by: moneyandco - 27-01-2015, 07:21 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (43)

For what it's worth, my latest portfolio performance is as attached.

Past reports can also be found at my blog http://moneyandco.weebly.com

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  Kim Jong Un to Visit Indonesia
Posted by: sgd - 25-01-2015, 05:10 PM - Forum: Others - No Replies

I wonder what in the world suddenly pique his interests to go indonesia, arms sales? Indonesia wants to buy nuclear technology? And what's in bandung? I know many parties and pretty girls there. Big Grin

Hope he bringing enough rupiah suay suay a few days after he arrives somebody instigates a military coup.


MOSCOW, January 25 (Sputnik) — The North Korean leader Kim Jong Un may be attending the April Asian-African conference in Indonesia, marking his first international official visit, Yonhap News Agency reported Sunday.

"For Kim Jong-un … the Bandung [Indonesian city] meeting will be a noteworthy diplomatic schedule," an unnamed South Korean government source was quoted as saying by the news agency.

Kim has not been reported to make any international trips since he became the leader of the isolated nation in December 2011. According to South Korean officials, Kim is expected to begin his international visits with the Asian-African Conference in Bandung.

Kim Jong Un, who is said to model himself after Kim Il Sung, the late founder of the North Korean totalitarian regime, is expected to follow the legacy of his predecessor, who joined the Bandung conference during its 10th anniversary in 1965.

Following this initial trip, Kim is expected to visit Moscow to attend the 70th anniversary of the Soviet Union's victory in World War II, in May.

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  Japan to sell talking robots that won’t try to make sense
Posted by: CityFarmer - 21-01-2015, 09:31 AM - Forum: Others - No Replies

A pretty new concept of using social robots...Hmm...

Japan to sell talking robots that won’t try to make sense

TOKYO — The scientist behind a new talking robot in Japan says people should stop expecting robots to understand them, and instead try to chime in with robotic conversations.

Mr Hiroshi Ishiguro’s 28cm-tall button-eyed Sota, which stands for “social talker”, is programmed to mainly talk with a fellow robot, and won’t be trying too hard to understand human speech — the major, and often frustrating, drawback of companion robots.

Sota, shown to reporters at a Tokyo museum today (Jan 20), goes on sale in July at under 100,000 yen (S$1131) each. To fully enjoy its features, one would have to buy at least two of them, although people can buy just one.

“Don’t stop at just two. Please buy three or four,” said Mr Ishiguro, a professor at Osaka University, who has previously shown a variety of robots that look eerily human, including one that’s his double.

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  Proposed public boozing laws ‘unfair to most drinkers’
Posted by: CityFarmer - 21-01-2015, 09:23 AM - Forum: Others - Replies (3)

The new law is having similar mentality as "no food/drink on MRT", which solved an issue quickly, with the expense of majority, IMO...

(I am not a regular drinker)

Proposed public boozing laws ‘unfair to most drinkers’

SINGAPORE — The proposed new laws to cramp alcohol consumption in public spaces have been widely pilloried, with brickbats focused on what are deemed as overreaching regulations.

The plan to bar boozing in public between 10.30pm and 7am, as proposed under the Liquor Control (Supply and Consumption) Bill tabled on Monday, drew widespread objection, with many saying it would be an unfair penalty on the majority of drinkers who are responsible.

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  Re: investing for my mom
Posted by: thor666 - 20-01-2015, 08:48 PM - Forum: Others - No Replies

(10-12-2014, 12:49 AM)thor666 Wrote:
(09-12-2014, 08:56 PM)Temperament Wrote:
(09-12-2014, 08:24 PM)safetyfirst Wrote:
(19-11-2014, 01:31 PM)thor666 Wrote:
(19-11-2014, 11:44 AM)greengiraffe Wrote: SCI 7 & 12 yr bonds indicative 3% and 3.7% anyone?

New Bond Issue...

Seriously I don't understand why would anyone buy these long dated bonds at such low yields...

Better off buying mother shares right?

Hi gg,

I am considering getting bonds for my mom as she may not have holding power. I think that might be a reason for people to buy bonds.

Also, very unlikely to happen, but if Sci goes bankrupt, bondholders will be paid first before shareholders.

Personally I would prefer to get stocks but I cannot guarantee for her the volatility.

Sent from my D5503 using Tapatalk

Well, a suggestion for you to guarantee, but consider this suggestion only if your mum wont touch this money for the next 7 years.

Ask your mum to loan you the money. You can pay her the interest of guaranteed 3% coupon from your pocket, you get the use of money for 7 years, which you can invest it in any way you like. If your mum has to loan money to someone, i think it is better to loan it to you than to SCI

It's a good idea only if he can guarantee to return his mum the money on demand anytime @ current market's price of the bond.

Thank you Temperament and safetyfirst. After checking out my moms profile, she has enough for a small portfolio, with sufficient cash holdings. I would be creating one based on mainly blue chip and mainboard stocks (generally safe and defensive stocks) for an estimated dividend yield of 4-5%. Will be great for her to have some small allowance since I can easily cover her emergency savings were she required to use for urgent case.

I'm still open to bonds myself. Probably will look at a small position in vanguard/Aberdeen bond etf as long term diversification.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Just an update for all interested: I set up a dividend based portfolio for my mom. Decided against the coupon idea (another blogger did that) as I do not want to complicate money matters (even though my mom trusts me a lot). Invested Singtel, ocbc, first reit, maple logistics and frasers centrepoint limited. Shareholdings are roughly proportioned at 20% each.

I would guarantee the base price purchase in the event of stock bankruptcy, emergency withdrawal or expected permanent loss of value. This way, my mom remains invested with her own money and dividends go directly to her bank account. My role is to monitor long term fundamentals as I have 3/5 of the shares invested.

The bonus is share appreciation in the long term. But looking forward to her first dividend payout, that will be her extra pocket money. Smile

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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  Edragon Portfolio
Posted by: edragon - 20-01-2015, 08:02 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (2)

Just for info only.

Just tabulated my annual dividends for 2014; 3.63% Big Grin (2.94% in 2013).

Total 79 counters, majority Local, HK, Japan & Malaysia.

Mutual Funds, Forex & Gold not included.

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  Board lot size - 100 shares
Posted by: pianist - 17-01-2015, 09:05 AM - Forum: Others - Replies (16)

coming this monday
anyone cares to share which trading platform is optimal for trading under this revised board lot size?


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  Foreigners among over 20 missing after tug sinks in China’s Yangtze: Xinhua
Posted by: CityFarmer - 16-01-2015, 04:56 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (3)

SembMarine guys are among the 20...

Foreigners among over 20 missing after tug sinks in China’s Yangtze: Xinhua

SHANGHAI — More than 20 people are missing after a tug boat sank in the Yangtze River in China’s eastern Jiangsu Province yesterday (Jan 15), the state-run Xinhua news agency reported today quoting local authorities.

Seven or eight foreigners working on the boat, including citizens of Singapore and Japan, were among the missing, it said. A French citizen may also be among the missing.

The tug was on a trial voyage when the accident happened yesterday afternoon, Xinhua said. Three people had been rescued and a search and rescue mission is underway. REUTERS

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