Directors' and Executive Officers' Watchlist

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i guess this would be a good list to stick to the singapore company's thread.

Directors and executive officers who do not possess the character and integrity expected of their office pose potential risks (reputational, compliance or otherwise) to companies.

This Watchlist set out the names of directors and executive officers who have been reprimanded by SGX, or who in the exchange’s opinion did not extend the necessary cooperation to the exchange. Issuers who intend to appoint any of these Watchlist individuals as directors or executive officers must seek the views and guidance of SGX before the proposed appointment.
quite bold of them to publish this list... Tongue
would have thought they need IPO/listings money more than reputations!! Tongue Tongue
1) Try NOT to LOSE money!
2) Do NOT SELL in BEAR, BUY-BUY-BUY! invest in managements/companies that does the same!
3) CASH in hand is KING in BEAR! 
This is probably a good case study to follow up on whether SGX's reprimand has any bite as VB lonewolf asked in the Datapulse thread.

Datapulse post:

China Sunsine were questioned back in June2018 and robustly defended him. Now the ID is up for his first re-election and the company has continued their robust defence, lets see the follow up action from SGX Regco (if any).

We will probably be able to conclude the size of Tan Boon Gin's bite in time to come.


When the Company was notified by Mr Koh Choon Kong ("Mr Koh") in or around the end of June 2018 about the reprimand by the SGX on 29 June 2018 (the details of which is set out in the announcement by the SGX on 29 June 2018 entitled "SGX RegCo reprimands Oriental Group Ltd, its former and present Directors and its former Group Financial Controller" ("SGX RegCo Announcement")), Mr Koh had explained to the Board in detail the circumstances which gave rise to the reprimand.


The Company had noted that in the SGX RegCo Announcement, SGX-listed companies are advised to consult SGX RegCo before they appoint, among others, Mr Koh as a director or member of management. However, the Company is of the view that Mr Koh is already an existing director of the Company, and is not seeking to appoint him as a new director.
(24-04-2021, 11:18 AM)weijian Wrote: This is probably a good case study to follow up on whether SGX's reprimand has any bite as VB lonewolf asked in the Datapulse thread.

Datapulse post:

China Sunsine were questioned back in June2018 and robustly defended him. Now the ID is up for his first re-election and the company has continued their robust defence, lets see the follow up action from SGX Regco (if any).

We will probably be able to conclude the size of Tan Boon Gin's bite in time to come.

1 year has passed and the ID is still an ID, approved by shareholders in the AGM last year. So it seems Tan Boon Gin's reprimand doesn't have much bite here.

In the greater scheme of things to develop a better ecosystem, we probably need the enforcer (MAS) and regulator (SGX Regco) to merge?

Protecting investor interests critical to rebuilding investor confidence in Singapore stock market

THE Society of Remisiers (Singapore) is in total concurrence withRaphael Lim's March 17 BT article "Enabling class action lawsuits could create alternative recourse for Singapore investors".

The Society of Remisiers would recommend that the regulator be under the ambit of the Monetary Authority of Singapore or be a standalone regulatory body.

This independent body would be a champion in the protection of investor interests and will have adequate resources at its disposal to hear investor grievances and undertake class action suits for cases worth pursuing. This would go a long way in re-establishing trust in the system.

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