Tong's View at Edge Sg

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I just get to know that The Edge Spore has been featuring value investing knowledge in Tong's View section in recent copies (not sure since which week).
After going through 2 articles, I found the knowledge to be frank and very much in the spirit of taking-care of risk & value investing.

I find his value investing portfolio (unfortunately only msia stocks) interesting. The result thus far shows that he is not only talk (or theory) but also in practice.

However, I can't really find the article online and hence the glance of them is below:

I have no relation to the edge and/or also Tong. At most my interest and biased (if any) could be bcos i invested in UPP.
My views are your Gilbert & Sullivan's:
"The flowers that bloom in the spring, have nothing to do with the case".

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