Tencent’s 2016 tech executive pay surpasses Apple, IBM

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I expect them to be paid very well, but i did not expect the pay to be higher than the American senior executives. In my opinion, the Americans have gone overboard.
(16-04-2017, 03:48 PM)touzi Wrote: http://www.scmp.com/tech/article/2088011...-apple-ibm

I expect them to be paid very well, but i did not expect the pay to be higher than the American senior executives. In my opinion, the Americans have gone overboard.

In my opinion, Tencent has gone overboard in terms of its compensation. I shall list down my reasons why I think so:-
1) Tencent is listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange compared with Apple/Amazon/Twitter/IBM that are listed on the American Stock Exchange. (Note: even the person who is paid US$39.9mil is not reported)
(Disclosure requirements in Hong Kong are not as comprehensive as compared to the US stock exchange.)
The number of frauds in the recent years within the Chinese/HK markets are indicative of the lapses in regulation. 
- (http://www.scmp.com/business/markets/art...regulatorshttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/arti...fraud.html; http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/a...2016-kroll)
2) Apple's compensation committee 4 (William V. Campbell[chairman of Intuit, board of trustees of Columbia University], Millard S. Drexler[CEO of J.Crew(apparel)], Albert A. Gore, Jr.[Ex vice pres of america], Andrea Jung[Grameen America - non-profit]) 
compensation charter:- 

Tencent compensation committee (Li Dongsheng, Koos Bekker, Ian Charles Stone)
Ian Charles Stone (Managing director at PCCW, HK's premier telecommunications provider) see the link there? Tencent internet company likely to have business with him.
Jacobus Petrus "Koos" Bekker (Chairman of Naspers, which is currently the biggest shareholder of Tencent)
Li Dongsheng (Charman of TCL Communication, electronics producer) - likewise, not exactly very independent, there are likely to be various transactions between TCL and Tencent.

Remuneration committee terms:-

In my opinion, the compensation committee for Tencent is very weak with its independent directors not exactly very independent apart from Jacobus the chairman of Naspers. This coupled with weaker disclosure requirements allows the employees within Tencent to have more power to dictate their remuneration packages.

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